
Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 73

Chapter 1323

"If this would not create a problem for him, then how is he even alive until today?" Xin Ja thought as he has learned that Big Rock has been a gladiator for a year now and has been the crowd's favorite for some time already.

As the big guy walks inside the pen, he was greeted by the other gladiators and he proudly walked toward Xin Ja.

"How is my performance?" he said with a proud smile.

"Not bad…" Xin Ja replied showing a calm expression.

"Well, I hope that you also would do really well in the fights. But my advice is not to end the battle quickly."

Xin Ja was about to say such words because he knew that Big Rock could actually end the battle briefly however, he did not which baffle Xin Ja a bit.

Xin Ja frowned and then realized what he meant.

"To entertain the audience?" he asked.