
The Grim tale of the Xenomorph

[ Warning : At the start there would be a lot of monologue, mostly about his theories etc etc. after for maybe 20 or so chapters, there would be a lot of violence. twist and sex. The rape kind. or so I think. The MC is apathetic with occasional mood swings due to his split personality. which would be explained in future chapters. ] A soul from earth given a chance to be reincarnated with his very own choosing of species. Not having a clue where or what world he'd be going to. and God didn't give him any other bonuses other than a free Character Creation,Anti-God detection and Second life. The Earthling did his best to create a highly adaptable species. His Very own xenomorph body. AN: Hey guys since I haven't found much any Xenomorph fanfics crossovers, I decided to make one too make my Novels exotic. Able to travel throughout the Fictional universe's in the future. I'll be focusing on writing This, Eternal Gamer, SI as Jacques Schnee and the Plane Walker.

Demiurge_Ohara · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Eis woke up from his light nap as he tilts his head a little bit at the sight of an enormous scorpion in front of him that can snap his body in two with ease with its pincers.

So far. this planet's Anima ( Grim ) is surprisingly docile towards foreign species.

it is Unknown to him however how or why is that happening or even possible at all.

The evidence of them being a carnivore is evident right in their visage yet their actions doesn't fit.

At least that's what's his thoughts were when he compared it towards the animals on earth.

he narrowed his yellow eyes at the dark surroundings which he easily distinguish thanks to the DNA structures of a Lion. ( they had superior night vision. )

He can clearly distinguish the figure of the gigantic beast... though he was sure he found a bigger scorpion, perhaps this was an adolescent?

More research is needed.

So far, most of the animals here are more or less similar to that of a Modern wild animals back in his home.

The stranger ones, however, have one thing in common that can separate them from the others.

They each had had pitch-black Skin, Scales and Furs with a white carapace that has neon red engravings that act similar to his Customize magic circuits during in emotional distress.

Its length is a few inches shorter than the yellow school bus, but he can bet that it can flip it easily due to the insect's unique body.

They have compact muscles after all.

its mandibles are big, but small for him, how can he eat like that is unknown to him.

He let out a tired sigh as he considered his earlier actions.

The past days are certainly eventful and somewhat concerning.

regret fills him as he can't absorb these species DNA. he really liked this creatures appearance and potential. especially the scorpion's yellow tip/tail.

He aslo wondered if his neurotoxin can be further improved.

while there is a species that has an ability to absorb DNA etc as one of their own.

he sadly didn't have the knowledge of they're physicality, much less, complex Glands and body structures. ( Looking at you Cell. )

he supposes that he should be grateful that he still has the ability to use Magic... or Prana ( 3rd rated. also it's definitely not Nasuverse magic, I mean it kinda is but he only took an inspiration. ).

While Wikipedia has a lot of knowledge stored inside by the original sources.

It is regrettable that everything inside it was Fictional and theoretical.

He can produce mana yes.

but in comparison to the other reincarnators, he's basically an ant compared to their Quality, Quantity and Versatility.

Them and their Godly cheats... is certainly unfair.


the topic is getting off the course.

While he does have the knowledge to some extent.

He's not a formally trained Zoologist or Botanist.

those were just habits of his.

And all of it was just a high school level and from his... 'Experiments', were laughable compared to the real deal.

In other words.

Everything he knows was just the tip of an iceberg. A flat surface of knowledge compared to the professionals that have a lifetime worth of dedicated knowledge.

it didn't discourage him though.

no... far from it. it inspired him.

the Benefits and Achievements of exploring the Unknown just made his heart throb in excitement as he anticipated the idea of... 'researching' and discovering the autonomy of this Anima ( Grim ).

theoretically. He is near immortal. Age wise and Regeneration.

He gave himself an absurd Regeneration speed with new and improved Organs, be it. A better version of Bone marrow or Magics etc.

replacing his dead cells with newer ones to keep himself running forever.

giving him a long-lasting indefinite lifespan.

he even got the starfish's ability to regrow limbs! ( Yes, even bones, even if the starfish doesn't have any. ).

Not to mention. he's in a planet that may or may not have a highly advance species.

Remembering the danger they pose.

He halted his pacing- I didn't know I'm even pacing- as he began to consider his plans.

"...Hmm, This is certainly somewhat concerning. " His thought out loud as he gives a xenomorph version of a frown.

1.) He needed to familiarize himself towards his new body. Although his body may not be built for confrontation, like a king or a commander. He's still a force to reckon with.

Because as far as he knows. In comparison to the AvP verse Xenomorphs. His basically the top in the food chain. only has a lower defence compared to the xenomorph queen. or its personal bodyguards. ( He has a mixture of Customize Bio-Titanium infused in his bones along with his carapace and Higher regeneration after all. not to mention, highly Dexterous along with his other Augmentations. )

But he has no knowledge of the capabilities of Animas.

so he needs to fight the weaker ones first.

Specifically the werewolves. after that, that miniature King kong ( they're 10 feet tall. ) and then that wierd 10-metre golem.

