AN: oh my f**kin god guys, you cannot believe how frustrated I am.
You see I'm working on these 2 chapters.
5 and 6.
but while I more or less finished my chap 6.
I was halfway done writing at chap 5 ( somewhere between 3 or 4 k Plus fucking words!!!)
My phone suddenly shut down because of my low battery!
when I return in web novel.
And oh my Gahd My chap 6. is gone. ( Has 3.6k plus words. )
and chapter 5 has FIFTY FUCKING FIVE words on it! 55!
I was furious!
I didn't exactly have a backup for what I wrote so I am disheartened.
those where one week of plot planning and typing!!!
...Sorry for acting like a bitch ...
I'm not exactly in a good mood... And this further De-motivates me on writing...
so sorry if the plot degraded as I forgot most of it... I LITERALLY cried... a little... those were HOURS of typing and reviewing to fix my grammars...
and DAYS of planning...
Here's a tip for newbies.
never write on your device. use a notebook if you don't want high blood...
this is just 500...
not exactly good in your palate but I'm not exactly in a mood.
( Fuck, My research was for nothing! NOTHING!)
Hearing my stomach growled, I let out a moan as I stretch my limbs, Tail included.
'Oh well, Guess it's time to practice how to hunt, shouldn't be hard considering my species is made for eradicating alien species. ( Humans included. )' I cut off my musings as I focus my ears.
I then used my Echolocation and let out a blast of electrical impulse.
Sending me back an influx of information towards my surroundings. - 150-metre radius to be exact-.
the images were... interesting in a way...
they more or less give me an influx of information of 3 Dimensional structures of my surroundings at a molecular level...
They're not exactly giving me a 3D photo...
It's hard to explain...
Echolocation is a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects (such as prey) by sound waves reflected back to the emitter (such as a bat or me in this case) from the objects.
not to mention I can sense/taste the electricity and vibration around the air.
Now imagine a sudden influx of information.
A 150-metre radius worth of structures and organisms blast inside your head like a cannonball. forcing you to stand motionless as your brain tried not only to comprehend it. but also analyse it.
Sounds like a counterproductive on my part so you can imagine the splitting headache I currently experience.
My body drops towards the ground as I let out a roar/screech of pain.
I let out a huff as I try to remember what happened.
I remembered...
A Myriads of colours along with strange shapes.
changing their movements like an ocean wave which further confused me.
Some new type of bacteria moving around and-
' What in the world happened?' I thought with a bemused expression.
I tried to stand but failed as I drop in exhaustion.
I'm not physically tired.
but mentally?
It felt like I'm dying, or just woke in a very long coma...
I inwardly shake my head as I thought my actions.
Technically I can control the level of my echolocation and electrical impulses.
But what I did was unarguably stupid.
I didn't have any prior training on any of it and It's already Surprising that my head didn't pop like a balloon.
In conclusion.
Using it for hunting is a no go.
with enough training, I can use it to track hidden preys or enemies within 30-40 metres.
And that's me making sure that I only have the outlines of surroundings. not that 360⁰ molecular shazam.
My stomach growled in frustration as it knot.
making me groan.
no far. away.
A brown rabbit hops out of the grass, nibbling some sort of leaves in its teeth.
My neon yellow eyes met it's onyx black.
' Did I mention how I love to eat meat?'
...I admit I'm far away from my canon... seriously. it's not even the same.
I'm gonna change this later... or tomorrow... whenever my will or drive return...
Actually Im Going to rewrite this...
I can't exactly blame myself.
this trashy phone just reset itself... ( TT_TT)
Edit : Try reading my other similar fics like this. if you wanna ask why, Im a bit traumatized at this... fic. my hard work is gone in an instant after all, Researching is hard ya know.
Im In the world of Remnant
Eternal gamer
plane walker
Economic odyssey (Highly recommended. if your into businesses etc. Mc is pragmatic and efficient depending on your views. )