
The Great Demon Lord

Ko and Koshi, best friends in a mystical world, caught the eye of a renowned figure; The Administrator. In search for anew demon king, koshi is given the oppertunity to prove herself in tests set by this figure. Koshi's determination shined as she eagerly accepted the challenge, while Ko remained curious but uncertain about the significance of this goal.

19 Chs

Mighty Dark Devider

Without needing much rest or bothered by the night, and thanks to the compass he got from Prerent, Imuru managed to cut his journey short to a day.

Imuru yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Finally home," Imuru thought, too exhausted to really express much emotion.

As he marched out of the forest, he glanced down at the compass with much appreciation. He spotted where he'll be staying for the moment, petted the horse and headed inside, where he took his time to clean. Ever so often he pondered on who were the past occupants of this village.

Once the cleaning was finished, he retrieved what was given to him. A few large cotton filled comforters to lay on and blankets, two oak shined wooden chairs, desks, and clothes, that made it clear he was buying for a woman rather than a guy at first.

Imuru brushed his hands off and gave himself a contented nod. He went back to the cart for one last thing he knew he should have an idea of what it is. Jumping into the cart he retrieved the fishing rod. He observed it down the hook wrapped around by a fishing line and swung it just a little, immediately to find the flexibility quite satisfying.

He hopped out of the cart and released the horse. He petted it gently for a moment. "There, isn't that better?" He murmured in a smoothing tone.

Imuru rested the rod on his shoulder, and pondered briefly where exactly he could find somewhere to make use of it.

Feeling a bit adventurous he wandered off in search of a body of water, where it would be useful. He explored the other outer regions of the village, figuring the village must have been built close to one.

A few minutes of running around and keeping a clean ear out, his hypothesis was proven correct. The sound of rushing water met his ears, guiding him up a gentle slope where a large body of water awaited. 

He leaned over, peering into the impenetrable darkness beneath the surface. The water was strangely still but a heavy stream flowed from it. Puzzled, he scanned around, but there didn't seem to be a source for this itself to explain how it doesn't run low, and continuously stay a consistent high to maintain such a heavy stream.

Imuru glanced at his rod, then released it into the stream's source. He waited patiently for something to happen, a clueless expression across his face. Noticing there's no activity, he retrieved the hook, and rested the fishing rod onto the ground.

Thinking that he may have missed something important, he returned back to his village. He paused briefly at the door, having no sight of the horse. Imuru backtracked a bit and strolled around in search of the animal.

"It ran away?" Imuru mused, silently in disbelief. He stood ideally, momentarily before he shook his head at himself, and returned inside where he found a sizable jar, its contents hidden. Imuru screwed the top off, and peered into it, to be greeted by white round, slimy slug-like creatures, segmented but like the rings of a chain. The central part of its body was thick and bloated, tapering into narrower ends that writhed with every moment.

Shock speechless and disgusted, Imuru slowly closed the jar and held it far away from himself, as he hurried along back to the stream's source. 

He spun around the jar and noticed the labeling "White Larva Aminon". Imuru hesitantly opened the jar once again. "Why aren't they… dead? Imuru thought, feeling queasy. "Apologies… No offense."

Imuru went back and forth, trying to gather enough courage to grab one of the baits. He sighed and just out of impulse turned the jar over, letting them all out, without having to touch them. He grabbed the hook and priced the Aminon with it. The Aminon writhed erratically for a few seconds, before gradually resuming its usual pace.

Imuru sighed and excused himself from the presence of the other crawling Aminon's. Imuru cast his line in the water and thankfully had no need to wait long, as something tugged at the line. He hauled in the line with such force that the hooked fish was lifted clear of the water.

[[<Baseline Skill>]]

[[Awakened Stream]]

Without a moment of hesitation, the fish's instincts kick in, causing it to automatically activate its skill in order for its survival. The calm body of water overflowed creating a vast quantity of rushing water in mere seconds, that crashed into Imuru sweeping him off his feet, and just as quickly it all retracts carrying the fish along with it back into the main body.

In silence Imuru remained flat on his back, trying his best to comprehend what exactly just took place. He sat up, drenched, not sure how to react to the situation.

".... And, that was a fish?" Imuru muttered bemused. He removed his soaked long coat and folded it up in arms.

He scanned around in search for his fishing rod, so he could return home. "Now, I need a change of clothes…"

Imuru got home, got himself immediately out of his drenched clothes, and dawned a plain white shirt and plain black leather pants. He hung his three sets of clothes along with his scarf out to dry.

A weary sigh escaped Imuru's lips, he leaned his weapon against the wall. With a heavy breath he got himself wrapped up in his comforters. His eyes dragged on him, blinking drowsy. He shut his eyes and remained motionless long enough to drift off to sleep.

Imuru remained peacefully at rest, breathing lightly. He doesn't fidget much in his sleep, just sparks of his hand twitching and the occasional movement of his head.

