
The future is female

Story of a young woman born in a community where women are subordinate to their husbands, girls not allowed to go to school and live happily. But all that changes when a girl is born from a family of a cruel man. She dies but is reborn in form of her daughter who carries on her legacy showing the world that a woman can change the world as well

Zedhustler · 若者
133 Chs

Matty is mine

Before she reaches the hospital, Asmita gets the wrong impression about Agni, she decides that she won't let anyone take Matty away from her,Asmita chooses to fight Agni because she cannot afford to lose another fiancé. Agni reaches the hospital and gets into an heated argument with Asmita,

Asmita: " who are lady? and how dare you call my fiancé mine?"

Agni: " Matty is not your fiancé, he is my..."

Asmita: " oh please spare me that crap! Mike belongs to me and me alone so back off"

Agni: " Mike? did you just call him Mike? that's not his name his name is Matteo and his my..."

Asmita: " your what? you still want to tell a lie don't you, I trusted you as a friend Zara little did I know that you where a green snake in green grass...."

Agni: " keep quiet Asmita! "

Asmita: " no I won't! you had an eye for my man all along. But its too late,look at you, Jaden loves you so much and all could give back is betrayal! "

Agni: " you disgust me with your thoughts Asmita! "

Asmita: " and you are a betrayer Zara "

Agni: " am not Zara am Agni and Matteo is..."

Asmita: " enough Agni, I want to hear no more "

The doctors tells the team that Matty has regained consciousness and the two ladies rush to get in and they clash on the doorway. Asmita tries to stop Agni from seeing Matty but she breaks through,

Asmita: " and where do you think you're going? "

Agni: " and where does it look like am going? to see Matty of course"

Asmita: " am not letting any negativity around him,your a bad influence and my fiancé will not recover at all"

Agni: " oh shut up... since when did you become a spiritualist? and to make things clear,Matteo doesn't even love so quit making a fool out of yourself "

Asmita: " even if you enter the room,he won't recognise you but me"

Agni: " we'll see about that"

Asmita, Agni and Jaden enter inside to see Matty. When Matty sees the three seated at his bedside,he recognises none but only one whom he calls out. He stammers when calling the name and this leaves everyone at the edge of the seat,

Matteo: " A-A-A-A-Asmita?"

A tear drops from Agni's eyes and Asmita gives a smile that makes Agni even more angry. She holds his hand and shows care,

Asmita: " yes,Mike, what is it? talk to me,am here"

Agni: " Matty do you remember me?"

Matteo looks at Agni and asks her who she is because he doesn't recognise him,

Matteo: " who are you? am afraid I don't know you and have never seen you before"

Agni: " its Agni am your...?"

Asmita: " listen here,he just woke up so don't cram him with all this"

Matteo: " I still don't know you "

Agni walks away from the bedside with sadness. Matteo asks Asmita who the lady is and she gives an excuse. Agni walks out of the hospital and keeps going with no trace of where she is headed to with an absent mind. She is lost in her childhood memories with Matteo. She recalls the day both of them where shot and wishes she could turn back the hands of time to make things right again,

" why now when I've recalled everything. Then Matteo forgets. Is this a test God? Then take over,I feel like giving up but I've done it way too many times so not now. Just as Matteo took it upon himself to help me,I'll do the same "

Lost in her thoughts, Agni almost gets hurt by a car. The driver steps out and it is Jaden. He talks to Agni and takes her home,

Jaden: " Agni what are you doing here all by yourself "

Agni: " Jaden, "

Jaden: " we will talk some other time, I'll take you home"

Agni gets home safely and her foster parents embrace and ask why she is punishing them like this. They apologize for shouting at her earlier,

Nikita: " Why are you stubborn Zara? you are punishing us because we were angry at you right?"

Fred:" even am sorry for scolding you, forgive me now will you?"

Agni doesn't answer and she just seats there quietly. Nikita notices a scar on Agni's forehead and she quickly takes a first head kit to clean and dress it. Jaden decides to leave but Agni stops him and she tells everyone all about herself,

" I don't even know where to start...Niki?Fred? I've recalled my past. My real name is Agni, am sure you all have heard of a town lead by a female head who died three years ago...its me"

Fred:" so all this while I've been living with a royal blood"

Nikita: " why didn't you tell us all this while Zara? I mean Agni"

Agni: " I didn't know anything, had I known,I'd have looked for my cousin immediately "

Jaden: " who's your cousin and where is he as we speak?"

Agni: " Matty or so called Mike "

Jaden: " so Asmita was wrong about your relationship then "

Agni: " she got it all wrong,I tried to explain to her but she wasn't ready to listen"

Agni tells them all how it all started and how it all came to where it is. Jaden tells Agni to explain it all to Asmita but she refuses and tells him she prefers keeping Asmita in the dark. Agni however, asks Nikita why she lied to her about her identity,

Agni: " but you lied to me Niki, why was that so?"

Nikita: " am sorry,forgive me. The thing is,Fred and I lost our only daughter in a terrible accident. We found you at the riverside I knew God sent you here for a reason. We called you Zara,her name"

Fred:" will you leave?"

Agni: " I have to,as soon as Matteo gets his senses back we have to go and claim what's ours"

Nikita: " I never thought you'd leave us like this"

Agni: " Am not leaving yet,I'll stay here in the meantime. I can't thank you enough for your kind gesture. I don't know how I'll ever repay you. But there is way"

Fred:" what's that way Agni "

Agni: " I'll get married to Jaden. He's so kind hearted, I fell in love before but not the way I have this time. I love Jaden so much,he's just perfect for me. You both made an amazing job"

Jaden is happy to hear this as he thought he'd lose Agni. And they all come together for a cuddle.