
35. Waverly’s Birthday Surprise

Today was the day; Waverly’s birthday. Nicole had been planning this day out for quite some time now. Of course, Waverly already knew about the ‘surprise’ party, but she had no idea about the other surprise Nicole had for her.

The redhead woke up that morning extremely nervous. She went back and forth, debating whether or not to actually go through with her plan, but knew that it would be worth it. She tried to focus on that, and not on the potential scenario of being caught…which would be her worst nightmare. Besides, she was on front desk duty today, which meant that it would be a slow day spent sitting in a chair anyways.

Waverly had left a little earlier than Nicole for work, leaving her with plenty of time to prepare the surprise without the brunette catching her. When Nicole got out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her hair as she began to get dressed. She walked over to the closet and took out their strap-on, smiling at it before putting it on. She pulled a looser pair of black slacks she had bought up over her hips and adjusted the dildo so that the bulge was barely noticeable. She then finished putting on the rest of her uniform, triple checked her utility belt, and confidently strolled out the door, plucking her Stetson from the coat rack along the way. When she got in the police cruiser, she looked down at her crotch to make sure that nothing looked too out of the ordinary, and smiled at her success. She turned the key in the ignition and began her route to The Grind.

Nicole was glad that she had remembered to tell Dolls to drive straight to work that day. Normally they would meet outside The Grind and hop in the cruiser together before rolling into the station, but today she explained that she was going to spend a little bit of time with Waverly this morning. He shrugged it off, figuring it had something to do with her birthday…although, technically he was right.

“Good morning, birthday girl.” Nicole chimed as she walked through the door of the coffee shop.

Waverly’s eyes shot up from the espresso machine to her girlfriend as she sported a wide grin. “That’s me!”

Nicole chuckled, finding Waverly’s excitement adorable. “Is Darren here?”

“Nope, just me. His shift doesn’t start for another couple of hours.”

The redhead immediately flipped the ‘open’ sign on the door around to ‘closed’ as she strutted towards Waverly, tossing her Stetson on a table she passed by along the way.

Waverly giggled as Nicole wrapped her arms around the petite woman before pulling her into a greedy kiss.

“Nicole, you can’t just close the shop because you want to make out with me. There are rules.”

“Oh, come on, it’s just for a few minutes…ten tops.”

Waverly looked at Nicole with hesitation. “I don’t know…”

“Please? I’m really horny and I want you right now.” She pushed Waverly against the wall and pressed their lips together in a kiss hungrier than the last.

Waverly melted into Nicole’s soft lips before pulling back and resting the back of her head against the wall, gasping for air. “How much?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nicole furrowed her brow. “How much what?”

“How much do you want me?”

A devilish grin spread across Nicole’s face as she took Waverly’s hand and forced her to cup the crotch of her slacks, smiling at the way Waverly’s jaw dropped.

“This much.” Nicole said in a seductive voice, squeezing Waverly’s hand around the bulge.

“Seriously?” Waverly asked astonishingly as she looked down between their bodies. “Are you really…” She trailed off in disbelief before looking back up at Nicole.

“It’s your birthday surprise. Do you like it?” Nicole’s heart raced as she began to get nervous for Waverly’s reaction.

“Do I like it? Nicole, I love it! God, this is so sexy baby. I can’t believe you’re actually wearing this under your uniform right now.” Waverly’s eyes were wide with shock.

“All for you baby.”

“You’re taking it off after you leave here, right?”

Nicole smirked as she shook her head. “I’m wearing this all day.”

Waverly was speechless. The amount of courage Nicole had to actually wear their strap-on to work today was turning her on beyond belief. She didn’t care about the shop being closed anymore, because right now her mind was too clouded with arousal to think responsibly. Nicole said ten minutes tops, but Waverly knew it wouldn’t be more than five.

With her bottom lip drawn between her teeth, Waverly shook her head, staring hungrily at Nicole’s lips. She took the officer’s hand and dragged her into the employee bathroom, figuring it would be better than doing it out in the store where they served food and beverages.

As soon as they closed the bathroom door, Waverly pounced on Nicole and began devouring her lips, feeling as if she just couldn’t get enough. Nicole expertly flicked her tongue across Waverly’s, causing the brunette to moan.

“Take it out.” Waverly panted between kisses.

Nicole hastily unzipped her pants and pulled the Dildo out of the zipper hole. She pulled a condom out of her pocket and quickly rolled it onto the purple cock before wrapping her hands around Waverly’s waist and lifting her up onto the bathroom counter.

