
The Forgotten Children

This is the tale of eight orphaned children, each bearing a dark and harrowing past. They were transformed into instruments of death, assassins, and spies, their true names replaced with new ones they now called each other. Behind their training lay the shadowy government project known as Tokumei, employing them as covert assassins, their hands stained with blood for the sake of the state. The children were aware, yet the depths of this organization remained shrouded in mystery.

Poru_R · アクション
12 Chs

Leader's Gamble

The dimly lit room in Shibuya enveloped Takeshi as he faced the shadowy informant. A palpable tension hung in the air, each whispered word echoing like a fragile secret.

Takeshi leaned forward, his voice low and intense. "Tell me, what do you know about Ginrui-kai?"

The informant's figure remained concealed in darkness, but a hint of anxiety crept into their voice. "They've been paid to find you."

Takeshi lit a cigarette, his movements deliberate. Slowly, he began to circle to his left, like a predator sizing up its prey. "They're being paid by someone from the government, am I right?"

The informant hesitated, their voice barely above a whisper. "As expected of you. Since you already know that much, I'm telling you, do not fall into their trap."

Takeshi stopped his measured pacing, his brows furrowing. "What do you mean?"

The informant's response was laden with gravity. "Do you remember that night? March 10, 2008. Winter. Lab 3 was raided."

Takeshi's eyes widened, and he froze in his tracks. The mention of that night sent a shiver down his spine. It was a memory he had tried to bury deep within him, a night filled with chaos and betrayal.

He took a slow drag from his cigarette, his voice tinged with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "How do you know that?"

The informant's silhouette remained unmoving in the darkness, their identity still concealed. "You're not the only one trying to find out who ordered the assault."

Takeshi, despite his rising tension, managed a faint smile. "Are you telling me that this government person is involved with what happened that night?"

The informant's voice remained calm and measured, their words carrying a sense of urgency. "Exactly, now they are using Ginrui-kai to find all of you and bring you to Mizushima."

Takeshi took another drag from his cigarette, his gaze fixed on the informant. "Mizushima?"

The informant's response was cryptic, their voice laced with a sense of foreboding. "Ginrui-kai is just a pawn, Takeshi. You have to find Mizushima."

Takeshi's curiosity ignited like a spark in the darkness. "Mizushima," Takeshi repeated, his voice now filled with purpose. "Do you have any leads on who or where this Mizushima might be?"

The informant's response was cautious but filled with a glimmer of hope. "I do. Mizushima is usually-" The informant's revelation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a deafening gunshot.

The gunshot shattered the fragile silence, reverberating through the dimly lit room. Panic and adrenaline surged through Takeshi's veins as he instinctively dove for cover, seeking refuge behind a nearby stack of crates.

The informant fell to the ground, a crimson bloom of blood staining the table and floor in a gruesome tableau. The lifeless body slumped forward, collapsing onto the ground with a haunting finality.

Takeshi's heart pounded in his chest as he stared in shock at the lifeless form of the informant. The room was plunged into darkness as the lone overhead light flickered and shattered, leaving only the soft glow of the streetlights filtering through the dirty windows.

Takeshi's mind raced as he strained his senses, trying to identify the source of the gunshot. His hand tightened around his pistol, ready for whatever danger lurked in the shadows.

"Who's out there?" Takeshi called out in a hushed but commanding voice, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement.

There was no immediate response, only the eerie silence of anticipation. The seconds felt like hours as Takeshi remained concealed, his breathing shallow and controlled.

Then, a voice cut through the darkness, cold and taunting. "Impressive, they were not kidding about how good you are." The figure lit up a cigarette and continued, "You can come out now. We won't shoot."

Hearing these words, Takeshi emerged from hiding. Still holding his pistol, he faced the person who shot the informant. "Are you Ginrui-kai?" Takeshi asked with a soft smile, showing his confidence.

The shooter puffed on his cigarette and then burst into a hearty laugh. "Bingo! You just need to come with us and all of this will be over." As he continued to laugh, more gang members showed up, surrounding Takeshi.

Takeshi remained wary but maintained his confident demeanor as he faced the shooter, now identified as a member of Ginrui-kai. The tension in the room had shifted, and the stakes were higher than ever.

