
chapter 1( introduction to a girl called sky)

once upon a time, there was a girl called Sky she had brown eyes and brown hair. She lived in a town away from the countryside.She was different from others she never really knew herself.When she was born her life was a mess and now it's grown and grown she didn't think as she grew up it would get any worse but guess what it did in a flash of an eye. When she became a teenager she realised that life isn't cupcakes and rainbows and that was the day people betrayed her and then even more people betrayed her. Then she had people being mean to her. And she felt like life was pure hell and she said to herself one night "I wish I didn't exist" she let out floods of tears crying and screaming and yelling and shouting. The next morning she woke up for school she felt the pillow was wet and remembered how hard she cried her eyes out that night. She then got up and had some breakfast then got ready for school.In one lesson she got so stressed out her eyes become a blur again and she was shaking violently and she was struggling to breathe she wanted to escape the class so she got up onto her feet and used her exit card. As she swung open the door of the class room her friends chased after her. And Sky ran through all the corridors holding back the tears with great strength. Everyone started watching her. She saw her friends were behind her she whispered to herself in a low voice "I don't wanna embarrassing them they are better off without me".As Sky saw the girls bathroom she ran in a shut herself in a cubicle and sat down on the floor crying for 3 hours straight.