Sometime later, Imuru found himself awake. He rubbed his eyes, and sat up, feeling something may be off.

"Huh?!" Imuru got up, positive he heard multiple voices emanating from the outside. He stretched, and grabbed his sword, hooking it back up behind him, as drowsily made his way outside.

He followed on listening to the ramble of three distinctive voices, one he made out to be female, and the others male.

Imuru climbed up a towering rubble, to get eyes on the three individuals. He ducked down distrustful, but not before he was spotted by one of the members.

"Come out!" The man called out, his voice calm and casual, making it clear to Imuru he wasn't even trying.

With a hint of shame, Imuru awkwardly got to his feet, his movement heavy with embarrassment.

"You're welcome… Taz," Miic murmured boastfully, his demeanor casual and stoic as ever.

Taz gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. Unop swiftly got in between them. "Well, thank you Miic." She turned to Taz. "Taz…"

"Hmm." Taz crossed his arms across his chest and turned away. "I would've found him myself," He grumbled.

Unop cleared her throat. "My apologies…" She exclaimed, her attention directed at the bemused Imuru.

Unop got the group calmed and under control, so they focused their attention at Imuru.

"Apologies," Taz exclaimed, giving a brief smile. "May I ask your name?" 

"Imuru," He replied. He glanced over at each member. "And you three?" He politely inquired.

"I'm Taz, the leader and strength of this group." He pointed over at his other member, a stoic expression on display, "This here is Miic."

With a bright smile he rested a hand on the other's shoulder, "And last but not least, we have Unop, our long range specialist and may be a bit overqualified…"

"Now, Imuru. I have to ask, your reason for being here?" Taz inquired.

Imuru pondered on how he should approach the question. Carefully he observed the group, trying to figure out their level of strength.

He sighed. "At the moment… I'm staying here."

This came as a surprise to the group. "Here? Imuru, I'm sure you've heard this is still under a Demon King's rule… all things considered," Taz asked puzzled.

Unop stepped forward to speak, worry plastered all over her face. "The sixth is indeed no longer here, but that made it the seventh's automatically."

"There are also still associates of the sixth, who might not be too pleased. It's dangerous to stay here," Unop explained in an almost pleading tone.

Imuru remained unfazed and stoic on the outside, whilst nervous sweats built up on him. He smiled at himself in an almost ironic fashion. "I know what she means…" Imuru thought, an exacerbated sigh escaping his lips.

Miic stepped forward and spoke. "At the moment this isn't our problem…"

Miic narrowed his eyes. "We'll do what we came here to do. Next time, we might be here for another reason," Miic said, his voice threatening.

Taz cleared his throat. "You've heard it all from Miic. Unfortunately, Imuru you cannot stay here… Thank you for your time and I wish you all the best." He turned to leave, followed suit by Miic and Unop, giving him a wave.

A small smile creased Imuru's lips. "Their really kind individuals…" His mind faded blank, as he observed the group.

On their way, the group members have a singular thought on their mind. Taz spoke up first. "Think it might be him?"

"We've scooped around long enough, so it lowers her options to one…" Miic replied nonchalantly. "Let's not jump to assumptions."

"Hmm." Taz placed a hand under his chin. "Correct. Unlikely an individual like that would stay put."

Miic nodded in agreement. Unop glanced at each of her teammates, her disappointment palpable. "Don't you think you guys are overthinking it and overlooking the obvious?" Unop exclaimed, flailing her arms.

Taz looked towards Miic. "You don't think we're overlooking the obvious, right?" He asked, his voice laced in confusion.

Miic shook his head and looked off towards the sky. Unop let out a weary sigh, as her body sagged.

Imuru stood ideally, his mind devoid of thought for a period of time. The sound of rubble and heavy footsteps, almost being filtered out.

It was something he was aware of, but not worried enough to turn around to see who or what it may be.

A light growl echoed from behind. "Hmm. Someone." The individual laughed. "Now, I've regained my strength, and my pristine armor… You'll be the first to fall by me."

Imuru tilted his head in bemusement, and turned around to see who was Monologuing. "Oh… Really?" He muttered, caught off guard by the familiar of this dark creature that stood a few feet ahead of him.

Its smile grew into a wide grin. "Worried?" He raised his black broadsword up at Imuru. "This territory is mine… Begone."

Imuru took a few seconds to glance around. "Are there more here?" Imuru pondered disregarding the creature's warning.

"May I ask a question?" Imuru raised his hand, a curious look on his face.

The creature blinked. "Go on," It murmured, caught off guard by Imuru's casual, fearless, attitude.

Imuru cleared his throat. "Thank you. Erm, what are you?" Politely, he inquired.

The creature's weapon lowered slightly, and his pose turned lax. He stared down Imuru for a moment, before he burst out in a joyful laughter. He took a moment to compose himself, any tension that was between them, turned into an awkward silence.

"Hey… I'm serious," Imuru responded to the creature's laughter, bemused by its outburst.

