
The future is female

Story of a young woman born in a community where women are subordinate to their husbands, girls not allowed to go to school and live happily. But all that changes when a girl is born from a family of a cruel man. She dies but is reborn in form of her daughter who carries on her legacy showing the world that a woman can change the world as well

Zedhustler · Teen
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133 Chs

It has come to pass

Matteo has gotten himself into deep trouble after messing with Solid and his men. Jaden and Agni decide to visit their friends in the next town only to find themselves caught in an unknown trap. The two couples are hanging out together near the stream when Solid and his men come fully armed. Seeing them from afar,Asmita alerts everyone and they start to run for their lives while asking each other why they are doing it,

Agni: " why are we running I don't get it"

Matteo: " you should have stayed back then"

Agni: " quiet,I wasn't talking to you but Asmita "

Asmita: " those men are real thugs and very dangerous. Had we stayed there, they would have killed us"

Agni stops running immediately she hears this and everyone else stops too,

Jaden: " why did you stop Zara we have to get out of here"

Agni: " let me get something straight first of all,who started the fight was it you or them"

Asmita: " they started it,Matty got angry and he beat them all"

Agni: " then we shouldn't run away from them,we didn't do any wrong "

Matteo: " are you insane Agni!...sorry I mean Zara, they are armed we are not scared or fleeing from them someone might get hurt or killed "

Agni: " so? I'll deal with him "

Asmita: " I don't know about that Zara, Solid can be very dangerous "

Agni: " oh so his name is Solid... how about I turn him liquid then "

Agni starts going back and the rest follow her. The team come face to face with Solid with his men,

Agni: " so you are the Solid that is so tormenting my friends,right?"

Solid: " and who is this beautiful lady standing here before me?" I would like to have her as my wife"

Jaden: " talk to her with some respect or I'll damage most of the bones left in you clear "

Solid and his men get down from the jeep and attack the couples but they fight back except Asmita who has so much fear. Solid notices that him and his men are been overpowered, he takes out a gun and points it at Matteo who is four metres away from him and commands them to stop,

Solid: " stop! stop it right now or I shoot!"

Asmita: " What are you doing Solid, drop the gun just drop it now! "

Jaden: " put the gun down and fight us"

Agni: " you are a coward Solid, you can't fight your fellow man,then how would protect Asmita?"

Solid: " I've got a gun. Now boys, hold them,make sure they don't escape"

Agni: " let go of Mike now or face my wrath!"

Solid: " you are under my captivity, so how will you do it? Am taking Asmita with me,she'll be my wife in the next one hour,if any of you act smart,then I'll shoot Mike, get that? "

Solid drags Asmita who doesn't want to go with. For been so difficult, he slaps her and hits her causing her to get a busted lip. Mike gets upset when he sees Solid mistreat a woman and he puts his life on the line. He risks his life by going after Solid and hitting him and trying his level best to take the gun from him,Asmita is trying to free herself and Jaden fights the other thugs. Meanwhile, Agni pauses as everything starts flooding back to her, she see memories in black and white until they become a clear picture and she regains her whole memory clearly and sees Matteo right in front of her and she is overwhelmed with joy. But the moment of joy for her is soon to be cut shot when Solid accidentally shoots Matteo with a loud bang and everyone jerks and pauses at the same time. Before Asmita could call to Matty as Mike, Agni calls to him first but with his real name,

Asmita: " Mi...."

Agni: " Matty!!!!!! "

She runs to Matty and catches him before he could fall to the ground. Asmita and Jay are just standing there in confusion because they don't know what is going on or why Agni is calling so called Mike by a strange name,

Matteo: " Matty? Matty? wake up am here, its Agni, do you know what,I've regained my memory don't do this Matteo get back up"

Jay and Asmita an pause and run to the scene. Agni meets them halfway and pleads with Jay to help rush Matty to the clinic but he just stands there watching helplessly,

Agni: " help...help me Jay, please help take my Matty to hospital so we can save his life,I won't forgive myself if he dies"

Matteo calls Agni by her real name and this confuses Jay the more. Regardless, he helps take Matty to hospital. He is taken into the theatre and Agni is more than ready to donate blood to save Matteo's life. Despite the blood transfusion, the doctor confirms Matteo dead and this triggers Agni and she stands on spaghetti legs,

Agni: " its impossible doctor, I just donated enough blood to save him. I've lost so many people in my life and Matteo can't be one of them "

Doctor: " try to understand me madam, my team and I did all we could "

Agni pushes the doctor out of the way and goes into the theatre. She begins hitting Matty on his chest with force while lamenting,

Agni: " wake up you stubborn cat please,we have to save our family from those evil people but I can't do it on my own! God I know you can hear me, I believe in miracles! Am in no position to command you to perform one but hear me lord,our family needs us so bad! Wake up Matty, can't you hear me! should I scream louder! then I'll do it! If you wanted to die then you would have done so before I regained memory,should your work be in vain?answer me silly boy!"

Jaden and Asmita feel sad and pitiful despite looking like they are been controlled by a remote. The nurse takes Agni away from the death bed and she seats in the corner all by herself crying bitterly. Jaden looks at her and he doesn't know whether to comfort her by wiping her tears and giving her a warm hug. But he has mixed thoughts and emotions so he stands there.

Then a miracle happens,Matty gives a heavy inhalation like one who was short of breath. The doctor and everyone else seat there watching what will happen next. Agni shouts at the staff and they rush to attend to him. He however goes conscious but is back to life,

Agni: " whats the situation, doc? "

Doc:" he's fine he's unconscious though but just for like an hour or so"

Agni: " good,in that one hour I'll put someone in there place,then they'll know and won't mess with my family "

Agni rushes off to find Solid, she manages to find his hideout with directions from the residents. She enters the den and she beats the men up with so much strength like that of a hundred men. Solids heart beats fast with fear. Agni gets to him and says some words before she punishes him,

Agni: " the biggest mistake you could ever make was to mess with my family. No one does that and goes Scott free"

Solid: " am sorry madam have mercy on me"

Agni: " am not God so I can't show you mercy,besides its too late to plead,now face the consequences "

Solid: " your face has turned red with anger,who are you? "

Agni: " fire...am fire"

Agni takes out a pistol and shoots Solid on both his knees without hesitation. On top of that,she ties his legs to his jeep and drives it round the town while he cries. She comes to a stop and leaves Solid tied to his car. As she is stepping out of the jeep,the crowd cheers her name,

Crowd:" yeah! yes! a warrior has emerged from our town,she has gotten rid of the terror! long live the lioness!"

Agni is happy with what she is hearing,

Agni: " yes,this is more like it,it was said that I will possess any land I step on"

She smiles and heads back to the hospital, so eager to hear Matty call her name and hug him tight.