
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Day 2

"There's a crap ton of trees around here shouldn't be to hard to get a ship or even just a boat to get goin." Chris says in a group meeting.

"What about armament?" Lucan asks. "Obviously we can't make cannons or anything but how are we gonna buy it? All our stuff was taken with the ship."

"That's the thing I don't know how we're going to buy all out guns and cannons without bein suspicious and we have no money so we have to steal the money and either steal the guns too or buy them with the stolen money."

"I mean we can't really steal from the gun shop here it's flooded with marines we have to make a boat steal a ship and buy the weapons." Lucan says standing up with his ax.

"Agreed." Rick says.

"This is a crew vote so everyone votes." Chris says.

"Buy weapons, buy, buy weapons, buy them." People say voting.

"I say we steal it." Braydon says. "Think about it wouldn't it be suspicious if a group of people never seen before suddenly show up and buy guns and cannons in bulk?"

"That's true I'm with Braydon. Same." A couple crew members say.

"Wait hold on, if we steal all the stuff and if what Chris says is true then that means that this place is full of marines. And on top of that once again if Chris is right then no one has a description of us so why would we jeopardize that?" I say.

"See, James is right." Rick says. More people start agreeing with us and soon we have the majority.

"Well seeing the divide the majority is with laying low taking money and buying the weapons. We aren't going to buy them in bulk like Braydon said that would be suspicious." The crew nods and we all agree that's the best course of action.

"Well lets get to work on the boat." Lucan says.

"I'm taking James for some training." Lincoln says.

"Alright make sure he's still doing stuff to help though." Chris says.

"He's gonna learn how to cut a tree down after he gets an attack I showed him yesterday."

"Sounds good." Chris says hoping off the little rock he was standing on grabbing an ax. "Let's get goin."

"Captain I'm gonna take half of us and go to the left." Rick says pointing to a group of trees in the distance.

"Sounds good I'll take everyone else and go to the forest."

"Yo James let's go." Lincoln says. We walk to the same spot as last time and Lincoln tells me to keep trying the attack. I take the shadows and force them to go into the spear form I've been trying to get them to go into. I still has the weird shapes but it's starting to get straighter. "That's straight enough it should fly somewhat straight." Lincoln says blasting a ring the size of a cannon hole in a rock. "Throw it inside that and make a visible mark."

I throw the spear it flies and completely misses the rock.


I throw another one and still miss. I make another spear and throw it again missing the rock yet again.

"You're not throwing it right. Throw it like you're thrusting your hand to the rock." I make another spear this one is pretty straight just a couple little curves. "You're making them pretty straight now." Lincoln says. I throw the spear and this time hit the rock just not the target. "Closer do it again." I throw another spear and another and another. None of them hit the target but are hitting the rock. "You're doing good James it's hard to perfect, I don't even have it perfected I still miss my targets sometimes."

"I know I didn't even expect to even do the attack on day 2."

"Well because you're starting to get it I'll call off training for today and we're gonna help them. This'll still be a little bit of training though." I nod and follow Lincoln to a group of trees. "Cut it down."

"I don't have an ax though." I say looking at Lincoln.

"You don't need one" he says. A sudden bright yellow flash appears and slices a tree like a hot knife through butter. I think about making the katana again but big enough to cut through a tree. It's heavy but still feels light I swing as hard as I can and cut the tree about 2 inches deep. "Keep going." Lincoln says I keep swinging the sword cutting into the tree until it falls down.

"Do you also want me to take it to the camp?" I ask Lincoln he nods and cuts the rest of the trees down and starts carrying them. I do the same and use almost all my strength to pick up the log. The shadow fruit helps take a lot of the weight away but I still have to carry some of the weight of the log. After what feels like hours and walking miles I finally make it to the camp. Although the walk was only a 5 minute walk.

"Finally." Lincoln says jokingly.

"Shut up." I say out of breath dropping the log with a big thud. I flop on the log and Lucan gives me a cup of water.

"Here drink it." He says I take the cup and take a huge gulp from it.

"WHAT THE!?" I yell spitting the water out while coughing. Everyone was laughing, Lucan doubles over and takes the cup.

"Salt water." He says pointing at the ocean laughing.

"Screw you." I say with a smile.

"We always give new crew members a hard time." Chris says walking over laughing. "You shoulda seen your face it was hilarious."

Some of the crews still laughing when Rick gives me another cup of water.

"Hold on lemme just." I say taking a small sip as a joke I drink the water and hand the cup back to Rick.

"Alright with our entire crew here now we can start eating." Chris says.

"You aren't eating anything right now you're answering our questions."