The creature's lightened expression hardened once again. "I see… If that's the case, then I'll indulge you. I'm Arken, The Mighty Dark Devider." He dramatically turned his back to Imuru, resting his blade beside him and crossing his arms across his chest. "And you?"

"I'm Imu—" Imuru abruptly paused. "Should I say it?..." He thought. Imuru took a deep breath, hardening his resolve. "Okay, I got it."

He looked back at Arken confidently. "I'm Imuru The Great Demon Lord."

Arken remained unresponsive for an uncomfortable amount of seconds. "Hm?" He faced Imuru, and looked him up and down. A wide smile formed on his face, before he burst out into a brief laughter. He walked up to Imuru, and took a knee. "Prove it." He grinned. 

"Now, at least I understand more why he lost to that pup," Imuru thought, letting out a sigh. He shook his head at the Devider's overconfidence. "Well, I won't turn you down. Ready when you are," Imuru said, unbothered and his expression plastered in confusion. He casually walked back to create a bit of distance between him and Arken.

"Ha! Brilliant. Demon Lord." Arken stood to his feet, and raised his blade at Imuru once again.

"Oh… Also, could we take this somewhere else?" Imuru requested, fearing the collateral damage they might cause. "It would be much appreciated."

Arken narrowed his gaze. "And why would why?"

Imuru's expression shifted to one of slight annoyance. Arken caught on quickly to this shift in Imuru, and grinned as he could almost see the malice leaking out from him, his innocent, childish persona no more.

"Honestly…" Imuru muttered. He let out a sigh, Unclenching his fist and ridding himself of the annoyance he felt.

Arken noticed this and his face rested into calm annoyance. In the midst of this interaction, thunder roared across the land. Imuru's gaze shifted to the sky, positive there's not a thunder cloud in sight.

Unlike Imuru Arken's gaze remained fixed on his opponent, not once calling into question the thunder.

"You're done, Demon Lord!" Arken shouted at the top of his lungs, as he charged forward. Once he reached into close proximity, Arken swung his weapon with smooth precision aiming for the head.

Imuru leapt into the air, and front flipped his way behind Arken, with minimum effort. He palm strikes Arken from behind, causing him to fall onto his face.

An embarrassed Arken brushed off his face, and with gritted teeth, stood to his feet. "Only your size saved you there," He thought. 

In an instant, Arken went on the attack again, thrusting his blade at Imuru. Just like the others, Imuru stood firm and stopped Arken's blade in place, made easier thanks to the flattened head on his blade.

Arken struggled to even budge the blade. Before he could realize the futility, his weapon was pulled from his grasp, said force drawing Arken In and landing him in the grasp of his other hand.

"Hm… I did it again," Imuru thought, taking his eyes off Arken, his disinterest in the battle palpable. This lack of attention is caught by Arken and without a second thought he used to force his way out of Imuru's grasp.

Arken grumbled, his eyes burning red with fury. "That weapon is just a mere extension of me… Nothing of my true strength!" He exclaimed in contempt. 

He clenched his fists. "Well, thank you… My fist was more lethal either way." 

"Yeah… Yeah, I get it," Imuru murmured, an expression of disinterest, portraying his demeanor for this entire battle.

At blinding speeds, that seemed like one step, Imuru closed the distance between him and Arken. He swept Arken off his feet and forced him down, his mind only caughting up to speed of what happened, when he was laid flat on his back.

Imuru nonchalantly stepped up on Arken's chest, and held his palm out to him, his face filled with disapprovement.

Arken sinisterly chuckled. "One. One lucky strike…"

Imuru showed no reaction to this and uttered one word, "Belzora."

The purple-ish blue flames burst from the palm of his hand, releasing great external force, not immediately devouring the Dark Devider, as they flowed behind Imuru.

Arken is taken aback by the intensity and pressure these flames carry. For the first time, his expression was that of worry.

"W-Wait just… Just wait," Arken begged fearfully, his once red eyes illuminating with intensity, gone.

Imuru rested his hand back to his side, having no real reason to put an end to the Dark Devider, especially since he posed no real threat to him.

Arken's managed to reclaim his confidence, as a grin formed on his lips. "That's right… You kill me here and the others won't be pleased."

Imuru is naturally unfazed, and without a care waltz off the Dark Devider's chest, leaving his back turned to him. Imuru glanced at the blade in hand, and threw it to one side.

Arken swiftly stood to his feet in disbelief. He gave Imuru one last glare and made his retreat.

Imuru watched the Arken from the corner of his eye, until he was out of sight. He sighed. "That was… An experience. Though decision wise, I just let him go," Imuru thought, resting his hands on his hips. "Either way, whoever the others are would come here. Maybe someone there would be open for a conversation?"

Looking out, Imuru saw the rapid movements of dark potential thunderclouds. He quickly hurried back to his home and retrieved his clothes he hung to dry. A smile formed on his face, once he felt that his coat and scarf were dry and happily dawned them on his way inside.