
The Game of Crowns

When the life of Prince Colt is threatened after his father's murder and his blood brother usurping the kingdom, he is forced to flee and assemble allies to seek retribution. As adversaries encroach upon the borders and past foes reemerge, Colt is faced with the daunting task of confronting them. Amidst shifting loyalties and unforeseen betrayals, this saga unravels a complex narrative of treachery, kinship, and conflict. It intertwines themes of romance amidst turmoil and bloodshed, crafting a riveting tale of struggle and sacrifice.

Aslan_007 · Action
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38 Chs

Chapter 4: The Orders

"Tell me, did you find him?" Hammer asked Varius in his royal court.

"No, my king," Varius answered. He could notice Hammer's frustrated face. "May I ask something, my king?"

"Go on."

"Why are you so eager to find him? Nobody can survive a fall from that height. I am sure he must have died."

"You do not know my brother, Varius. He is one hell of a tough nut," said Hammer. "I can not rest until I see his dead body."

"Even if he survived, what could he do alone? He is no better than a commoner now," Varius reasoned.

"What if he runs to Rozerd and they join forces against me?" he looked at Varius's face. He knew what he was thinking. "I know you must be thinking what could they do even if they come together. Then I must tell you, your biggest enemy is the one who knows your ins and outs, and most importantly, how you think. And there are two of them."

Varius bowed. "Understood, my king. I will not return until I have found him." He turned and walked away.

"You better not, or I will cut your head in his place," said the king.


Deep in the mountains, there were men hiding in camps. A man in a leather armor hurried inside one.

"Rozerd, I have a news," he said.

There was Rozerd, the brother on the run, sitting on a seat padded with animal skins. He was a blonde man in his early thirties with shoulder-length hair, a short beard, sharp features and a strong build. He wore a leather armor with a flame engraved on it, the emblem of Madmen.

"What is it?" he responded to the man.

"Prince Colt is missing, and Hammer is searching for him," the man said.

"Hammer…" Rozerd gritted his teeth. "I swear I will kill you."

"My prince, our spies have told us that Prince Colt had jumped into the stream with his horse. It is difficult for him to come out alive," the man added.

"You do not know my brother, Kyte. He is not someone to die so easily, and I will not allow him to…" he looked at his men. "We have to find him before Hammer does."

"But how would we find him, my prince? We must not forget Hammer is after you as well. We can not act reckless and reveal our location," Kyte, the mustached man, reacted.

"I know, Kyte, damn it." Rozerd acted frustrated. He was aware of the situation he was in. "I still can not leave Colt to his fate. If there is anyone who can help me the most in defeating Hammer is him."

"What should we do then, my prince? Just give the order," Kyte responded.

"Take a few men and search for him downstream. If you feel anything suspicious, just run away."

"Got it, my prince." Kyte bowed and left the camp.


"I would become an even greater warrior than you, father."

"Hahaha, I am sure you will, my son."

"Here, take my attack!"

"Ah! You have defeated me."

"Hahaha, I am the new king of this land."

"Oye, wake up!" Colt opened his eyes when he heard some noise, and the first thing he saw was a cage. He was chained like an animal. Those black-clothed men were transporting him somewhere in a caged cart.

He realized he was having a dream of his younger self and his father playing together. He used to attack him with his wooden sword, and his father pretended to get defeated. It was more of a memory than a dream.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked the black-clothed men. "Are you taking me to Hammer?"

"Hahaha, do you still think we work for your brother? We would have already killed you if that were the case," their leader on the horse said.

"Then where are you taking me? Who do you work for?" asked Colt.

"You will soon come to know."

They suddenly halted at the sight of a castle. "We are here!" said the leader. "You will wait here until I return." He went ahead and talked to the guards at the gate for a while and returned. The guards opened the gate, and they all entered the castle.

"What is this castle? Where have you brought me?" asked Colt. He could not recognize the place. But there were soldiers with armor he had seen somewhere. There was an emblem of a Lion engraved on it. "Am I somewhere in the kingdom of Wild?"

"Bingo! You are a sharp one," said the leader. "You are in a bordering castle of the Wild."

"Why have you brought me here?"

"For money, of course. Everybody knows your brother is searching for you. The kingdom of Wild can use you in their favor."

"You are a wretched one," Colt hissed.

"Hahaha," the leader laughed at his words. "Yeah, surely I am." Other of his men also laughed.

A soldier opened the cage and pulled Colt out. "Ah!" He was in pain because of his injuries, but they pushed him away nonetheless. They dragged him towards a dungeon and threw him inside.

"Just stay here!" a soldier shouted and walked away.

Colt looked around. Mice, insects, dirt, diseases… these all came into his mind when he saw the dungeon. But before all of that, death came into his mind. "I can not stay here." He knew Hammer would not wait to declare him a traitor if he found out that he was in an enemy castle. "I have to find a way out." He suddenly heard some noises.

"Is he here?"

"Yes, my lord."

He saw a rich-looking man arrived with a few soldiers. The black-clothed leader was also with him. The rich-looking man wore a crown, so he guessed he must be the governor of the castle. He was a middle-aged man with a small trimmed white beard and hair tied in a braid. He wore a fur coat and leather pants.

The governor scanned him up to down. "He matches the description. He is the one." He turned to look at the black-clothed leader. "What did you say your name was?"

"Logan, my lord," the leader replied.

"Logan, you have done a splendid job," the governor said. "I will surely compensate you for your task."

"It is my pleasure, my lord." Logan bowed.

The governor turned to Colt. Colt too just stood there, glaring into his eyes. "I like your expression, young man," said the governor. "It shows your fiery, young blood. Colt, this was your name, right?"

"Why do you care?" Colt retaliated.

"Listen, Colt, your rebelliousness would not work here. Do not confuse me with your brother. I would not hesitate to kill you. I am here to simply give you an offer."

"What offer?"

The governor grinned, making his canines visible. "So, you are willing to listen, huh?"

What offer does the governor have for the young prince? What dangers lurk behind that evil grin?

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