
chapter 2 Sky and her friends:

Sky could hear her friends calling her name Sky got up off the floor and opened the door trembling in fear that her friends would be mad at her. Her friends saw her and rushed up to her and hugged her well as having big smiles on their faces. Sky began to smile and laugh she loved her friends so much. " okay let's get back to our lessons now even though they are so boring" said Asch. "Yh I agree" said Lil. "I agree too" said Fay with one of those mysterious smile on her face. "Same here" said Za za and Anna both at the same time. " Ugh you guys! said Sky why don't we just skip our lessons today..... "absolutely not said Asch your coming with me to Spanish class wether you like it or not". No I'm not said Sky I hate Spanish class plus we have a test today. I know said Asch your still coming with me and she grabbed Sky by the arm pulling her and forcing her to go to Spanish class.

oh my gosh Asch are you kidding me right now you didn't have to drag me I was only joking about skipping lessons!

Asch i know you to well Sky you'd definitely skip lessons so that's why I'm escorting you to Spanish class with me. Sky sighed and just let Asch drag her mean while the rest of the girls were behind us and they were laughing and giggling I could tell they were joking and kidding each other around.Truth is we loved messing with each other and playing pranks on one another.Or just say hi buddy randomly to eachother constantly.

(Sky in Spanish class)

oh great said Sky I'm now in Spanish class I glared at Asch she grinned and giggled abit. Because she saw how bored I was if only I escaped out the window in the girls toilets. Okay class said the teacher" you all are dismissed for today". Asch grabbed my arm I yelled not again Asch. Look sky said Asch "we have PE next and I'm excited to do netball". Once me and Asch got there we saw the others in the changing room "ugh said Sky you've beaten us to it". "Oh well your just too slow" said Lil and Fay and Ail. "right let's got and do some netball" said Lil.