
Chapter 12: Returning in Three Days

Upon seeing Xiaomama acting wildly, everyone scrambled to restrain her. Xiaozhi was already in such a state. Did they also want Xiaomama to lose her life over this? The Mistress had always been ruthless; otherwise, she wouldn't have inflicted such harm on a child.


"I have sent someone to summon Physician Sun. Rest assured, Xiaozhi will be fine," Su Yuxin said, clumsily. She didn't know how to console Xiaomama, knowing that everything was her fault.


Initially, everyone hoped Su Yuxin would consider Xiaomama's plight, given Xiaozhi's critical condition. However, her unexpected words left everyone bewildered, even the utterly grief-stricken Xiaomama.


"The steward has gone to fetch the carriage. They should arrive soon," Su Yuxin added, seeing the confusion among the group.


"Madam, did you indeed summon Physician Sun?" Xiaomama asked incredulously.


"Yes," Su Yuxin nodded firmly. "I've also dispatched someone to locate the General. If Physician Sun fails, I'll ask the General to seek the Imperial Physician. I'm certain he can help."


"Truly?" Xiaomama couldn't believe it.


"Yes," Su Yuxin nodded again. "Believe me, Xiaozhi will be fine."


Su Yuxin's actions puzzled everyone, including Xiaomama, who pinched herself, half expecting it to be a dream.


"Hush, don't crowd the inner room. Too many people will suffocate Xiaozhi," Su Yuxin instructed. The others nodded, moving to the outer room, leaving only Xiaomama by Xiaozhi's bedside.


Su Yuxin finally beheld Xiaozhi lying on the bed - frail and emaciated, hidden beneath the covers. His flushed face, cracked lips, and sunken eyes, even while closed, indicated his deep distress.


Su Yuxin was startled. Just a few days earlier, he was a healthy, lively child. Now, he appeared frail and lifeless. Su Yuxin felt increasingly remorseful.


She hoped the steward would bring Physician Sun quickly and prayed for the General's swift return. Before long, footsteps sounded outside.


The maid who had rushed in earlier appeared breathless and exclaimed, "He's here! Physician Sun has arrived!"


Upon hearing this, Su Yuxin went outside. The steward and Ziyuan led the way, followed closely by Physician Sun. Upon reaching Su Yuxin, he halted and courteously greeted her, "Greetings, Madam of the General."


Physician Sun was somewhat surprised. The General's wife was infamous for her haughtiness and arrogance, but upon meeting her, he realized not all rumors held truth. She was indeed learned, tactful, and refined in her interactions.


"Please, don't stand on ceremony. You've journeyed a long way. You should have rested first. However, the child's condition is critical. I'm grateful for your immediate attention. I assure you, the General's household will express its gratitude," Su Yuxin said.


Physician Sun was taken aback by her manners. The rumors didn't do her justice; she was evidently well-mannered and knowledgeable.


"Don't mention it, Madam. It's my duty as a physician," Physician Sun nodded slightly before carrying his medical kit into the house.


Xiaomama followed closely, her face filled with anxious worry.


"Have you sent someone to inquire when the General will return?" Su Yuxin asked the steward.


The steward, named Zhou Zheng, in his forties, was an adept manager, trusted by the General for his meticulous work and upright nature. He was a man of few words, upright and serious, the only one who dared speak frankly to the General.


He was aware of Su Yuxin's past actions and now, being sent to summon a doctor for Xiaozhi, and finding her inside the room, was quite a departure from her usual demeanor.


"Today, the General went to Western Mountain Camp for patrol rotation. He'll return in three days," Zhou Zheng replied. He knew about Su Yuxin's past deeds. Seeing her solicitously inquiring about Xiaozhi and overseeing things was a drastic change. Perhaps, fate had turned in her favor at last.


"Three days?" Su Yuxin bit her lip, brows furrowing, feeling anxious as she paced. If Physician Sun failed and the General returned only after three days, wouldn't it be too late? All she could do was hope Physician Sun's expertise could heal Xiaozhi.