
The Gamer Avenger

It all started when I fell into the marvel cinematic universe...literally and by literally you know what I mean..I saw the Infinity stones and before I knew it I was there..so I made plans like any other hero would..well hero because I have something which others dream of:The gamer ability..and I will make full use of it to live my life awesomely..and do help protect the world..

Dastaan · 映画
10 Chs

4. The First Avenger

The downside of the Cloak as I liked to call it was pretty straight-forward and that perhaps made it more so dangerous. The cloak actually utilized my own energy to operate since X doesn't have a immediate viable alternative, I had to use it to escape the predicament. Now it was my turn to feel the repercussions.



Since I have the Gamer's Body, I don't exactly start shriveling or something, the changes are more gradual. But the effect is immediately seen.

You are affected by a state of extreme hunger : -40 hp and every 30 minutes you do not eat -10 hp will be lost. To remove the negative status effect please eat something.

Gentle Reminder : In this state all other hunger related negative effects last twice as long and will be twice as detrimental.

Since I have at most 100 hp, I had almost 3 hours left to live and I couldn't use it again in the same time period. I am thinking this through very calmly for a man who is about to die of hunger. (Thank you Gamer's Mind). My stomach constantly rumbled and I had already remedied for it which also brings me back to my current situation. I am in BIG Mart as this place called itself. One of the places where you could perhaps never rob anything but I was/am different because now I had the ultimate tool of thievery. The Inventory. Oh Thank GOD for sweet-loving and oh so infinite dimension where I can put everything as long as I can light it. So I walk right into the food court and start throwing whatever I want into my Inventory. There was a kid there who looked at me open mouthed as I tossed in the twinky..who doesn't love a good twinky. I shh'ed him before he could start going crazy. X took care of the camera's and I took care of prying eyes. Then I walked right out without turning back making the store stock lesser than almost 100 different products and some new clothes for me (which I equipped all too soon still very cool..). I kept eating while walking and followed my earlier plan.

Learnt Skill Thievery {Lv. 1}

A basic action of taking something that is not yours, as the level increases the chances of getting caught lessen.

Well there's that too, so far I have learnt many skills. There's Sneak, and after I escaped from Shield in D.C and used the cloaking for the first time I got Cloaking as a skill too. Though it doesn't show any levels since I presume it is not my own skill but something that my companion uses on me but then it is still considered a skill I can use anytime so there you have it. Sadly I remembered that I had turned off the background music because it somehow made me feel distracted so I didn't know what it would have played while I tried to escape, I will work on it and make sure that I don't become too distracted by it..I mean it's like a movie soundtrack and something too cool to pass on on.

My plans were in fact very simple, all I had to do was prove to shield that I wasn't a threat and that I could be of use to them which makes it so that I could move about freely. For this I had to meet Fury face to face and make him understand, the note would clear up Fury's schedule for a bit. Now I had to make my way to New York so X took out what was an aerial shipping log of an airport nearby so I turned my cloak on, went to 747 invisible and sat down in the goods compartment which coincidentally belonged to Guess...Stark. They were some sort of assembly machinery as X told me. The rest was simple, along the journey , I kept surfing the net and made myself aware of the conditions of this world. Roughly and hour later I was in New York city and that was when X told me that someone was calling me (yeah X can also work as a portable phone for me, kinda weird). It was Fury and as expected he was furious.

"Director Fury", I said before he could say anything.

"Mr. Moirai", the voice is exactly as I had heard it in my world and it would be nice to see Sam. L. Jackson.

"Please call me Dastaan", I politely asked him.

"Mr. Moirai , what do you want?", the question is direct and concise, as expected.

"I want the world", I said thinking about the ridiculous quest which had opened up earlier.

There was a pin-drop silence which was broken by laughter.

"Hahahahahah...sorry..always wanted to say that..anyway..all I want from shield is that it doesn't interfere with me so that I may start doing things that I will ",

'I really always wanted to say that; I mean could any of you get a chance to say something like that to the face of Director of Shield. Yeah yeah I know.'

"And what might they be..", the voice is now more measured and cautious since for him I am a new and perhaps an alien variable and Fury doesn't like variables no matter where you are from.