2.) IF, he spotted an intelligent life form.

he would have to transform into his weaker form. that is his humanoid form.

- Flashback -

While finishing his carapace by infusing them with his Titanium, making them light and hard as the Cera-titanium ( Ceramic titanium).

he was pleased with his work.

Formidable, Intimidating, And Exotic.

Just as he push the Y button, he was pleasantly surprised that he was not done yet and has more features.

because he chose a monstrous main body.

he would be given a 2nd form than can be active Via Magic.

Although its choices are much more weaker and limited than the last one.

Thinking about it more carefully.

Most of the Alien species were humanoid with unique characteristics.


Power didn't just include the personal strength.

there's also Magic, Politics and many more.

He knew more than anyone that without help from a foreign force.

sooner or later.

his Xeno-Kingdom would face an imminent destruction without any vassals to back them up, he knows better than putting all the eggs in one basket.

So he needs connections.

there is also the problem of spreading his children/xenomorphs, so he really needs to have a comfortable appearance.

so it's decided.

that he needs his latter body to be the opposite of his former one.

while his Main body has a horrifying monstrous visage of an ancient alien with a formidable evolutionary traits that can shred humanity into pieces.

his 2nd would have to be in the late 20s with a lean yet firm and agile body that has a Charismatic appearance.

he made sure that it Oozed a confident and Imposing yet approachable aura.

His second body has a healthy white skin, almost porcelain.

its height can roughly reach 6 foot 9 inches with a lean and firm body. he made sure his bones were Light, Flexible and very hard.

perfectly giving his body an enormous strength and vitality while retaining its dexterity.

It has Neon blue short hair and silver eyes to honour his late creator's/mother's heterochromia. ( Which has a night vision and Infrared. no its not THE silver eyes. they're Cosmetics )

Since he now has the 2nd form.

A humanoid. or a human.

He is visibly displeased that he would be fragile and vulnerable.

So he added several DNA that makes him lethal and tenacious .

Adding a thin yet formidable 2nd layer skin that can withstand different types of environment. it also can withstand low calibre bullets, Kinetic and elemental energies such as Heat, electricity and kinetic energy Etcetera.

he also planted his xenomorph tail behind him along with several small yet hard Cera-titanium carapace covering his vital organs. or where his vitals should've been.

he still had 2 hearts and a bird type of lungs, along with the other necessary glands for his Magic and neurotoxin.

Besides... what are the chances of him encountering a Human species towards the endless variety in the Multiverse?

PS: He still has a very potent acidic blood.

- Flashback Ends -

Remembering his 2nd body, He chose not to use it for now.

while having a body that is one of the most dangerous species throughout the galaxy.

Technologies trump them all.

Enemy? Gun em'

Army? Bomb Em'

Invasion? Nuke em'

End of the world scenario?

Fly away with a spaceship.

and him retaining his bits of humanity is a plus.


AN :


Are feared not because of their personal strength like breaking a metal in half with their bare hands. ( Hahahaha no... just no.)

It's because of their Miraculous evolutionary and adaptability.

Can You imagine what would happen if the mc impregnated a Saiyan? said Saiyan gave birth of an Alien queen.

Yes. his semen can only produce queen xenomorphs. but I have to lower his fertility rate. can't have the story suck right?

Besides... He doesn't even have a medical degree!

Hippity-Hoppity bippity be, I don't have a medical degree.

But since I'm the only author. no one can complain. So I don't think anyone can disagree. ( nice rhythm?)

besides. he's just your average teenager with a hobby of reading anatomy and dissecting animals for research purposes.

But there's something he didn't account.


His metabolism is damn high.

He let out a croak as he just notice how hungry he is. also thirsty.

Good thing he's an omnivore.

He won't limit his food source such as meat.

he can also consume whatever Animals and Humans eat. Such as Leaves and Raw meat along with the Cooked ones.

I mean... Who does that?

(AN : I doubt there's much meat in the Remnant anyway. )


His humanoid form.

Because I have don't have fetishes like bestiary or something like that... fucking a humanoid alien is a yes.

but fucking an animal such as Deer and grims are just no... just no...

I'm glad that grims didn't have genitalia. because they're made of magic from either Salem and GoD.

And Also because he can use technologies in such Versatility.

Note : He sometimes talk or think himself as a third person especially in stressful times.

hey guys I know im not the type of guy who updates regularly.

so im gonna share some awesome fanfictions.

ps: They're smart and rational, not to mention hidden gems.

1 ) The Reincarnated Huntress.

Akame x Rwby CO.

She's a branwen btw.

2) Empire of Remnant.

Tanya x RWBY

3 )No gods, No masters.

Courier 6 x Danmachi

4 ) Play the game differently.

Fem SI x Multiverse.

5 ) In the Flesh.

Divergent Ainz oul gown

6 ) Mending the knots.

Rwby fanfiction.

7 )The player is a part timer.

Demiurge_Oharacreators' thoughts