
The guardians of Pandora

The world Beatris Potter lived in was turned upside down when she received her letter of acceptance from Hogwarts the school of which craft and wizardry. But that part we all know about. Our story begins when she meets a queer duo on the train. Siblings? wow she is sooo cute and look at the boy, he is soo handsome. Wait i take it back, he is an absolute jerk. In a world where every one from her teachers to her friends tries to manipulate the girl who lived for their own gains, she meets Nathan. The boy who did'nt give a damn about her status. As Beatris meets Nathan she is plunged into a world of even greater darkness. A mystery bigger than she alone can handle. Who are the morning stars, what is a Pandora's box, what secrets is it harboring, why does'nt Nathan trusts any one, what powers is he hiding, what is the boy's dark past. As she tries to look for all the answers she comes across an evil greater than any have ever faced, an evil even the dark lord himself fears. "professor dumbledore" the man ran into the headmasters office."calm down. tell me what happened."he inquired. "the prophecy ....... it changed" "What are YOU SAYING, ARE YOU EVEN IN YOUR SENSES" "yes i am look for your self" "you were right it has changed, but what could cause such disturbance in the destiny of the girl who lived?" Disclaimer: The main character is Nathan. Beatris Potter is the female lead but the MC is Nathan English is not my first language. First time writing a novel. All harry potter characters belong to J.K.Rowling.

White_Pheonix_ · 映画
111 Chs

55: Meeting some old relatives

(Nathan POV)

When sis went to sleep, that was time for us to get to work. I slowly crept out of my bed and put on my clothes. I took my wand from the drawer and stored it. The next step was to sneak into the training room and get Aura and Vespera. Although I could summon them from anywhere but I was more comfortable with having them at my disposal every time. I entered the room and looked around. The twin blades were quietly hung on the wall as if resting after a complete day of work. I took them off quietly and tied them on my back. Before going out I needed to check something. Walking towards the sister's room, I opened the door as lightly as I could. The room was quite big with cupboards on both sides. In the center was a table with couches on three sides. At the further end of the room was another table. Behind that table was a chair on which sis usually worked. Behind her on the wall was a window. On the right side was a fireplace. Above the fireplace was a big square. It was nothing special just a bit of change in colour of the wall due to a portrait frame being hung there for centuries. This was the working room of the family head and above the fireplace, it was a custom to hang the portrait of the family head. The portrait hanging there was that of my father. Well at least till I tore it down. Now the place was empty revealing a slight light coloured square. Sis was the new family head but she said that she did not need a portrait and that it was stupid. So now the place was empty and only due to a slight colour change could one tell that something used to hang there. I looked towards the chair on which sis was sitting. Her head was on the table and she was literally snoring.

(Overwork. Again)

I walked into the room and tiptoed across, towards sis. I did not want her getting up or else I would have helped her get into a bed. So, I simply pulled a blanket over her and left the room.


(Jacob POV)

At the appointed time I was outside the mansion and as expected Nathan was outside waiting for me. He looked elegant. His red eyes sparkled in the night and his hair reflected the moonlight. Unlike his regular days, right now his hair was not tied loosely. Instead, he had tied his hair tightly in a ponytail. His twin blades were hung behind him and he was standing there simply staring at the sky.

"Someone looks prepared."

"Yeah.... I had to. It's been a long time since I met my cousins." He clenched his fists.

"You know that there is no need to be so enthusiastic." I spoke.

He immediately turned is head towards me and glared. It had been some time since I had seen this kid for the first time. But I had never been able to get use to this gaze of his. It always gave me the cold fingers. Those deep crimson eyes of his always seemed to pierce through my soul. Whenever I looked into his eyes, I do not know what others felt but to me it was like staring into a deep abyss. Although his powers were sealed but that did not matter to my eyes. I could easily look pass that seal. From the moment I laid eyes on that kid I knew one thing for sure. This kid was a monster.

"So, shall we go now?" I asked.

"I am ready. So where are we going."

"Outskirts of London. To Surry."

