
The Game of Crowns

When the life of Prince Colt is threatened after his father's murder and his blood brother usurping the kingdom, he is forced to flee and assemble allies to seek retribution. As adversaries encroach upon the borders and past foes reemerge, Colt is faced with the daunting task of confronting them. Amidst shifting loyalties and unforeseen betrayals, this saga unravels a complex narrative of treachery, kinship, and conflict. It intertwines themes of romance amidst turmoil and bloodshed, crafting a riveting tale of struggle and sacrifice.

Aslan_007 · アクション
38 Chs

Chapter 5: Hide and Peek

Colt did not know what to do anymore. Did he have any choice on whether or not to listen?

"I want you to tell me the hidden supply routes to your fortresses," the governor said. "In return, I will give you enough forces to bring your brother to justice."

"So you are telling me to betray my people, just like my brother. You want to use Hammer's betrayal for your ambitions," Colt responded.

"What is wrong with it, young man? We all are working for our own ambitions. Did not your father start this war for his ambitions? Did not your brother usurp the throne for his own ambitions? I am sure you will want something as well," said the governor with a smile. "Just name it. I will make sure to make it possible for you."

"I just want to leave."

"Oh, you will, for sure. But that depends on you. You will either leave walking on your two legs or carried on four shoulders."

"Still threatening me?" Colt reacted. He was trying his best to not flinch, but he knew this man was not joking. He might actually kill him.

"It is a part of my job, young man."

Colt thought for a few seconds. He clenched his fists, as he could not decide what to do. If only Gilbert were here. "Fine," he said. The face of the governor lightened up in delight. "I will tell you our supply routes. Just give me some soldiers under my command."

"Our?" The governor laughed. "Do you still think that is your country? Not anymore, young prince. It is better to join us and forget your past."

Colt stayed silent and did not bother to answer him.

Seeing the young prince was not ready to flinch, the governor said, "Fine. Do what you want, but give me results. And do not act smart." He turned and walked away with his soldiers after a subtle warning.

Colt kicked the iron bars in a rage. "Damn it." He had to work against his country to get out of the situation. Never did he think he would see such a day.


"We will ask if someone has seen him around here," Kyte said to the men under his command. They were looking for Colt downstream around the woods. They had to be careful, as Hammer's men were in search of him as well.

"Sir, there is a hut." A soldier signaled ahead across the jungle.

"Let us see if someone lives here." They all headed towards the hut, but they suddenly heard some voices. "Hey, hide yourselves. Someone is coming."

While hiding, they saw Varius and a few soldiers of Madmen arrived at the hut. It seemed they too had arrived at the same place in their search operation.

"Varius…" Kyte uttered. "This dastard…"

"What should we do now?" asked a soldier.

"We will wait," Kyte answered. "Let us assess the situation. We will act accordingly."

"Understood, sir."

They saw that a middle-aged man covered in rags came out of the hut. It was Sango. They had a little chit-chat, and a soldier entered the hut forcefully. The man tried to resist, but a punch from Varius was enough to calm him down. The soldier stayed inside for a while and came out with a pouch in his hand.

"What is that?" Kyte wondered.

"It looks like… gold?" a soldier said when shiny gold coins were dropped on the ground from the pouch.

"It is unlikely a man covered in rags would possess such a wealth," said Kyte with a quizzical expression. "Either he has stolen it from somewhere or has performed a shady task."

They watched Varius interrogating him with a sword on his neck. The man pleaded for his life and answered all his questions. Kyte and others were unable to hear it properly, but they could recognize Colt's name among other gibberish.

"I do not know where they took him!" Sango cried when he could not handle the hits. "Please, believe me!"

"He surely knows something," said Kyte.

They watched Varius take the gold after hitting the man multiple times in the stomach. The man could no longer move. He then pulled out his sword and was about to end his life.

"What should we do, sir?" A soldier said to Kyte. "Should we not save him?"

"We are outnumbered," Kyte replied with an uneasy expression. He, too, wanted to save that person and was hoping for some miracle. And it seemed God had listened to him.

A soldier stopped Varius as he reasoned Sango might be useful in tracking down the bandits who took Colt. Varius listened to him and discarded the idea of killing him. He ordered his soldiers to take the man with him.

"Where are they taking him?" a soldier asked Kyte.

"We will follow them," Kyte said. "We will wait for the right chance and try to find a way to get to Colt." He looked at a soldier. "You go to my prince and tell him that Prince Colt might be alive. It is almost confirmed. Also, tell him about what we have witnessed here."

"As you order." The soldier left quietly raising no suspicion.

"Let's go," Kyte ordered his soldiers to follow Varius.


In the deep jungles, someone ran for his life. He was out of his breath, but he was failing to fend off his pursuers. He hid behind a tree. He was out of breath and had no energy to run.

"You can run nowhere!" a man shouted. "This is the end of your life!"

It was Gilbert who still ran for his life from Hammer's soldiers. He was wounded and was covered in scratches all around his visible body. His face, his hands, nothing was spared. He was bleeding near his shoulder as he had received an arrow wound.

"Come out by yourself and we will spare your life!" again shouted the man. "If we find you, you will be dead for sure!"

Gilbert was in a hard situation. He had nowhere to run, neither he had the energy to fight them. "Help me, oh God."