
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

I might have become addicted...

After work: Karas pov


Alex" I have a conference in Geneva and I need to be on a plane in 2 hours."

Kara" And I have a blind date in half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win."

Alex" Why do you do this to me."

Kara" Because I'm your sister and you love me. I don't know, I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. I went to work for Cat Grant because I thought working in a media company run by a powerful woman who actually shapes the way people think would be the way that I could make a difference. But, instead, I just fetch layouts and coffee."

'And hook up with a cute guy that I barely knew. No calm down kara it was just a kiss, your an adult now. Stop thinking about his beautiful sparkly eyes or his perfectly muscled body.'

Alex" You always wanted to be normal, right? So, having a crappy boss and absolutely nothing to wear... This is what normal looks like."

Kara" I am not normal! I have the same powers he does. I can lift a bus, stop a bullet. Alex, I can fly. At least, I think I can. I haven't done it in years."

Alex" Kara, you've got a good job, you're cute, and thanks to your alien DNA you can't get pimples. Life is not so bad.

But, if you really wanna help somebody, you'll pick between one of these two, so I can get on my plane." kara picks the blue dress and Alex says.

Alex" Uh, yep. Good choice. When in doubt, go with blue, it is your colour. All right. Text me every detail from your date and I will call you when I'm back from Geneva."

kara" I love you."

Alex" Love you too. ahh but before I leave, are you ok. You look...I don't know, a bit absent-minded."

kara" I'm fine, no need to worry."

Alex nodes and leaves. After she left kara let out a heartfelt sigh. It's not like she wanted to lie, but she just really didn't know what to do with her feelings.

Date" So, where you from originally?"

Kara" where was I born? Um, uh, north."


Date" I gotta hit this back real quick. Check, please. Make sure your number's on it.

Kara" Sigh, typical."

Man on TV: If you're just joining us, shortly after take-off, National City Airlines, Flight 237 bound for Geneva, is experiencing some loss of altitude. The pilot seems to be circling the city after apparent engine failure.

kara" Did he say, Geneva? Alex. she's in danger." kara quickly runs down a back street and starts to take flight. But can't quite feel it until her 3rd attempt were she succeeds.

She flew and redirected the plane through the bridge that it was going to crash into. But by saving her sister and the passengers on that plane she exposed herself to the world.

Location karas apartment

Reporter" passengers of Flight 237 appear to have a guardian angel. When what many report to be a female flying form...

Kara" eeeeee Oh, my God. ..."

Reporter" Rescued them from certain death. Leyna Nguyen is live at the scene."

Reporter" Thank you, Rick. Guardian angel or human wrecking ball?"

Kara" What?"

Reporter" is destruction all over Otto Binder Bridge. And one..."

Kars" Well, you try saving a plane for the first time. See if you don't make a mess."

Alex"Oh, my God."Alex says while entering the apartment."

kara" I know right." kara excitedly grabs her sister's shoulders.

Alex"Ow." Alex suddenly hisses in pain from kara not controlling her strength.

Kara" Oh, sorry."

Alex" That was... That was too hard." she complains to her sister."

Kara"I'm just... I'm so excited. I still can't believe I did it."

kara was trying to celebrate until her sister started berating her and telling her that it was dangerous. They started there back and forth until kara couldn't take it any more and said.

Kara" I'm kind of tired, I... I just carried a plane on my back. I'm gonna go to bed. You should go."

Alex" Don't say I didn't warn you." she says as she walks away. Kara, on the other hand, sits back on her sofa as a few tears fly out of her eyes and onto her blanket.

Ding dong

She wipes her tears to quickly answer the door but what greeted her wasn't her sister but the person she was thinking about all day with that same checky but warm smile.

Kai" Good evening miss Danvers. I have the double pepperoni pizza you've ordered. would you like to keep it to your self or share."

kara "How did you find where I live."

kai" I have my ways. That includes annoying aunt cat for 15 minutes straight before she couldn't take it and told me where you lived. May I come in, the pizzas getting cold."

kara" Ahh, ye sorry come in." kai enters as he sets the 18-inch pizza on the table near the sofa and looks at kara that's still near the entrance staring at him.

Kai" What are standing there for, pizzas not gonna eat its self is it." kara finally wakes up and closes the door, then sits next to kai with a bit of distance. He notices that fact and looks at kara only to finally see her puffy face and red eyes.

Kai" Was the kiss really that bad. I mean I know that it wasn't right of me to kiss you in that kind of situation but you don't need to cry about it."

kara" huh, what no I really liked the kiss it's just, wait a minute, I mean It wasn't bad I guess."

Sadly what she just blurted out can not be reversed. As she can already see kai smiling like a kid with a lollipop.