I put a hand on his shoulder and we both apparated.


(Nathan POV)

We apparated from the mansion and appeared on the roof of a building.

"Where are we now?" I asked him

"In Surry. According to my knowledge this is where we will find them. That is...…. if we are lucky."

"What do you mean by lucky? Did you not tell me that you know where they are?" I asked him a bit coldly. Truth be told, I did not like this guy and I could not help it.

"I did say that I know but...…. That was in the past. These folks kept moving and we do not know if they are here now or whether they have already moved. That is why I used the term 'LUCKY'" He emphasized on the last word.

"TCH." I clucked my tongue. "Whatever. So, what's the wait now." I asked

"Nothing." Saying that he sat on the ground and closed his eye.

"You still can't do it." I asked

"Can you?" He barked

"I have it harder than you...…. Okay" I growled back.

"If you can't then you have no right to criticize me." Now he was getting on my nerves.

"You have trained longer than me." I rebuked him again.

"Are we really going to argue about who has trained long. If we are gonna talk about this, I have many things I can say as well." He got up and looked me in the eye.

"I-I...." I could not think of any thing to say "Whatever let's just get it over with." I changed the topic.

"Yeah, I thought so too." He sat back down and closed his eyes.

I waited..... In about three minutes he opened his eyes again and looked at me.


"We are indeed lucky." He chuckled. A smile appeared on my face.


"Half a kilometer west."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked him. He did not reply and simply placed his hand on my shoulder and in the next moment the world around me turned to a blur.

We arrived in front of what looked like an abandoned ware house.

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"I know. It's a bit old fashioned and cringe."

"A bit?"

"Okay...…. A lot."

"Are you really sure Jacob? I do not even feel any kind of magical protections. On this place."

"I Am pretty much sure that they are here. The lack of protection as also alarming for me. But that means that these people are going to leave soon. Plus, lack of magic can also provide a kind of insurance. If they do not use any kind of magic, nothing below Odin's eye will be able to locate them easily." Jacob reasoned.

I kind of understood what he said. It was the only plausibly theory.

"Shall we?" I looked at him

"Be my guest" He bowed and gestured me to enter.

I walked up to the door and opened it, with Jacob behind me, we both entered the ware house. The inside was as run down as the outside of the place. It would have been dark if not for the various holed providing moon light in the place. We entered the door. It was connected to a small tunnel. As we moved through the tunnel, we started to hear voices. As we kept moving, they became clearer and clearer.

"So, we will need her as well." I heard a man say.

"That is what he told us." This time it was a woman.

"This is getting troublesome. We need someone on the inside." Someone said.

"What if lord fails and he takes control over him."

"ARE YOU INSANE?" All the others were enraged.


(If we stay like this, we might actually be able to find out about their original plan.)

"Everyone quiet, we are not alone" I heard a serious voice.

(AAAAnnnndddd of course they would find out about us)

Every one in the room fell silent.

"Come out the two of you who ever you are. I know you are there so there is no need for you to hide." I heard the same voice again.

Hearing that, I turned my head towards Jacob and looked him in his eyes. He looked back and then he just shrugged his shoulders and got up. Following his lead, I did as well. We walked and exited the tunnel. The room we entered was big and wide. There were no walls what so ever. Only a few pillars were present to hold the structure together. In the middle of the room, a table was placed. Around that table were six people. They were wearing cloaks.

"Look what we have here. Lord Nathaniel and the monster. What do we owe the pleasure?" One of them bowed to us. He was the same person who had discovered our presence. I could tell from his voice.

"Pleasure?" I chuckled. "You guys do not know for how long I had been searching for you people." Rage was boiling inside me. I pulled out my sword.

"Oh my. You have your personal armament. You might actually be the youngest to become a guardian." This time it was a girl "So might I ask, what is your class?"

"Why do you need to know that. You will be dying in a moment." I took my stance.

"OOOOOO...….. the kids got some spunk." Another one of them said. "I bet he is a knight."

