

“He needs you.” the man said.

Vale holds the phone on her hear with trembling hand.

“Please.” the man pleaded when he didn’t hear any response from her.

“Where’s Sherry?” she asked.

The man was silent for a minute.

“You didn’t know, did you?” he asked.

Vale frowned, “Know what?”

“Keith was forced by his father to marry Sherry.”

Vale chuckled bitterly, “What does this have to do with me?”

“You killed a woman a few nights ago.” the man stated.

Vale raised an eyebrow, “What are you implying?”

“I know you still loved him, and no one knows you. Why don’t you killed-”

“Brett! Stop! Do you know what you are saying?” Vale interrupted him.

She walked down to her sofa before sitting on it, rubbing her forehead.

“I know what I’m saying! Keith didn’t like her at all! He ordered us not to allow her to enter the house. He even refused to meet her after you...” Brett halted.

“Then why did he kick me out?” Vale asked.

Brett sighed.

“It’s not my place to tell you. Why don’t you ask him when he wakes up? Right now, he needs you.”

Vale hesitated for a second before replying, “With conditions, bring him to me. I will send you the address.” she said before hanging up.

She typed the address on her phone before sending it to the person.

Sighing, she leaned back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling.

Her phone rings. Startling her.


“We’re ready. When do we start?”

Vale bit her lip, thinking for a second.


The person on the other side was startled. So soon?

“Got it.” the person said before hanging up.

Vale huffed.

Brett said that Keith was unconscious and he has a high fever.

She remembers that he had called her before he fainted.

It’s been two weeks, and Keith shows no sign of waking up.

A small part of her heart, beats with guilt. But, when she remembers what he had done six months ago, her guilt disappeared.

He decided to leave her and kick her out.

Why would she care about him now?

For the past six months, she had closed her hearts off and build her walls high.

There’s no way she’d turn her guard down to get hurt again.

She will not be softhearted just because he has a high fever or whatever reason was it that made him went unconscious.

The plan has to continue.

Even if she has to bear the consequences at the end.


“She agreed,” Brett said.

The group of people sitting on the sofa sighed in relief.

“That’s good.”

“But...” Brett sat on the couch before huffing.

“But what?” Caleb asked anxiously.

“She wanted us to bring him to her.”

The group of people went silent when they heard this—all of them contemplating in their heart.

After all, Keith kicked Vale out of the gang and also from his house. What if she did something to him to vent her anger?

What if she wanted revenge?

“Why don’t we tell his family about this?” Jake asked.

He’s the most vulnerable among them. After all, he and Mitchell are finally in a relationship.

What if Mitchell asks him about her brother?

He wouldn’t take any chances that would separate her from him.

“Absolutely no. Keith definitely doesn’t want his family to know about him being in a coma. It will attract too much attention. No one in this room is allowed to leak out this information to anyone else.” Dylan said.

A heavy cloud falls upon them.

“Do you really think that she still loves him?” Caleb asked worriedly.

“No one can forget the person who loves them and hurt them at the same time,” Lexy answered.

Brett’s eyes flashed.

“I don’t think she has the heart to hurt him. After all, she still picked up his phone calls. She still cares.” Dylan said thoughtfully.

Nancy frowned, “What did you say?”

“She doesn’t have the heart-”

“No. The other one.”

“She picked up his phone calls.”

“How did you know?” Jenny asked.

Dylan pursed his lips, “He dropped his phone at the kitchen floor after he fainted.”

“I don’t believe she didn’t hear his phone dropping down the floor. Even if she does, she doesn’t care.” Jake sneered.

He leaned forward before asking, “Why don’t we let Sherry take care of him?”

“Absolutely no!”

They immediately disagreed.

Jake rolled his eyes before leaning back on the sofa.

“Let’s take him to her,” Dylan said.

Jenny frowned, “But, how will she take care of him? She needs a doctor.”

“I know.” Dylan looked at her meaningfully.

Jenny turns her head to look at him, blinking. Trying to process the meaning of his words.

Her eyes went wide in realization. She stands up in fright.

“No. No way! I’m not doing it!”

Dylan stands up, “Please.” he pleaded.

The rest of the people in the living room finally understood what the couples mean, and they all nodded in agreement.

Jenny’s face paled, “Then, will you go with me?” she tugged on Dylan’s sleeves.

Dylan raised his eyebrows, “Why?” he asked as he sat down, followed by Jenny.

Jenny didn’t answer him. She only looked at him with fear and dread in her eyes.

Dylan looked at her in confusion before realization sets in.

“You saw the news,” he stated.

The rest of the people stiffened when they recalled the scene a few nights ago.

“She hates her for a reason. But, she definitely doesn’t hate you.” Nancy stated meaningfully.

Jenny hesitated as she looked at Dylan worriedly.

Dylan rubbed her head gently, “Don’t worry. She definitely won’t hurt you. Furthermore, since Keith is unconscious, the rest of us need to stay here to run the business as usual.”

Jenny nodded.

Dylan looked at his friends, and they immediately understand. They stood up together and went out of the living room to the meeting room upstairs.

Leaving the three women on the sofa.

“Lexy, how are you?” Nancy asked.

Lexy blinked before forcing a smile, “I’m good. Why are you asking?”

Nancy frowned, “You can trust me, you know. We’re not strangers.”

Lexy nodded, but her actions were stiffed.

“He didn’t threaten you, right?” Jenny asked her all of a sudden.

Lexy stiffens even more.

Nancy sat up and looked at the stairs, warily, “Lexy, what is it?”

Lexy panicked. Her hands went cold as she answered, “It’s...Its nothing!” she said before sprinting upstairs.

Jenny and Nancy shared a look.

“What’s wrong with her?” Jenny pursed her lips.

“I don’t know either.” Nancy sighed.