Kai" So it wasn't bad, that's good to know. So why are you crying." kai asks as he gets close to kara and wipes a few residue tears off her face then standing up he goes to the kitchen to get some plates.

Karas embarrassed by his actions but also a bit happy with how gentle he was being. She looks at his back while saying.

Kara" I sorta kind of got into a fight with my sister." she didn't explain further and kai also didn't ask which relived her.

Kai sits back down next to kara and sets up the plate and places a few slices of pizza on each before handing karas plate to her. while also holding mine and looking towards the tv that showcasing the image of the girl that saved the plane.

kai" She's definitely something. Being able to save all those people's lives."

kara agree while she's smiling proudly.

Kai" But still the way she did things was a bit crude."

kara "what do you mean." kara asks in an annoyed tone.

Kai " Let me think for a second. Point one would be her outfit. If she really was like a superhero similar to superman she would have a costume, which she clearly didn't. She was wearing regular clothes so this indicates that she coincidently saw the plane and or news and in the spur of the moment thought about saving the plane or a specific person riding on the plane.

Point two yes she saved everyone, but After saving them why didn't she disappears right after saving the passengers. she was lucky no one captured her face perfectly, otherwise, her normal life would be ruined without a costume or mask.

Last but not least point three. Even tho circumstances didn't make things easier for her she still managed to keep damage to a minimum but that was only to man-made structures. that didn't include the wildlife and all the sea creatures and possibly endangered sea life that will be killed by shrapnel and oil/fuel.

When there are oil spills in the ocean or fresh water, it does not blend with the water. Oil floats on the surface of salt and freshwater. Over a very short period of time, the oil spreads out into a very thin layer across the surface of the water. This can block sunlight from reaching oceanic environments, which can severely impact producers and, thus, the entire food chain of an ecosystem.

But for a rookie who appears to only done this once, I give her an eight out of ten with room for improvement."

Finishing his dialogue he starts to eat his pizza. Sadly he failed to notice the dumbfounded look on karas face as he explained each and every mistake she made. The night went on and kai put on a movie while kara we tucked inside her blanket staring at the Tv a bit absent-minded.

Seeing her like this he could only sigh and decide the only way to bring her back was to do that. Sitting Right beside her, he sneakily enters the blanket and within one motion he lifted her up and placed her on his lap where they were face to face.

Woken up by the rapid movement kara looks at kai who has an angry yet blaming face. She was just about to ask him why until he grabbed her hips and dragged me so our chests practically had no distance in-between. Then he kissed me, but this time it was deeper than the first, it felt warmer, I wanted to struggle out of it this time but I couldn't muster up any power.

So I just went with what my feelings were telling me wrapping my arms around his head me started having a make-out session for ten minutes. After an awhile, he finally let go of my lips and gave me a break. Separating the only evidence they had of making out was a saliva strand connecting our lips.

Kai" I've only met you for a day, and even tho we've already gone this far going any further with this type of relationship and without you confirming if there is a chance is a disaster waiting to happen. So I won't go any farther until you figure out the problem that's haunting you.

kai" I will only tell you this if it's any help.

Why do we create? Why do we put ourselves out there? What is that burning need inside us that drives us to sacrifice everything?

What is it that pushes us to work with so much focus and persistence that we forget ourselves, our health, our wellbeing. Pushing so hard that we end up sabotaging our cherished relationships.

We're doing it all. We're building, creating, working hard, for love. When I say love, I don't mean romantic, steamy or sexual love. I mean pure love."

Kara stares at kai for a long while, millions of thoughts pass through her head until she figured it out. And with that realisation also came happiness from the bottom of her heart and a smile that put kai in a trance. Noticing his shocked face she smiles and this time karas the one to initiate the kiss and does so with a bit me fearsnes. kara separates her lips from Kais and says.

kara" Thank you. Even tho every time I met you you made me feel something I thought I never could, every kiss, every tug every silly joke. I liked them all. But if it doesn't bother you can we first start off as friends and see where it goes from there." she looks at kai anxiously.

Kai" I don't mind, I'm happy you gave me an answer, and I can't wait to get to know you better. But there's one thing you can't hold me back on now that we're friends leading to lovers."

kara" what's that." she found out the next second as kai twists and lays down on his back while kara is on top.

Kai" From hugging or kissing you. You already got me addicted, so I'm not letting that go even if we're only friends." Finishing his sentence he kisses kara which she doesn't resist and even kiss him back.

Inside her heart, she agrees with him And admits she might of become a bit addicted to his kiss as well.

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts/paragraphs that don't quite make sense even after reading twice.

Hope you liked the chapter. Exactly 2069 words Wink Wink.

Thanks for reading.

Etiger789creators' thoughts