
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Those stupid marines.

"Wait, you're joking right." I say starting to tear up.

"No James. She was hit with shrapnel from a cannon shot during the beginning of the attack. She was gone three hours after getting hit from blood loss."

"No. No. No it's not true." I say breaking down.

"James I'm really sorry we tried saving her. She was bleeding too much." Philip said with tears rolling down his face. I didn't say anything I was too shocked. Tears were rolling down my face like stones.

"James we have to go, you go North and find the village I don't think it has been hit by the attack yet." I nod then Philip and his men left to fight the marines.

"WAIT PHILIP!" I yell.

"What's up?" some guy close by says.

"I don't know which way North is." I say looking down embarrassed. The man chuckles a little and says.

"The best way to find the North is to go to the sun." Then he points to where the village is supposed to be. "See follow the sun and keep walking in the same direction. I am going to say this though, the sun will never always be North."

"Thank you." I say then I start walking to the village. When I get there people immediately go and try to aid me as much as possible giving me food, clothing, and fresh bandages. But I can't get over my mothers death. 'I'm going to kill them! I'm going to kill them! Those stupid marines killing innocent people.' I think

The muskets aren't firing in secession anymore hopefully meaning the marines are panicking and missing their shots.

"You're going to be okay son." Someone says I don't pay much attention I just watch the direction of the fight. Every now and then a fireball from a cannon appears and a cannon fires. the cannon blast is returned with a gigantic fireball from Johan.

Marines then start flooding into the village pushing people and binding them with ropes. I run, I run more than I've ever run in my life. And I run straight to all the cannon shots and muskets. No one tries to stop me. I start seeing blood and limbs. An arm, a foot, legs, and multiple blood splatters. Now I start seeing the bodies with blood pooling around them.

I keep running I see my first alive guy. He's on the ground screaming in agony holding his lacerated arm. bleeding out he'll be dead soon. I see more limbs and corpses and ponds of blood. I can't make out if the dead are marines or pirates there's too much blood to see the clothes.

"James?" I hear a weak voice say.

"Who is that? Where are you?" I ask looking around.

"Down..... Here." They say and then they grab my ankle. I jump, look down and realize that it's Philip. He has a hole going through his stomach. I just stare not knowing what to do or say. I'm watching as his life fades from his eyes I sit down next to him and he grabs my arm.

"James. Dammit. I-I told you to run." He says then he lets out a shaky breath and his hand falls to the ground. I can't hear anything or feel anything there's no more cannon shots, no more muskets, no more screaming. It's all gone I look around and see fire, blood, bodies, and Philip. I just sit there then get up and keep running. I scream as I run I scream loud and keep running I collapse and everything goes black.