

It's a different Luffy with a system of course I'll make them strong

Riki_Tuaumu · 都市
2 Chs


" Ding " [System binding 1%, 2%, 50%, 70%, 100%] " ding" [ System loading 1%, 100%] "ding " [ congratulations to the host for getting the most amazing system ever, Grand Fleet System this great system has 3 functions. 1. It has a pocket space and a time difference of 100 to 1 and this pocket space it has a space of the size of a baseball field which is quite large.2 It also has a training facilities it can help the host to train not only him but any one he permits and once someone enters he will forever be loyal to the host.3 Universal Store you can buy anything you want and I meant anything as long as you have gold anything is possible.]

After reading through the explanation that the system just gave Lucky started laughing and said " HAHAHAHAHAHA now that is what you call cheating hahahhahahhaha!!!! Lucky then stop laughing and remember something then he ask " System do I have a panel or whatever it is to check my status and level and who I am????

Then he heard the system "ding" [ just say open and host screen panel will open for the host.].

[ Host Monkey.D.Lucky]




Agility -1


Knowledge -90

[Host is born very weak and never left the house until today when the monkey stole the hosts book chasing after the monkey the host ends up running into the white tiger. And on the nick of time the Host companion and only friend came to help.]. Right after reading the information. That's when he felt the pain in his head he held his head and try to take in all the info rushing in his mind he gritted his teeth for 5 minutes but it felt more like a year. After that he started smiling, Lucky knew what was going on he was more excited then worry. Because the only thing in his mind was that his in One Piece and not only that he became the brother of Luffy and most of all is his system.

He was excited beyond beliefs after a couple of minutes he got himself together and calm down. And right after calming himself he heard the system one more time and this time it something he almost forgot and then he went as far as kowtowing and said "system you are every mans hope I love you very much my dear system".

"Ding "[ Congratulations to the host for getting a newbies gift package.]

[Congratulations to the host you receive 1xdevil fruit= mythical Zoan devil fruit Sun Wugong



2xtalent=replicate, awaken].