


Fancy meeting you here


I got up and got ready, then grabbed my bag, leaving the door room. I walked down the hallway and made my way downstairs. I pushed opened the building door to see Payton sitting on a half wall. I walked over to him.

/"You know stalking is illegal,/" I reminded him. He smiled.

/"It’s only illegal if the person doesn’t know you’re there,/" he replied as I chuckled. /"Are you going to class?/" He asked me.

/"Yeah, I’m going to stop and get a coffee,/" I mentioned.

/"Coffee sounds good,/" he added as I looked at him. I felt butterflies but shook the thought away. Payton is only acting nice. I gave up the possibility of him liking me. Guys like him don’t like girls like me.

He hopped down from the ledge and walked with me to the coffeehouse. We talked on our way there, and when we entered, he went to find a seat. I walked up to the line and waited. As I expected, some girls cut in front of me.