"So, a knight and an assassin. Hey Leo..... you and I will be enough. The rest of you get out of here." Said the girl who had asked me the question. Upon hearing her another cloaked man came forward and then he was the first one to remove the hood from his head. Under it was a familiar face. The moon light reflected from his silver hair and his brown eyes were looking calm. He had a heavy and muscular build. His hair was cut in a cadet style. He looked me in the eyes calmly and then his lips moved.

"Come to me. Bone crushers." He said and then clashed his own knuckles against each other. Magic burst from his hands and two gauntlets started to form on his arms. The rest of them quickly gathered their stuff and held hands getting ready to apparate.

"Oh no, you do not." I said as I ran towards them. I Slashed Leo with Aura which he simply blocked with his right-handed gauntlet. But he was never my aim. Using that gauntlet as a pivot and my momentum as torque, I spun around Leo and came at his backside. And in the next moment I changed my grip of Aura from forward to a backward grip and jumped towards the other six.

"I've got you." But that was only my imagination because before my sword could reach any of them, I stopped in midair.

I looked behind me and saw that Leo was holding my ankle.

(Shit….. let go)

I tried to kick his face but he easily blocked it. Before I could do anything, he lifted me like a toy and threw me back towards the entrance. I tried my best to land on my feet but I was not a cat. My back hit the floor first, and I was able to get a little stable. After a flip I dug Aura and Vespera into the ground to stop my momentum. The moment I stopped; I ran back towards them. I needed to stop those guys from running away. They were my only lead to the truth. But before I could even reach half the way, I was again intercepted by Leo.

"You are not going to stop them. I am sorry lord Nathaniel, but I can not let you interfere. Please forgive me for this." Leo said

"Do not call me that. I AM NOT YOUR LORD." I slashed him using my left sword again but he stopped it with his right. I tried to kick him in the abdomen but as my kick connected with his abdomen, I felt as if I had kicked a rock.

(What the hell is this guy made of. And where is Jacob. They will run away if I do not do something.)

When I was thinking this, the others were getting ready to apparate.

"Keep him busy Leo" One of them shouted.

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind all of them with out making a sound. No one noticed its approach. It slowly rose its hand which held a knife and then brought it down on the head of the one in the center.


The knife hit a metallic pole.

"TCH" the shadow clicked his tongue and jumped back. Every one turned towards him.

"Looks like you caught me. Jacob revealed himself."

(He was so close.)

The one to stop him was the girl that had agreed to stay behind with Leo. She took off her hood to reveal the characteristic white hair of the Morningstars. Her hair was short and reached her shoulders. She was holding a spear with a metallic rod and a long blade. It was a kind of a naginata. Her eyes were grey coloured and she had a round baby face.

"I knew you were sneaky but this was too much. You almost had them. If I had not trained myself in two specialties someone would have died." She said.

"And I never thought that you would be able to detect me." Jacob said and ran towards them again but it was already too late. I could feel the magic gathering and then I saw the four of them disappear from sight.

"Hah. Now that those old folks are gone, we can enjoy our reunion. So how are you Jac {A/N: Pronounced as jake}"

"I do not want to talk to you, Irene." Jacob replied.

"That is Irene 'MORNINGSTAR' to you." She pointed her spear towards Jacob.

He pulled out his second knife and grabbed both of them in a backwards grip.

"They are gone but we can ask you where they are going." Saying that Jacob vanished from sight.

"Ugh, I hate you assassins." I was looking at their fight when I felt danger.

"What are you looking at." I heard a growl and ducked just in time to dodge a punch that would have busted my skull. Ducking down I slashed at his legs. He jumped to avoid the slash and I rolled towards the right. In the next moment I was standing in front of him again. He took a stance that resembled boxing.

"Brawler Leonardo Morningstar at your service my lord." He said while not removing his eyes from my swords.

"You are no longer a Morningstar..... Leonardo. You lost that right when you betrayed us." I raised Aura above my head and and pointed both my swords at him at the same time.

"And I Knight Nathaniel Morningstar will defeat you now." And I jumped at him