
Myrth: Chapter 78

Chapter 1107


As Xin Ja takes a carriage to go home, he rested his head on the side and closes his eyes to relax after the whole day of class. He showed a faint smile on his face as he felt a bit contented with what he has done today.

"Hmm… Helping others is not that bad after all…" he muttered to himself.

He then frowns upon remembering the challenge of that teacher. He truly hated those kinds of people. Although he knew that not everyone is like that, yet he also knew that there are always people who think like Teacher Ma. They are those that look down on others and would always think highly of themselves.

Well, he could not deny the fact, that those kinds of people are the ones who always move to the higher ladder in life. Being timid and all would not help you if you wanted to be at the top. You can only be shameless, proud, and talented in any aspect if you truly wanted to reach the top.