With a cautious nod, Takeshi responded, "You've got my attention. But I'm not going anywhere with you. I just need answers. Who's paying you? Why are they after us?"

The Ginrui-kai members exchanged nervous glances. Takeshi's charisma and unflinching resolve left them on edge, uncertain of how to proceed.

Takeshi chuckled, catching the Ginrui-kai members off guard. "Oh, sorry," he continued to chuckle, "it's just that there's no way I'm coming with you." Takeshi grinned and pointed his pistol at the Ginrui-kai members.

Takeshi's grin remained as he stared down the Ginrui-kai members, his pistol unwavering. His heart pounded in his chest, and his senses were razor-sharp, anticipating every move.

As the Ginrui-kai members exchanged nervous glances, Takeshi decided it was time to take control of the situation decisively. With lightning speed, he squeezed the trigger of his pistol, firing a precise shot that disarmed the nearest Ginrui-kai member. The man cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground, clutching his injured arm.

Panic erupted among the remaining Ginrui-kai members as they scrambled for cover. Takeshi's well-honed skills and instincts guided his every move. He fired with precision, not aiming to kill but to incapacitate, each shot finding its mark on the gang members.

Takeshi's shots were as precise as they were deadly. With each pull of the trigger, his bullets found their mark with chilling accuracy. One by one, the Ginrui-kai members fell, their bodies slumping to the ground, lifeless.

In a matter of seconds, Takeshi stood alone amidst the chaos, blood flowing all over the floor with the lifeless bodies of the gang members. The room was filled with the acrid scent of gun smoke, and Takeshi's heart still raced, but he had achieved his goal.

Breathing heavily, Takeshi approached the injured Ginrui-kai members, his expression unwavering. "Now, tell me where this Mizushima is."

The shooter, who had been the initial source of tension, was the last one standing. Takeshi's eyes locked onto him, his pistol still at the ready. It was time to get the answers he had come for, and the shooter was the key to unlocking the secrets of Ginrui-kai and their connection to Mizushima.

Back in Kyoto, Kaito's workshop was bathed in the soft glow of warm, ambient lighting. The familiar scent of wood and machinery filled the air, providing a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty that had gripped his life.

As Kaito paced nervously in his workshop, his thoughts raced. The information he possessed was dangerous, and he couldn't afford to wait any longer for answers. He knew that Takeshi was the key to unraveling this complex web of intrigue.

Moments later, the door to his workshop swung open, and Takeshi's informant stepped inside, his face obscured by the shadows of a hooded jacket. Kaito's heart pounded with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation as the informant approached him.

"Are you Kaito?" the informant asked, his voice low and cautious.

Kaito nodded, his gaze locked onto the informant. "Yes, I am. You're one of Takeshi's guys?"

The informant did a respectful bow to Kaito. "Yes, I will be accompanying you to Boss' office."

Just as Kaito was about to suggest that they head to Takeshi, the workshop's tranquility was shattered by the sudden sound of approaching footsteps. Kaito and the informant exchanged a wary glance, their senses on high alert.

Before they could react, the door burst open, and a group of Ginrui-kai members stormed into the workshop, their menacing presence filling the room. The informant's eyes widened with alarm as they realized the perilous situation they had stumbled into.

Kaito's hand instinctively moved toward his concealed weapon, but he knew they were outnumbered and outgunned. The leader of the Ginrui-kai members sneered, his eyes locking onto Kaito and the informant.

"What do we have here?" he taunted. "A little meeting, it seems."

Kaito's mind raced, searching for a way out of this predicament. He couldn't allow the information they carried to fall into the wrong hands, but confronting the Ginrui-kai members head-on might prove fatal.

The informant, despite their initial shock, pulled out a dagger and whispered to Kaito, "These guys are Ginrui-kai."

The leader of the Ginrui-kai members exchanged a knowing glance with his comrades. It was a tense standoff, a battle of wits and words in the dimly lit workshop.

Kaito's thoughts raced as he considered their options, hoping for a chance to escape with the valuable information. The workshop, once a sanctuary of creativity, had transformed into a battleground of secrets and danger.