
The Hall of Idea’s

Where all my idea lay to either waste or consideration

TheMagusGuild · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Idea[The King of Nova Magnus]

Name: Elijah Reaven

Title: None

Class: None

Race: Human

Alignment: True Evil

Level: 1 [Exp: 0.00%]

Tier: 1

HP: 100/100 [20 per Minute]

Mp: 100/100 [20 per Minute]

Sp: 100/100 [20 per Minute]

STR: 10

CON: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

CHR: 10

Points: 0



[Gamer's Mind• Lvl Max]

[Gamer's Body• Lvl Max]

[Observe• Lvl Max: N/A]

[Map• Lvl Max]