Earlier this morning when Nicole suggested that Waverly wear a skirt today, she didn’t understand why the redhead was being so adamant. Now it all made sense, and she was grateful that she was wearing the mini skirt. She braced her hands on either side of her and lifted herself up from the counter as Nicole reached under the garment and yanked her panties off, placing them on the counter next to Waverly. Waverly sat back down on the counter on top of the fabric of her skirt and impatiently waited as Nicole pulled a pocket-sized bottle of lube from her pocket.

“Where did that come from?” Waverly asked as she quirked an eyebrow. She didn’t recognize the bottle.

“I bought it online…along with this.” Nicole smiled, dimples on display as she reached into her pocket again and pulled out a small remote.

Waverly instantly knew what it was for – a wireless vibrator. Which meant that the vibrator was inside the harness right now.

As soon as Nicole finished rubbing on the lube, she stepped forward between Waverly’s spread legs and lined the tip up with her entrance. She slowly pushed her hips forward until she was all the way in, and Waverly let out a satisfied sigh.

“Good?” Nicole asked.

“One hundred percent yes.” Waverly replied as she wrapped her arms around Nicole’s shoulders, smiling when the officer began thrusting in and out of her.

This was great and all, but Waverly wanted more. She wanted rougher, harder. And she wasn’t going to get that by sitting on this counter.

“Wall.” She panted in Nicole’s ear.

Nicole stopped her motions and pulled her head back to look at Waverly. Her face was scrunched in confusion. “Huh?”

“Fuck me against the wall.” Waverly elaborated.

Nicole grinned, grabbing Waverly underneath her backside and carefully picking her up, pressing herself against the brunette so that the dildo wouldn’t slip out. She rotated them ninety degrees to the left before pushing Waverly up against the cool wall and continued rocking her hips.

“Oh!” Waverly moaned. She threw her head back against the wall and gasped at the feeling. She hugged her legs tightly around Nicole’s waist and held on as she felt herself getting closer to the edge.

“Give me the remote.” Waverly demanded as she held her hand out.

Nicole reached into her pocket and pulled out the remote, handing it over to Waverly, who immediately turned it on. Nicole grunted at the feeling and began to thrust her hips even harder in response, daring Waverly closer to her climax. The officer dropped her lips to Waverly’s neck, and Waverly was a goner.

“Nicole! Fuck!” Waverly shouted with closed eyes and a concentrated expression before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip as she came around the firm length.

It was only a few seconds before Nicole reached her own orgasm, and Waverly was careful to turn off the vibrations at just the right time. When she couldn’t hold on anymore, Waverly dropped her legs from Nicole’s waist, trusting the floor to catch her, which it did. She slid down the wall and leaned against it with her feet flat on the bathroom tile, sighing as she felt the cock inevitably slip out of her dripping center. She relaxed her head against the wall and opened her eyes, smiling so wide at Nicole that the corners of her eyes crinkled in the way that Nicole always adored.

“Please tell me there will be more of that today.” Waverly let out a satisfied sigh.

“You’re the birthday girl. You tell me.” Nicole smirked.

“Then yes. There will definitely be more of that today.”

Nicole chuckled and gave Waverly a chaste kiss before pulling the condom off. She began to throw it away, but then realized Darren could find it. The last thing she wanted was to leave Waverly with the task of having to explain what they had done in there.

As Waverly noticed Nicole trying to figure out what to do with the condom, she took it from the officer.

“Here, I’ll put it in some tissue and throw it away. Do you have the wrapper?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Nicole reached into her pocket where she discarded the empty foil and gave it to Waverly, who placed it in some tissue along with the condom and wadded it up before tossing it in the small trash can. As she did so, Nicole positioned the dildo back in her pants the way she had it before and zipped them up.

“I need to open the shop.” Waverly pouted with her hands pressed firmly on Nicole’s chest just above her breasts.

“Yeah, I need get going too. I’ve got a long day of desk duty ahead.” She sighed. “Are you stopping by for lunch?” Nicole asked hopefully.

“You’ll have to wait to find out.” Waverly winked.


Nearly five boring hours later, Nicole found herself staring at the clock. She was glad that only two civilians had stopped by the station – neither of them needing her to stand up, which meant less of a chance of someone noticing the new look she was sporting between her legs. But at the same time, it made for a very boring Saturday.

