
Chapter 22: Formidable Cat's Claws

"Do you want a second one?" Su Yuxin grabbed the collar of Feng Yao's shirt with a fierce look, but in Feng Yao's eyes, she appeared more like a toothless kitten, innocently sharpening her claws, utterly adorable. Feng Yao couldn't help but smile faintly, his calloused hand lightly brushing Su Yuxin's long hair. "Never, not in a lifetime."


"That's more like it." Su Yuxin finally released her grip, a bit uneasy as she explained, "I wanted to cook you a bowl of Yang Chun noodles, but I clumsily ended up burning the kitchen. It wasn't intentional."


"You wanted to cook for me?" Joy filled Feng Yao's eyes.


"Yes," Su Yuxin bit her lip, somewhat embarrassed. "I thought about how hard you work every day and wanted to take care of you. But I don't know how to do anything, so I tried to learn the simplest dish from Xia Granny, yet it still ended up in a mess."


"You don't need to do anything for me," Feng Yao lifted Su Yuxin and placed her on his lap. "Being able to have you as my wife is already my blessing."


"It's my fortune," Su Yuxin's delicate fingers traced over Feng Yao's brows and eyes, earnestly saying, "I'm so lucky to have met you in this life."


"Really?" Su Yuxin's confession made Feng Yao's eyes light up entirely.


"Yes," Su Yuxin nodded firmly. "In the past, I was immature and caused you a lot of trouble. Can you forgive me?"


"I've never blamed you," Feng Yao suppressed his lips, hesitating before asking, "Aren't you afraid of me now?"


"Why should I be afraid of you when you're so good to me?" Su Yuxin blinked, puzzled.


"Here." Feng Yao pointed to the scars on his cheek.


"Does it hurt?" Su Yuxin, feeling sorry, touched the scars as if they were winding earthworms. "Such long wounds, they must have hurt a lot back then."


"It doesn't hurt," Feng Yao grabbed Su Yuxin's hand and lightly kissed it.


The warm and unfamiliar touch made Su Yuxin's fingers involuntarily contract, blushes blooming on her cheeks. Like a tempting apple, making one unable to resist taking a bite.


"Shy?" Feng Yao pinched Su Yuxin's cheek, teasing, "What happened to your boldness just now?"


Su Yuxin's face became even warmer at his words.


She had put all her effort just now to let Feng Yao see her determination, disregarding everything else. Now that she had expressed it, her vigor had waned.


"I...I have something else to attend to; I should go back," Su Yuxin said, trying to get down from Feng Yao's lap.


However, Feng Yao tightened his arms, firmly holding Su Yuxin in his embrace.


"You brought this upon yourself," Feng Yao murmured, nibbling on Su Yuxin's earlobe, the warm breath brushing against her cheek, making her squirm involuntarily.


"I..." Su Yuxin's voice was floating, her heart thumping wildly, as if trying to jump out of her throat. Her lips were dry.


Subconsciously, Su Yuxin extended her delicate lilac tongue to moisten her parched lips, unintentionally signaling Feng Yao's advance.


Feng Yao couldn't resist starting the siege. Su Yuxin could only passively endure, occasionally emitting kitten-like whimpers.


It made Feng Yao's blood boil even more.


They lost track of time. Su Yuxin, like a fish out of water, lay against Feng Yao's chest, her mouth slightly open, but too weak to speak.


Seeing the tears in Su Yuxin's eyes, Feng Yao couldn't help but feel a tinge of remorse.


Was he too hasty and rough just now? It was only the second time, did he harm her? She was so delicate; he should have been more gentle.


But every time he was near her, his self-restraint would voluntarily leave, and he couldn't stop himself.


After a while, Su Yuxin regained some strength and gave Feng Yao an exasperated look.


It felt as if she had just been through a storm.


Feng Yao smiled sheepishly, about to say something, but then saw Su Yuxin suddenly bite his shoulder.


Feng Yao quickly relaxed, fearing he might hurt Su Yuxin with his toughness. He had practiced martial arts since childhood, experienced battlefields, and had muscles as tough as iron blocks.


Su Yuxin nibbled for a while, but didn't leave any bite marks.


Looking at Su Yuxin squinting her eyes, trying so hard, she resembled a weaned kitten, unsteadily gnawing on a fish much larger than herself.


Cute and tender, Su Yuxin almost melted Feng Yao's heart.


"Don't ruin your little kitten teeth," Feng Yao affectionately touched Su Yuxin's head, saying.


"Who's a cat?" Su Yuxin pouted, a bit angered.


"You are," Feng Yao pointed to Su Yuxin's nose, his eyes brimming with a smile. "A cute and obedient little kitten."


"Then let me show you how formidable cat's claws can be," Su Yuxin said, about to tickle Feng Yao.


"I've already experienced it; cat's claws are indeed more formidable than kitten's teeth," Feng Yao agreed, nodding.


Su Yuxin was puzzled, but when she saw the scratches on Feng Yao's back, she felt a bit embarrassed and stuck out her tongue apologetically.


She didn't realize she had used that much force.


"Well..." Su Yuxin pursed her lips, about to apologize, but then noticed the bruises on her body. The words on the tip of her tongue swallowed back instantly.


"Your claws are also formidable," Su Yuxin said, not conceding.


"Yes, we're both the same. That's why we're destined to be husband and wife for a lifetime," Feng Yao embraced Su Yuxin, pressing his forehead against hers intimately, saying.


A simple sentence but filled with profound affection.


Su Yuxin didn't realize that the seemingly indifferent and cold "Lord of the Underworld" in public actually possessed such tenderness.


"Yes," Su Yuxin nodded, her face flushed but firmly declaring, "Husband and wife for a lifetime."


The two of them cuddled together, forgetting the passage of time outside.


It wasn't until Su Yuxin's stomach rumbled mysteriously that they were finally brought back to reality.


Rubbing her stomach, Su Yuxin smiled uncomfortably.


Originally, she intended to cook Yang Chun noodles for both her and Feng Yao, but it ended up in a disaster.


When she woke up and found Feng Yao's divorce letter, she rushed over without even bothering to tidy up.


What followed was a fight akin to two mythical beings, leaving her too drained to even move her fingers.


Seeing Su Yuxin's slightly embarrassed appearance, Feng Yao couldn't help but laugh.


Su Yuxin immediately glared at Feng Yao.


It was all his fault; he actually dared to laugh.


Seeing Su Yuxin about to start again


, Feng Yao stifled his laughter and said, "It's all my fault."


Su Yuxin snorted, turned her head away, looking quite spoiled.


"I'll cook noodles for you, alright?" Feng Yao cupped Su Yuxin's face and gently kissed her eyes.