
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

This is just the beginning

I wake up and it's really hot for some reason. 'I can't see anything, why is my vision so blurry?' The heat is starting to become unbearable and i stand up. As my vision comes back to me I see Philip's body and his lifeless eyes staring into my soul. I guess I didn't go far. I walk then run and I'm in a sprint now.

"JAMES!" I hear someone yell.

"I'm here!" I squeak out. And I walk in the direction of the voice.

"JAMES WHERE ARE YOU?!" The person yells again. I stumble to the sound of the voice not knowing who it is.

"Right here." I wheeze I stop to catch my breath and look around. All i see if body's blood and limbs all I hear is the groaning of dying men. A figure comes running out of the trees and runs over to me throwing me in a huge hug.

"I can't breathe." Immediately the man loosens his grip and i take on a huge gulp of air coughing from the smoke. As I look at the man i see it's someone from Johan's ship.

"We need to go now!" He says then he picks me up and runs somewhere out in the open. There's bullets flying but they're being shot randomly by God knows who. People are screaming blood is everywhere and limbs are scattered around with no traces of the body.

"James, you see that tree?" The man asks and points in the direction of a dead tree with it's top blown off. "Ok James, I need you to run over to the tr-." He falls back with a hole in his chest I look around and see a marine reloading his gun. I take the pirates flintlock and aim it at the marine pull the trigger and POP! My ears start ringing and the gun flies from my hands there's too much smoke in the way so I can't see if I hit the marine. When the smoke clears I see a dead marine I reel back at what I've done. "How could I have done this?" I ask myself, I sit down and stare at the dead marine. "He probably had a family maybe a wife and a couple kids." I shake my head and stand up to go the tree that the pirate told me to go to.

"EVERYBODY RUN!" I look to see who yelled that but everyone is running from a huge black ship. I hear muffled cannon blasts and see sand, dirt, and rocks flying everywhere. People scream and try to run from the ship. The blasts keep coming people keep screaming it feels like I've been on this island for years.

I fall and get sand all in my eyes and mouth. Then I got picked up by someone. I can't see and breathing hurts I open my eyes but they feel like someone is scratching them with thousands of little needles. Everything hurts my eyes, my arms, legs, head all of it. More cannons and I feel myself flying through the air. "UMPH!" I land and all the air is knocked out of my lungs. I struggle to breathe and I try to open my eyes again but everything's blurry and red. I stand up and try to feel my way around. I trip on what I hope is a log. I just lay there I have nowhere to go I can't see so I can't go anywhere without someone guiding me.

I feel arms wrapping around me then I feel the wind rushing around my face. I try to open my eyes one last time and they don't hurt as bad anymore but they're still red and blurry.

"James can you hear me?" A very quiet voice says.

"What? Is this a dream?" I say.

"A dream!? Hell no! James, this is real and we're going to die if we don't get going!" I'm still dazed and don't know what's going on. All I know is people are still dying and cannons are firing all about. The wind is still whipping in my face it's really hot for some reason so I open my eyes again and see fire under me. Immediately I scream.

"You're fine James." Johan says.

"You're not dead!" I say happy that the only member of my family still alive is well alive.

"James don't celebrate this is just the beginning."