
The Greatest Feudal Lord

After the events of his uncle's death at the hands of an Oni(demon), Shin Gekio, heir to the Gekio Bushin clan, decides to become the greatest lord in order to protect his clan just as his uncle did.

Ryajin · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Start of the Game and Rise of a New Lord

In the days leading up to the fateful contest, the Gekio Bushin clan was a hive of preparation. The air buzzed with anticipation and determination as warriors sharpened their skills and honed their strategies. Shin, the young heir to the clan, felt the weight of expectation settle on his shoulders. He knew this contest was not just about proving himself, it was about upholding the honor and legacy of his clan.

As the dawn broke on the promised day, the team that was to participate in the contest was assembled clad in their armor adorned with emblem of roaring tiger —a symbol of their ferocity and strength. At the forefront shood Shin, his stature belied by his youth, yet his resolve unmistakable. Beside him, his father, the lord of the clan, addressed the assembly with a mix pride and apology.

"To you, my dear clansmen," the lord began, his voice commanding attention. "I regret I cannot accompany you on this trial. Instead, my son, Shin, will be heading out with you. Despite his inexperience, I trust you will support him as our future leader. Head out and bring victory!"

The response was thunderous and unified, echoing through the clan's stronghold. "YES, MY LORD!" they roared, their spirits lifted by his words.

As they embarked on their journey, the commonfolk in town lined the streets, cheering. The sight of their unwavering support bolstered the warrior's morale, reinforcing their determination to succeed. As they continued their way towards one of the Tower Gates, gates used to access the Dark Tower, the warriors doubted the fact that their team leader was a child.

Arriving at their destination, the sight before them was that of imposing warriors out for blood. Stepping forward confidently, Shin stood tall, his presence commanding respect as he exchanged a steely gaze with the captain of the Jumonji Clan who had also stepped forward. The air crackled with tension, the weight of their rivalry hanging heavy in the air.

With a solemn nod, Shin Gekio and the Jumonji captain stepped forward, uttering the sacred words that would transport them into the mystical realm within "Kono mienai sekai ni tachimodoshi, aku ni yotte yaburarenai. Ten no mon wa, tatakai no sakebi de hiraku. Sowaka, kami no hikari no akashi to naruHaut du formulaire". As they crossed the threshold, a surge of energy engulfed them, transporting them into the heart of the otherworldly forest.

The forest was alive with magic, the air thick with the scent of ancient spells and incantations. A resonant voice echoed through the trees, announcing the trial that awaited them.

"Let the Conqueror's Game begin. The rules are simple. Discs shall fly around the field and your objective is to shoot them down. Interference between contestants is allowed. The discs are divided into three colors: red, yellow and blue. Their points value are: 5, 10 and 15 points respectively. Now begin!" and the flying discs appeared, glinting in the dappled sunlight.

Shin wasted no time, his movements fluid and precise as he unleashed torrents of fire from his fingertips. His brow furrowed in concentration, every muscle coiled with tension as he sought to overcome the disadvantage his clan faced since their numbers were lower than that of the Jumonji team. Meanwhile, the Jumonji captain moved with a grace born of years of training, his every movement calculated and precise. His eyes glittered with determination as he deftly intercepted discs with a combination of agility and skill. Some members of team continued to amass a good amount of points while the others fought against some members of the Gekio Bushin clan.

As the battle raged on between the Gekio Bushin Clan and the Jumonji clan, Shin and the Jumonji captain, ended up meeting face-to-face. With their gaze intertwining, they found themselves locked in a fierce duel amidst the chaos. Spells clashed and energies crackled as they danced through the forest, each refusing to yield an inch to the other.

"Your flames burn bright, Shin Gekio," the Jumonji captain remarked, his voice ringing out over the cacophony of battle. "But do not underestimate the strength of the Jumonji Clan."

Shin's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with fierce determination. "And do not underestimate the power of the Gekio Bushin Clan," he retorted, his voice ringing out with quiet authority. Their battle continued to rage on as Shin released fire spells upon fire spells and his opponent unleashing wind spells. Their fight was a pure theatre of mystical and martial arts.

With the battle reaching its utmost climax, Shin tapped into a wellspring of power deep within him, his very essence merging with the flames that danced around him. As that power was being released, the Jumonji captain kept him on edge with advanced spells and martial arts.

As if entering a trance, he murmured a sudden incantation during the fight, "Yami no dansu suru riyū, to sasayaku kaze no naka, kōru waga tame ni, Seijaku no shintō, aoki honō no seishin, yobimodosu. Sowaka, anata to no kizuna wa imadani shinkō no negai to seishin no ai no kyōyō no yō ni wakareteiru."

The air crackled with energy as he unleashed a torrent of azure flames, weaving intricate patterns in the air with his outstretched hands. The forest erupted into chaos as the flames engulfed everything in their path destroying only the maximum number of flying discs. As the flames subsided and the dust settled, Shin was standing tall as the winner while the Jumonji captain laid on the ground unconscious.

At that moment, a resounding voiced made an announcement to the entire field, "End of the contestant. The winners are the Gekio Bushin clan with a total of 2467 points."

With that the contestants were all transported back to the Dark Gate. "Victory is ours," Shin declared, his voice ringing out with quiet authority as the Gekio clansmen screamed with excitement.

"We lost and as promised we will abandon the charges against your clansman. And here are your 200 tales as promised" said the Jumonji captain as he also gave Shin a bag.

"I'm quite curious to see what you achieve Shin Gekio, you, the heir of the Gekio Bushin clan."

And with those words, the clans went their separate ways. As they made their way back to their territory, the Gekio clansmen were welcomed with cheers and congratulations.

"We have prevailed father." Shin remarked proudly, standing beside the clan lord.

"I can see that, you did well. I'm sure my brother would say the same." Said the lord as Shin was washed with a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

Soon after, news about the victory of the Gekio Bushin clan spread throughout the land, especially the display of strength of their young lord. This is the start of Shin's journey towards being the greatest lord in the land.

Hiyah there, with this chapter we finish the introduction to the story. Hope you appreciate it

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