
Chapter 3

As Lt.Vaugh crew was getting ready orders had already been sent to the third fleet under the command of admiral Villeneuve was being deployed on the border between them and the rebellion. The third fleet composed of 25 corvette, 20 frigates, 20 battle cruiser.

- SLt.Crimson: Flynn everything is good to go

-Lt.Vaugh: Good.

-Lt.Vaugh: This Lieutenant Vaugh of the third diplomatic detachment we are requesting permission to depart.

-Mission control: Third diplomatic detachment permission granted.

Lt.Vaugh: Cadet Dawn once we leave Earth atmosphere put on full throttle towards venus.

-Cadet Dawn: Yes sir!

SLt.Crimson: at full speed it will take us 13 hour to reach venus.

Lt.Vaugh: Good. I will be in my quarters inform me if the situation changes.

SLt.Crimson: Yes sir.

In Flynn quarters.

He was reflecting on everything that happened since the party. His dad had died but because he is a good soldier he has to take a diplomat to meet the rebellion.

- Lieutenant this is Sub.lieutenant Villetta can i talk to you?

-Lt.Vaugh: Great now there is two of them. You can enter.

SLt.Villetta: I am Zoe Villetta i was sent by your uncle to help you on your first mission but it's possible i will stay longer. Your uncle also sends you his sincere condolences.

Lt.Vaugh: I should call him and thank him later. You said you wanted to talk what is it about?

SLt.Villetta: You have to make preparations for the diplomat safety sir.

Lt.Vaugh: Contact SLt.Crimson and tell him to come in the conference room.

SLt.Villetta: Yes sir!