
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

You're going to die today

(Authors note: There was a small time skip of 3 years so James is now 10 years old)

"James, do you ever stop working out?" My friend Alex asks as I do my daily 50 push-ups.

"No. Everyday I gotta keep myself in shape." I say after I finish the 50th push-up. I stand up and walk to my house. Well it isn't my house it's Alex's house but I live there.

I start walking to school with Alex when I remember what happened. Johan landed on a small island like the one that killed Ruby and everyone in the village.

"James go to the ship that's docking and hide on it to get out of here. And make sure you do not lose that chest. Got it?

I nod and watch as Johan flies back to fight Vex. Staring at the chest I think about opening it but remember what Johan said. I walk over to the dock and hide behind some barrels as the ship docks.



"I'M GOING, I'M GOING IT'S STUCK!" A third man probably Donovan yells. I look over the barrels in hiding behind and see a huge merchant ship coming into the dock not stopping or slowing down.

"GOT IT!" The man yells again. The ship lurches forward and then stops just before hitting the dock.

"Jeez Donovan the damage cost would've come out of your paycheck." A big man says smiling.

"If we could get a new rope we wouldn't be having this issue." Donovan says smacking the rope that holds the anchor. "The stupid thing gets stuck on every edge in this hole."

"Well if someone would grind the edges out like he was supposed to 4 months ago we wouldn't have an issue now would we?" The big man says spinning.

"I can't help it, i'm fixing the cannon ports right now after that attack." A short and thin person says coming up from a hatch.

"It's kinda hard to find people your size Brog so don't get on my nerves or I might crush you."

"Shut up." Brog says before rubbing the inside of the hole "You gotta be kidding me. This thing is banged up."

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Donovan says before lowering a ramp on the front of the boat.

"No hold on how did this get like that? It had to have been hit with a cannonball."

"Well it was hit but not a direct hit."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IT WAS HIT BY A CANNON?" Brog says. "You imbecile. Now I need to buy a new grind set as these are all worn out." He says while holding up a flat tool.

"Well if someone did what they were told you wouldn't have to." The big man says


The three men stop talking and Brog runs down the ramp after saying "Yes captain!"

After everyone gets back to doing something and isn't watching i board the boat.

"Hey kid. Kid." Someone with a strong accent says grabbing my shoulder. I yelp turning towards a man in a barrel. "Shut up kid, you want us to get caught? Get behind the barrels. They smell like spoiled rum and well that's what it is." I keep staring at him. "Hurry up they'll be leaving any minute."

"N-no they won't they have to fix the hole for the anchor or something." I say backing up.

"I know, that little guy can fix things faster than you can say telescope."

"What?" I say confused.

"I don't know I heard some crazy man saying he can see in the sky with a 'telescope' the point is get behind the barrels. What's in the chest?" The man says trying to grab the chest Johan left to me.

"Hey! St-" I'm cut off by a door creaking open. I run and hide behind the barrels the man was saying to hide behind.

"Alright I know you're in here. Brace yourself and get right with your god, you're going to die today."