"It's to change the world... ", I replied easily cause that is my plan in the first place. I will change the world but for that I need to stronger not only as a physically but also financially. I could become a billionaire without even a sweat cause I have X but I wanted to be in the public's eye. And Shield could help me with that, if I could use it well at least until I became strong enough.

"Look we need to meet face-to-face if you have already read the note then you know I am in New York so let's meet, your playground this time and please do make sure that I don't feel the need to start running. Text me when you have fixed it."


For making logical decisions and having the wisdom to know your own path.

Int +3 Wis +4

Leant Skill Negotiation {Lv. 38}

You have a great command of language and your people skills, thus making it so that almost no one can win against you in a deal.

I ended the call before I blinked at the faithful blue box hanging in front of me. This is new, I already knew that I could gain stats by doing some actions regularly but it is still new to me. I shrugged but still felt elated.

'Atleast, I am getting somewhere now'

I wanted to make sure that Fury felt fully in control this time. It will make sure that he co-operates if he thinks that he has me in his palms in the worst case scenario. Though I could just 'teleport' from in front of him which would just defeat the purpose of the meeting this time. I had to make sure that he felt that I could be controlled.

[Sir, there is a text for you.]

"What does it say?"

[Central Park, 10 Minutes]

"Tell me the directions X. Let's go and please be on the lookout for any..uncertainties."

[Of course, Sir.]

I took the subway and barely 5 minutes later I was there. The time was somewhat around 8 am so it was open and I am glad for that though there were barely any locals or anybody in fact. Even the security guards were absent from the entrance gates. The whole thing smelled of a big trap but I wanted to do this so I walked in and looked around.

[Sir, there are almost 20 other readings that I pick up on radio]

'Can you hac...what am I saying...Hack them'

[Hacking...you are connected,Sir.]

"...non-lethal use of firearms granted.", I heard a voice which definitely isn't Fury's and they have prepared non-lethal rounds.

"Yes, Sir. Target has reached my point, moving towards west", a agent reported as I still kept walking inwards.

"Acknowledged", the voice returned.

I kept walking for barely 5 minutes before I saw Fury and Coulson standing beneath a tree looking ready for war. I mean Fury had openly showcased his gun while Coulson just frowned after looking at me.

"Hello Phil, long time no see. ", I waved at him to which his frown deepened.

"Mr. Moirai ", Fury looked towards me with a no nonsense mood because we both knew what is at stake here.

"Director Fury." I nodded impressed by his patience and meeting him in person both the actor and the character. (get it!)

"How did you know it?", the question is direct.

"How did I know what?", I acted stupid.

"There is a limit to my Patience, Mr. Moirai."

"haha...might wanna tell your goons closing in to get a bit further back , I am getting nervous. Also can you turn your communication devices off? They give me a headache and make me feel woozy", I waved my hands at the surrounding out-of-the-way agents as I shook my head.

"No, they will not. I asked you some questions.", Fury hand is already on his holster.

"Do you really want me to do the dis-appearing act on you.", I asked him cause the status had been removed.

We both stared at each other for a long moment before he removed his hands from his holster.

"Look all I want is for Shield to look the other way when it comes to me", I told him my real intentions.

"And why would we do that..."

'Make sure no one other than us are hearing what I say'

"Look Fury, I don't wanna beat around the bush here. I am not of this earth and before you ask no I am not from outer space either. I cannot remember everything or why I am sent here. All I can do right now is prepare.."

"Are there others out there?",Fury is finally looking intimidated now.

"Of course there are and not all of them are like me. That's why we need to prepare.."

"Prepare for what...", Coulson intervened.

"All I can tell you is that there are things out there in the vastness of space; some friendly most hostile and they will come here...perhaps not today not tomorrow and I have to prepare for the eventuality. We won't just need a Shield to protect the future, Director. I hope you understand..."

"I don't. We have no way to ascertain that you are not a threat. What is your motive behind all of this? "

"That is a long story but observe me. Sen someone you trust to keep an eye on me. You already know my number. I will be somewhere you can be absolutely certain to watch. Give me this chance or..."

" Or? "

"The world will suffer and you would just stand there as it burns down."

Fury is silent for just a moment before prompting again,"You didn't answer the question I want. How did you know all that you know."

"It's a secret, Director and speaking of which here...", I handed him a note detailing the exact location of the First Avenger and something as a Freebie.

