
Chapter 11: Heaven Sends Her to Repay Debts

After helping Ziyuan apply medicine, Su Yuxin and Ziyuan returned to Yimeiyuan. On the way, Su Yuxin asked hesitantly, "What should I prepare for Grandma Luo? Will she forgive me?"


"Grandma Luo loves the Mistress the most. Even without any gifts, as long as the Mistress says a word, Grandma Luo will return immediately," Ziyuan replied.


"Grandma Luo treated me like her granddaughter, yet I..." A month ago, Su Yuxin had driven Grandma Luo away, all because of Peach's instigation. She had spoken ill and hurtful words then. Now, Su Yuxin regretted her actions deeply.


"Those days have passed. Grandma Luo won't hold onto those memories," Ziyuan reassured. Yet these words only made Su Yuxin feel more burdened. No matter how excessive her actions were, they remained loyal and steadfast towards her. She must have accumulated merits from several lifetimes to receive such devoted loyalty.


Just then, a young maid rushed out, nearly bumping into Su Yuxin. "What's the rush? Acting like a flustered chicken," scolded Ziyuan, pulling Su Yuxin behind her.


The maid, terrified at encountering Su Yuxin, immediately knelt down and apologized repeatedly. Since General's marriage, everyone in the household had suffered under Su Yuxin's tyranny. They bore physical and verbal abuse without any recourse. Now, approaching her, they were sure to suffer consequences.


"I'm fine. Get up quickly, be careful not to hurt yourself," Su Yuxin supported the maid, preventing further bowing. The maid stood there stunned, her widened eyes reflecting bewilderment at Su Yuxin's unexpected gentleness.


"What urgent matter made you rush?" Su Yuxin inquired. The maid hesitated before responding.


"Madam, she asked you a question. Why the rush? Is something important happening?" Ziyuan also questioned.


"It's Xiaomama's grandson. He's unwell, and several doctors couldn't help. Xiaomama sent me to invite Physician Sundai from Ren'an Hall," the maid replied, timidly.


The injuries inflicted by Su Yuxin on Xiaozhi a few days earlier had festered. The wound had turned septic, leading to a continuous high fever that lasted for three days. It was akin to burning charcoal. The doctors claimed if the fever persisted, he might not survive the next two days.


Su Yuxin slapped her forehead, realizing she had forgotten something crucial. Xiaozhi had accidentally bumped into her, leading to his punishment of twenty lashes. He was just a child. Her actions in the past were unforgivable. Her violent tendencies were evident. She regretted her actions from her past life, understanding that her second chance wasn't necessarily divine mercy but perhaps a debt to repay.


"Running there won't make it in time. Get the steward to take my calling card and go by carriage," Su Yuxin instructed. "Also, have someone find out when the General will return."


The Physician they invited might be of no use. But she, without authority, couldn't invite the Taishi. It required the General's intervention.


"Eh?" The maid was bewildered. She had expected Su Yuxin to be enraged and stop her. How could she...?


"What are you waiting for?" Su Yuxin urged before turning to Ziyuan. "You and her go take care of it. I'll go to Xiaomama's place."


"Okay," Ziyuan nodded and dragged the maid along. The maid was puzzled. Why had Madam suddenly become so different? Kind and gentle like a celestial being. Could she truly be an angel in disguise?


Xiaomama and her grandson lived behind the kitchen. Even from a distance, they could hear Xiaomama's suppressed cries. Su Yuxin entered without hesitation, and the strong medicinal scent made her cough. Immediately, everyone's attention turned towards her.


Seeing Su Yuxin, they instinctively cowered. They had borne the brunt of her mistreatment, had no way to reason with her, and naturally felt fearful and resentful.


Xiaomama's eyes glared fire upon seeing Su Yuxin. "You've harmed my child so. This old lady will perish with you!"


Her grandson was her only family. Now, lying sick in bed, unaided by any doctor, how could she bear it?