
The Half Blooded Mythical One

A story of a boy who even struggles to sleep at night and despite not knowing that he has a bloodline of higher status than other's but lower due to been a half born in his own kind but unknown of these facts and how he struggles from weak to strong to become the top Apex Predator of his own bloodline of Werewolf..............

V_Monarch · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Beginning of Awakening

Chapter - 1 [ Begins ]

The world we live in is not as simple as you all think it is not only comprised of human or animal or insect or any microorganisms there are much more than that in this mysterious world which contains many types of mythical creatures.....

And one among them is a mythical creature know as a " Werewolf "....

Well it's not know by many because there are taboos which should never be committed by any human if we're to be committed can have many consequences which can lead to the Extinction of the entire human race.....

One of the taboo among them is for a mythical creature to show their existence to human's...

Whaat haa aaa a nightmare not again...

Almost 1 or 2 pm at the middle of night filled with the stary sky, damn I woke up....

Not again, not to be able to sleep as long as I remember this unreasonable or unpredictable feeling of some sort or you might just call it a pain in my chest..... (To be precise in the Heart )

As long as I remember I am not even able to sleep a bit at night . I scream in pain and Agony it feels like my blood boils and tells me to devour just .....devour

If I say so what's worng with me why, is it this stupid disease or whatever it's in my live why can't I live normally just go to sleep like others do well you folks might say just go and ask about it from your parents or some like that well it's just that the only one person I can ask about it is my father some of you might think what about my mother ...

Because my mother left me with my dad when it was barely a month old and at that time my dad was poor and was under a huge debt.... (A huge one at that)

So I tried to ask my dad about it he just say say's that just think of it as your Bloodline Curse ..... (What Bullshitt)

So what should I do, should I go to a doctor well it's not like I didn't go to a doctor it's just that when ever I go he or she just says that it's sleep paralysis or some type of phobia or mental trauma of some sort may be caused by some financial problem or any violence related ....

Damn the truth of the reality is it's not a trauma special not releated to some sort violence related stuff I can't even fight well to be precise.....

Well the only choice left is to just aspect the truth of the reality and endure the pain like I have been enduring since every single day.....

Well that's the thing before my awaking because the truth of the reality is that I am a half blooded werewolf isn't that awesome...

The awakening that I just mentioned is the phenomenan at which the werewolf born awakens its true form or you can just say awakens his or her powers related to its own personal Bloodline...

And you all might be thinking how do I poses such knowledge when I am not even able to sleep properly at night or was not properly at night it all happened on my 17 birthday ....

When my father came home early and i thought that he might take me out for dinner because it was my birthday well that's what I thought.....

Well he took me out but not to the a fancy family restaurant but instead to a mountain near our town well I was obviously confused that where that heck are we going I asked him that where the heck are taking us he just ignored me and said to put stay...

Not long after that we reached the mountain top of the mountain where I saw a small house it might be wrong to say it a house in fact it was more like a single room made in know where and to my surprise my father even had the key to it...

He opened the old rusty door and called me in and when I entered inside I suddenly lost consciousness and when I woke up I saw my father standing in front of me and I tried to move towards him but strangely enough my hand and feet were tired down not with some cheap rope but metallic chains⛓️ I was horrified and almost out of my mind ...

Then suddenly I saw a lady standing next to my father and was holding his hand I was probably the most horrified and confused person in this world I guess....

And the she called me " Leon Wereheart "

Ya guy's it my name well in short everybody just calls me leo well that matter aside , between I sensed a invisible bonding in her voice and that stare of her reminded of some kind of parental bond between two....

Then suddenly my father said to the lady next to him that honey..... What honey!!! (Leo)

let's hurry up we don't know how long will it take him to awaken his bloodline we should hurry ...

But we don't have much time on our hands either.... That's what my father said.

Well to be exact if the elders found out that you are out from the tribe for way to long they will definitely send weregards for your capture....

And it they found out about leo and I am still alive it will not just end with our slaughter but the slaughter of the whole town so plz honey start the ritual for awakening for leo....

And I leo was like what in the holy hell are they even talking about what elders, what awakening I can't even understand a single thing...

And then my father said to me the reason why I am not able to sleep at night was because of your bloodline son you are a werewolf like the mythical creatures we read or hear in all about in mythologies ....

To be exact son you are not an ordinary werewolf you are the only one and to be precise a .

" The Half Blooded Werewolf ".....

Chapter - 1 [ The End ]