Fury took the note but before he opened it up, I stopped him.

"By now Pierce must have already known everything about me but this must be kept secret. Also draft me in the Avenger's Initiative, that way you could keep an eye on me and I could give you regular updates about me and you guys could benefit from some of my inventions that I will invent in the neat future."

"Okay but you stay until you tell me exactly how you hacked into Shield.", the answer is succinct but I have no doubt whatsoever that if Pierce does come snooping around, Fury will tell him everything depending on the situation but I said it anyways to make sure that Fury understands that I don't trust Pierce/higher authority of Shield or perhaps even fear Shield's higher authority.

"Sorry Director", I said as I got up "Got people to do things to meet..well that sort of a thing. See you soon. " and right-off-the-bat disappeared making sure to fry their comm's because of the radiation of my 'teleportation'.

I heard a muttered 'Godammit' before I slowly made my way back towards another exit and where Shield agents where slack. I really had some really important things to do and according to X I am going to be busy the rest of the week (today's monday by the way ).

******Shield base New York*********

"Anything interesting, Nick."

"Why ask since you already know?"

"Not all of it. You know how this goes Nick."

"Found a kid with the ability to teleport, fries all comms. and electrical appliances between 10 yard or more while teleporting. Still trying to ascertain of he has a power or an invention. He barely takes a second to teleport so right now thinking how to subdue him, seems like low intensity radio waves induce headache for him. He says that he will start showing himself soon enough, I will keep him a watch on him for now. I want to draft him under the Avenger's Initiative."

"The idea was cancelled long ago."

"Then I will reinstate it."


"Even as not an asset, the kid has to be kept under my direct control and if he is a teleporter then it becomes paramount to learn how he does it and if we can't learn it than we have to know how to destroy him."

"Fine but the first sign of trouble and it's over for the guy. He is too much of a liability. I am sure that you will prepare hard enough."

Fury nodded before the screen flickered and closed down. The room had already been isolated and his eye couldn't be narrowed more.

To Mr. One-Eyed Director of Shield

The negotiations have gone perfectly and here's my part of the deal.

Captain Steven Rogers is right now under glacial ice around his crash site and for your information yeah he is still alive. The super soldier serum can do that to you. We will need him for the future. The rest as they say is up to you. Fury you need to be very very careful after hearing this:

Hydra is still alive. I can't tell you more than this.

P.s About the thing you were tinkering with. It is like a doorway and do remember that doorways open from both sides.

P.p.s And when you find Captain tell him something for me, will you? Tell him "I am sorry about your date." He will understand and tell him about me too.

With plenty of spyness and two eyes


The note and all it's info was burned not a minute later and Nicholas J. Fury looked at the city nestled in front of him. Behind him on the table lay a manila folder and it contained a single page with a single blurry photo.

A youth with black hair, a handsome face mischievously smiling at the camera as though he knew he was being photographed.

Dastaan. D. Moirai

Age: 21

Affliction : Unknown (An otherworlder )

Birthplace : Unknown (Subject shows a very high level of intimacy with Earth)

Abilities : Teleporter (no subjective analysis of the ability available.) Hacking (an acquaintance or perhaps another otherworlder )

Primary Psych Eval : Subject is a 22 years old Caucasian male with a slight British accent. He is being eval for the Avenger's Initiative. Primary evaluation is atmost a guess and may not completely be held accountable for any of subjects behavior. As almost all the sources of info are dead ends, the following report is merely a speculation from witnesses and recordings.

Medical and Development History: None

Family and Social History: None

Dastaan is very social person and his situation analysis are top-notch. He has a willingness to work for good but Dastaan has shown a very neutral reaction when asked about his origins which leads us to believe that he himself is not certain and thus can not comment. Though his meetings have been brief with our known agents, almost all of them have described him in a word : Impossible.

There is still a need for more information before he is said to be fit for the Avenger's Initiative but as far as Primary Eval and onsite reports tell us, Dastaan is not using his powers for gaining any profit but as a deterrent against Shield which makes him a very smart and calm mind. On Director Fury's personal insisting.

Cleared for Avenger's Initiative.

Stamped clearly across the page was a bright red stamp. Avenger's Initiative Approved.

And right next it was a note written by Fury : The First Avenger.

fastest update 1.4.0

Dastaancreators' thoughts