
The Garbage Pile

This is a collection of very short stories, based on randomly generated prompts

SlightlyMagical · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Cat Thief

The prompt: A cat, with a backpack, talking to a thief on a farm


"Meow!" the thief almost fell off the ladder in surprise, thinking for a moment he had been caught. Realizing it was just a cat though, he regained his composure and tried shooing the cat away as quietly as possible, not wanting to attract any attention to himself.

"Mrreoow" the cat purred as it started rubbing against the foot of the ladder. Surprisingly, the cat was wearing a tiny backpack, oddly similar to the thief's own.

"Well aren't you a strange one…" the thief mumbled and climbed back down to the cat. He held out his hand, and the cat rubbed its head against it, happy to be given attention.

"Why don't you come with me?" The thief wasn't quite sure why he was so drawn to this cat, but in all honesty, he really did not mind; it would be nice to have some company. The cat, seemingly understanding him, jumped onto his shoulder and made itself comfortable.

"Partners in crime, eh?" the thief chuckled and began climbing back up the ladder to the upper floor of the farmhouse.