
Ships in Galactic War

Fighters: Up to five Generation of fighters. Fighters are equiped with two light laser canon


Bombers: Up to 5 generation of Bombers. Equiped with one light laser canon and one manned light laser turret. Equiped with two bombs and one missile. Crew:2

Corvette: Fast and agile ship. Equiped with three light laser canon and one automatic laser turret. Often used by bandits to attack trade ship. Not a good armor. Crew:10

Frigate: Has a good armor and protective shield. Usually used as an escort ship but also used for planetary blockade. Equiped with 4 light laser canon, 4 medium laser canon and 2 automatic turret. Crew: 100

Battle cruiser: Used as capital ship of most fleet. 13 Laser canon including 4 light, 8 medium and 1 heavy canon at the front. Can carry 100 fighters and 50 bombers. Can also carry 40 gunships and 30 mech units. Crew: 650

Gunships: Two automatic laser canon. Can carry 30 soldiers or 1 mech units. Crew: two pilots