She grinned at the sight of her saving grace swinging open the wide, glass doors and strutting towards the desk. Waverly’s hair was slightly more tousled than before, and she was now sporting some mascara.

“Why hello, Miss Earp. What can I do for you today?” Nicole greeted with a charming smile.

“Well, Officer Haught, I was hoping you could help me out with a little problem.” She said as she sat on top of the desk and crossed her legs. Her skirt was riding up dangerously close to the hinge of her thighs.

Nicole gulped. “A p-problem?” She stuttered, eyes glued to Waverly’s smooth, thin legs. She was brought out of her trance when she felt a finger pulling her chin up to meet Waverly’s amused eyes.

“Yes, a problem. You see, I’ve been a little…hmm, how should I put this…” She tapped her upper lip with her pointer finger in thought. “Wet.” She finally said in a seductive voice as she leaned over towards Nicole, giving the redhead a perfect view of her breasts with the loose collar of her top.

Nicole gulped. “Um, wet?”

“Yes, wet.” Waverly smirked.

“Wet, uh, where?” Nicole briefly glanced down at Waverly’s legs again before moving them back up to her face.

A devilish grin formed on Waverly’s face as she slowly walked two fingers up Nicole’s thigh. “I think you know where, Officer.”

Nicole shifted herself in her seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable as she felt her arousal coating her center. “Are you soliciting me for sex Miss Earp?”

“Of course not!” Waverly said with her hand against her chest as she feigned offense. She reached into the backside of the waistband of her skirt and pulled out a small piece of clothing. As she tucked the fabric into Nicole’s front pocket, she leaned into the redhead’s ear and whispered, “Now I’m soliciting you for sex.”

Nicole felt goosebumps forming all over her body as Waverly nibbled on her ear. She pulled the piece of clothing out of her pocket and looked at it to see what it was. Her breath hitched when she realized that it was Waverly’s panties. She shot up from her desk, slightly startling Waverly and grabbed the girl’s hand, leading her towards the bathroom. Before she could even move Waverly, the smaller woman was effectively pulling her in the opposite direction, leading her somewhere else.

“Waves, the bathroom is this way.” Nicole stated.

“I know. We’re not going to the bathroom.” Waverly said before pulling Nicole into Nedley’s office and shutting the door behind them.

Nicole could feel her heart skip a beat. There was no way that she was about to have sex in her boss’s office. Not unless she had a death wish, which she didn’t.

“Waverly, we can’t have sex in here! I’ll get fired!” Nicole whisper-yelled, as if there might be hidden cameras in there somewhere. She looked between Waverly shutting all of the blinds, and the couch.

“Only if we get caught.” Waverly replied, still focused on the blinds.

“Exactly! There’s no way we’ll get away with this.” Nicole folded her arms sternly across her chest and watched as Waverly made a show of locking the door.

“There. See? Now there’s no chance of somebody walking in.”

“Uh, except for Nedley. He has a key to his own office…”

“Nedley’s at Shorty’s talking up the patrons, I asked Wynonna. He won’t be back for at least a couple of hours.”

Nicole knew that there was a greater chance of being struck by lightning than Nedley coming back anytime soon, but she was still hesitant. “What if Dolls and Lonnie come back from traffic duty?”

“Just tell them I had a fashion crisis with my bra and we rushed in here to fix it. Guys won’t question stuff like that.” She waved her hand in dismissal.

Nicole sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck. “I don’t know…”

“Come on, it’ll be super hot. I mean, haven’t you ever thought about doing it on this couch?” She waved her hand across the couch, as if she were showing it off to a potential buyer.

The officer had in fact thought about doing it on this couch – several times, actually. She’d even had a few dreams about it. After weighing out the pros and cons, she finally gave in. “Okay, fine. We’ll do it. But we have to make it quick.”

“I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that.”

Waverly crashed her lips into Nicole’s and with her hands wrapped around both sides of the redhead’s neck, walked her back into the couch. As soon as the backs of Nicole’s boots hit the furniture she fell backwards onto it and immediately felt Waverly’s body weight on top of her. They passionately and desperately kissed as Waverly grinded down into the bulge of Nicole’s pants, eliciting a gasp from the woman beneath her.

“Waves,” Nicole panted. It wasn’t a plea, nor was there any purpose other than the need to say her name, as if reminding herself that this was all actually happening.

