
I'm Sorry

“I’m sorry...”

Vale, who’s wiping Keith’s forehead with a wet towel stopped her actions.

She looked at Keith with a complicated look.

Sighing, she turned around and put the wet towels back on the basin on the nightstand.

She sits at the side of the bed with her back on him.

Both of her hand went to her sides.

She lowered her head and closed her eyes.

Immediately after, the scene six months ago appeared in her eyes.



Vale came back to his mansion after meeting with the five gangs.

She went to her room.

She opens the door, and just as she closed the door with a click, someone pushed her back onto the door.

Her back hit the door hard.

She hissed in pain.

Before she could analyze the situation, someone covered her mouth with a pair of lips.

Vale’s eyes widen in shock when she saw Keith.

His kiss was brutal and domineering.

Vale tried to push him away but failed.

Within seconds, her clothes scattered down the floor.


“Sign it!”

Vale rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Her body was sore.

“What is it?” she asked, sitting up before reaching for the paper thrown at her.

Contract Termination Agreement.

The titles were enough to make her trembles.

Her eyes read the contents of the paper again and again. Afraid that she was reading wrongly.

The contract stated that she was free from the gang, free from the blackmail.

However, she can’t tell anyone that she was once part of a gang.

She’s not allowed to interact with any members of the gang.

She must forget everything that had happened when she was still in the gang.

She has to move out of the house...today?

Her limbs went limp, and the hands that’s holding the paper fall down the bed as she stared at him.

Her mouth opening and closing but no words came out.

“What...what do you mean by this?” she stuttered.

Keith gave her a sharp look.

“You got what you want. Are you happy now?” Keith asked indifferently.

Vale was at a loss for words, “I...but...why?”

“Let me ask you first. Where did you go yesterday?” Keith pinched her chin between his fingers as he stared at her with a serious look.

Vale tries to meet his eyes, but she couldn’t bear the intensity of hates in it. It forced her to closed her eyes.

“Look at me!” Keith yelled.

She closed her eyes stubbornly, but the increasing grip of his fingers on her chin made her squeal in pain.

Her eyelashes flutter open, and her tears dripped down her cheeks one by one.

“I went to my friend’s house,” she answered his question.

“Liar!” he roared as he let go of her chin.

He takes the envelope lying at the foot of the bed before pouring its content in front of her.

Hundreds of photo came out from the envelope.

She looked at the pictures swiftly, and her face immediately paled.

The person in the photo was her entering and exiting the Venomous gang base.

A photo of her going into James car.

There was a photo of her with Cassie, Roy, the race and the five gangs.

She lowered her head, “I’m sorry.”

Keith scoffed, “Do you know what I hate the most?”

He walks closer to her before bending down to whisper in her ear.

“A liar. Two face bitch.”

“Sherry is better than you,” he said before standing back upright and looked at her with a mocking smile.

Vale felt a stab of pain in her heart that spreads down her gut when she heard his words.

Her hands gripped the sheets tightly as she closed her eyes, hiding the sadness and pain in her eyes.

His words are vicious.

It tore her heart without mercy.

After everything, he chose to judge and punish her first.

He said that he trusts her. Was it just a lie then?

“What are you sitting there for? Sign the damn paper and get out of my house!”

Vale took a deep breath, gaining her courage to speak, “I owe you an explanation.”

Keith laughed sinisterly, “Explanation? Forget it. The photos are enough as an explanation.”

Vale bit her lip and stared at him, stubbornly, “I don’t want to sign it.”

Keith looked at her, stunned for a second before smirking, “Do you think I would take a betrayer under my wings? Absolutely no. There’s no way to know what you’re plotting inside your head. Or...”

He looked at her with a dangerous glint in his eyes, “...I could make you disappear. Forever.”

Vale saw that he was not joking at all.

Her heart cracks and bleed, making her feel suffocated.

She looks away from him, stifling her sobs.

She reached for the pen on the bed and signed her name on the paper. A drop of tear landed beside her name.

The next word that came out of his mouth shattered her hope completely.

“Sherry and I will get married in two months.”

Her ears ring.

Her body became numb as her heart shattered in pieces.

Wiping her tears, she put the paper, back on the bed before sprinting towards the bedroom.

She turned the showers on and stood under it, crying her hearts out.

Seeing the marks on her body, she felt disgusted.

Reaching for the body soap, she scrubbed and rinsed her body again and again.

Her skin had turned red the moment she finished showering.


She grabbed her phone, purse and luggage before closing the room behind her.

She wears her black sunglasses before she walks forward.

Not even trying to look back.

Afraid that she would break down once more if she did.

“Where are you going?” A mocking voice asked her the moment she arrived at the entrance.

Vale ignored her as she dragged her luggage towards the gate.

It was lunchtime, and most of the guards are having lunch outside.

Vale hissed when her left shoulder blade felt a stinging pain.

She turned around and dodged Sherry’s next attack in times.

Her back was wet with hot liquid.

Her hands went around to touch her damp back. She retracted her hand and frown when she saw the blood on her hand.

“Farewell. Please don’t blame me. You asked for this.” Sherry smiled innocently.

She wiped the small knife on her hands with a tissue and put it back inside her jackets.

Vale looked at her retreating figure with a suspicious look.