
The Forgotten Children

This is the tale of eight orphaned children, each bearing a dark and harrowing past. They were transformed into instruments of death, assassins, and spies, their true names replaced with new ones they now called each other. Behind their training lay the shadowy government project known as Tokumei, employing them as covert assassins, their hands stained with blood for the sake of the state. The children were aware, yet the depths of this organization remained shrouded in mystery.

Poru_R · Action
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12 Chs

The First Clue

The dimly lit room echoed with the aftermath of gunfire as Takeshi stood amidst the fallen Ginrui-Kai members. The leader of the group, now disarmed and bound to a chair, sneered at Takeshi, defiance still smoldering in his eyes.

Takeshi, calm and collected, circled the restrained gangster like a predator assessing its prey. With a sly smile, he spoke, "You know, I've always believed in the power of persuasion. So, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

The Ginrui-Kai leader spat at Takeshi's feet, his bravado unbroken. "You can go to hell!"

Takeshi chuckled, unfazed by the defiance. "I've heard worse. Now, let's talk about Mizushima."

The gangster remained silent, his lips sealed in stubborn resistance. Takeshi, however, was not one to be easily deterred. Leaning in with a menacing grin, he whispered, "You're a tough nut to crack, but I have a way with people. You see, Mizushima is a mystery, and I'm determined to unravel it. Now, you can make this easy or..."

Takeshi's words hung in the air, a subtle threat that lingered. The gangster, sensing the cunning force behind Takeshi's demeanor, cracked a smug smile. "You won't get anything from me."

Takeshi, ever the strategist, changed his approach. He stepped back, his eyes narrowing in a calculated fashion. "You know, I've got a soft spot for underdogs. I might be willing to cut you a deal. A little information for your freedom. What do you say?"

The Ginrui-Kai leader hesitated, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Takeshi seized the opportunity, playing the manipulative card with finesse. "Now, I've heard whispers about Mizushima. Tell me, who or what is Mizushima? Why are they after us?"

The gangster, torn between defiance and self-preservation, finally relented. "Mizushima... It's not a person. It's an organization. They've got fingers in more pies than you can imagine. But that's all you're getting from me."

Takeshi, satisfied with the small victory, nodded. "Good enough. Now, as for the next chapter in your story..."

While Takeshi engaged in this cerebral dance of manipulation, elsewhere in Kyoto, Kaito and Takeshi's informant faced the onslaught of a fresh group of Ginrui-Kai members who had stormed into Kaito's workshop.

The workshop, once a haven for creativity, now transformed into a battleground. Kaito, with his concealed weapon drawn, and the informant, brandishing a dagger, stood back to back as they confronted the new threat.

Ginrui-Kai members, armed and aggressive, advanced on the duo. Kaito's hands moved with precision, his craftiness evident as he used the tools in his workshop to create makeshift weapons. The informant, despite their initial shock, displayed a level of combat prowess that complemented Kaito's resourcefulness.

As the clash intensified, Kaito and the informant fought with coordinated efficiency, turning the workshop into a chaotic arena of improvised warfare. The Ginrui-Kai members, caught off guard by the unexpected resistance, struggled to gain the upper hand.

Amidst the clatter and commotion, Kaito swiftly moved to a concealed compartment in his workshop. With a deft motion, he revealed a sleek, metallic gauntlet, adorned with intricate designs. The gauntlet, an unexpected fusion of craftsmanship and weaponry, looked like a door breacher.

Kaito slid his hand into the gauntlet, securing it with a confident yet determined expression. The gauntlet, a creation born of his ingenuity, hinted at the artisan's prowess that extended beyond the realm of traditional craftsmanship.

Meanwhile, the informant, sensing the urgency of the situation, gracefully moved through the chaos. The dagger in their hand gleamed in the dim light of the workshop, a lethal extension of their determination to protect the valuable information they carried.

The Ginrui-Kai members, initially confident in their assault, now faced an unexpected resistance. Kaito, armed with his gauntlet, and the informant, a silent force of precision, coordinated their movements with seamless efficiency.

As the clash intensified, Kaito and the informant fought with coordinated efficiency, turning the workshop into a chaotic arena of improvised warfare. The Ginrui-Kai members, caught off guard by the unexpected resistance, struggled to gain the upper hand.

Back in Chiba, Daichi arrived at his destination, stepping into the unfamiliar surroundings of the city. The air was charged with a sense of anticipation as Daichi navigated through the urban landscape. His expression remained impassive, revealing nothing of the complex thoughts that churned beneath the surface.

Daichi's arrival in Chiba marked the beginning of a new chapter, his purpose unfolding as he moved with purpose through the city. The shadows that had defined his past seemed to converge with the uncertainty of the present, setting the stage for revelations yet to come.