Hearing Nicole’s voice reminded Waverly of why there were there. She sat back on her heels, straddling Nicole and began to fervently unbuckle the officer’s belt. Once she undid everything, she pulled Nicole’s pants halfway down her hips and bent the cock up into place.

“Condom,” Waverly demanded.

Nicole reached into her pocket and grabbed the condom and the lube – knowing that Waverly would ask for the latter eventually – and handed them both to the brunette. Without wasting any time, Waverly ripped open the wrapper with her teeth and rolled the condom onto the erection before lubing it up. As soon as she was finished, she grabbed the cock and hovered over it, making sure it was in the right position before sinking down.

“Oh, god,” she shuddered and instantly began riding Nicole. “I’ve been wanting this all day.”

Nicole reached under Waverly’s top and massaged her nipples underneath her bra. She thrusted her hips up frantically into the smaller woman until they fell into a steady rhythm.

Waverly fell slightly forward and braced herself with her hands on Nicole’s chest as her jaw dropped. “Oh yes baby. I’m going to come.”

With one hand pinching and teasing one of Waverly’s stiff nipples, the officer reached her other hand underneath Waverly’s skirt and thumbed at her clit. It was only a matter of seconds before Waverly was hastily bouncing up and down, trying to stifle her moans as she exploded with waves of pleasure. As soon as she finished, she lifted herself off of the cock and crawled backwards down Nicole’s body.

“Baby, what are you doing?” Nicole asked. But her question was answered as soon as Waverly had grabbed the cock, pushing it to the side before attaching her lips to Nicole’s stiff bundle of nerves and sucking.

“Oh. Oh shit.” Nicole breathed in shock as one hand tangled itself through Waverly’s light brown waves, and the other made its way into her own red locks.

“Fuck baby, I’m coming!” Nicole whined as she canted her hips up into Waverly’s face and came.

She dropped down onto the couch and laid there with both hands threaded into her hair as she let Waverly take off the condom and adjust the dildo back into her pants. Waverly buckled the belt back and gently patted Nicole’s tummy with a smile.

“I’m definitely going to have to clean up after that one.” Nicole chuckled.

“Hello?! Does anybody work around here!” Came a voice from the front desk.

Waverly jumped off of Nicole as the redhead groaned, dropping her head back onto the armrest of the couch.

“What’s Wynonna doing here?!” Waverly whispered as she smoothed out her skirt.

“I mean, we’re here having an intimate moment, aren’t we? What wouldn’t she be doing here…” Nicole stated sarcastically as she opened the door and walked out to the front desk. Waverly stayed in the office and hid.

“It’s about time!” Wynonna said as she slapped her palms down on the desk before drawing her eyebrows together. “What were you doing in Nedley’s office?”

“Putting a report on his desk. What do you want Wynonna?” Nicole replied dryly.

“Rude much?” The older Earp scoffed. “The cake is going to take a little longer than expected. Apparently unicorn designs are a bit more difficult to make. Is 6 o’clock okay?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Nicole said in a slightly nicer tone.

“Speaking of, have you seen Waverly today? I just stopped by the coffee shop and she wasn’t there. Darren said she was headed over here for lunch?”

“Yeah, she went out to get us some sandwiches.” Nicole lied.

“Ah, that makes sense.” Wynonna nodded. “Well, I’m gonna head home and start on those decorations. You’re coming over right after picking up the cake, right?”

“Yep. I get off at 5:30 today so after my shift I’ll head home to change, pick up the cake and make my way to yours.”

“Cool. See you later, Haughtstuff.” Wynonna clicked her tongue as she pointed a finger gun at Nicole before spinning on her heels and walking out.

“Well that was close.” Waverly said as she walked out of Nedley’s office. “So, a unicorn cake, huh?” She smirked.

“Ugh, I literally can’t surprise you with anything.” Nicole whined, before she was hit with a different thought. “Where did you park your Jeep?” She was confused as to how Wynonna didn’t know that Waverly was there when she drove there.

“I parked it down the block.” Waverly grinned.


“Want me to go get those sandwiches for us?” Waverly said as she played with the baby hairs on the back of Nicole’s neck.

“Yes please. I’m starving.”

“Okay.” Waverly smiled and kissed the top of Nicole’s head before making her way towards the door.

“Wait…aren’t you going to put your underwear back on?” Nicole asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“Nope.” Waverly smirked before pushing the front doors open and continuing her stride.