
The First Fox Primordial

This is the first book that I'll be writing and my natal language is not English so please have a Little Bit of patience if you see some errors etc. But you can comment on them and I'll correct them if I see them. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SINOPSIS: Matheus Berlins is a normal man, a normal human who would define himself as someone not very normal, but all you can see about him it's a normal human being??? He is not some kind of human experiment, or has any type of disability, nor is he considered out of place or with mental problems by others... So... Why does he describe himself as an abnormality? Maybe he is saving some kind of secret deep inside his being that nobody except him knows? Could it Be something different? BUT!!!!!!! One day he himself who doesn't understand all the reasons will know the truth. Although first... 'Hmm…? Something feels different? Why do I feel like something is wrong... Or right?' Thought Matheus /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Discord: https://discord.gg/26vkgA7qDH ...

QID_ · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The birth of a fox part-2

She may die, or may not die.

I can't know it, but I won't let her feel alone.


"Loki... What happens to our daughter... Why can't I feel her spiritual connection?"

"Relax, it will be okay, we can fix it."

"But Loki, how can we fix that? If a fox loses its spiritual connection it means death."

"Wait, she can still live"

"No, is she dying? Is it my fault?" Rose was crying she couldn't believe her daughter wouldn't see the world before dying

The world might be cruel to the foxes but they still love it and appreciate all the beautiful things that it hides.

The world has a beauty of its own and that is nothing that could be imitated easily, it's something unique and inimitable.

The world and nature in it may be cruel to some, kind to others, beautiful, or even ugly depending on who sees it, but in reality, the nature of the world is something that treats all creatures the same.

It is a force that cannot be controlled and depending on how it is done with magic, it is not an easy feat.

"It is not your fault Rose!" I couldn't stand it more, my wife was so focused on the connection that she didn't see how our daughter is still breathing. "And relax! See it for yourself! Our daughter is still alive!"

"This... How... How can this be..."

"Relax and see it yourself. There is a second occasion where the spiritual connection can be severed but is as strange that is not known for anyone except for every leader..."

"And what is that? Please, tell me... Will our daughter be safe?"

I stayed for some seconds without answering I didn't know what to say. Our daughter had more odds of dying than surviving, but she still can survive.

"Why are you still silent... Will she be okay?" Asked another time my wife Rose, but this time in an even more worried tone. As if her life was going to end.

"It... It is not that she will die."

"You are hiding something... Please tell me, I can't relax till I know all." Rose asked worriedly.

"The second case when a fox can have its spiritual connection severed is when its true nature as a fox is sealed. Normally the true nature of a being is not something that can be sealed but for us foxes, sometimes we are born with that sealed. And when that happens... Well, in all the history of the foxes there has been only one fox that has survived with that condition, all the others have died after a maximum of a week." I answered truthfully.

I didn't know what else to say. If I lie and tell her that it will be all fine she may then hate herself even more, and I wouldn't like that happening.

"You are saying that our daughter may die before a week..."

"Yes, it can happen, but she may survive and at a point in her life unseal her true nature and survive with even more power than a normal fox. When a fox is born with this condition is because they are born with a special title that is sealed or unawakened."

"So... She still can live... Let's see what she has and try to find a way to help her."

"It is what the leaders of a group are supposed to do in that case. It's just that we would normally first explain it to the family, but this is the first case in 100 years. It is not very common. And it caught me off guard and made me react a little late. Sorry, but it was very unexpected."

"No problem. We should first get her out of the cave and see her status."

"Yes. Oh, look, she opened her eyes."

"Oh, she has your blue eyes... But something feels different about them."

"True... We should look upon that."

I transformed back to my human form and locked upon the helpers waiting for us to say something.

"Someone come here help my wife get up and carry our daughter. This is an emergency and we will get her to check her status. Go and call Kevin and Jake so they can prepare the analytic stone."

""""YES!!!"""" Four of them answered while the others were moving to clean and prepare all that was needed for the evaluation.

We left the cave and went to the forest. We were going to a clearing where we usually do reunions and place all the bases for our defense and different equipment needed for various special occasions.

When we were walking nobody was talking, they all knew the seriousness of this situation. After all, they all have heard what I explained to my wife and nobody likes when a fox dies, we foxes are a big family and also, and we have to look at the situation where we are found now. The fewer foxes that are alive, the fewer foxes that live to evade total extinction.

And also all of them are worried about another thing at the same time. What if it is our daughter the fox that will make our race survive and develop once again? If it is truly her and she dies we foxes would only be left with one option. That option would be total extinction.

No fox desires its extinction, we are always working hard to hide and escape so we can survive.

I know that they may be also thinking about that and I can't blame them, because if it is like that the last hope of our race could die and we all would be wiped out.

I can see that my daughter seems lost in thought, but that shouldn't be possible, it must be my imagination, after all, she is just a baby, what could she be thinking about?

We approach the clearing. When we enter it, they are still preparing the analytic stone and all the tribe is gathering together to see what is happening.

I suppose I should explain...

"Don't be afraid, we are not preparing anything for an emergency escape or an emergency reunion, my daughter has been born with a severed spiritual connection, which only can mean two things, one is that she is dead, but she is still alive, so the second is the answer. She has her true nature as a fox sealed, this only happens to foxes that are born with titles, they have the opportunity to be born with the title sealed and that can kill them. We will evaluate her to see her status and check if we can help her unseal that title so she survives and the connection is restored." I explained

"Will she be okay? I have never thought something like that would be possible" One of the crowd asked

"We can't know that, in all the cases in history..." I stopped for a moment as it was a difficult thing to say. "In all of our history, only one of all the cases survived, all the others died before a week or just survived one week."

"Let's just hope she will survive and for the best." Another one said

"Yes, don't be worried, and have some faith in your daughter. She sure will survive, after all, she is the daughter of the leader and strongest fox here."

"Yes, yes, just have faith."

"Exactly leader she will be fine"

"You shouldn't be explaining things to us, just go and assure your wife that all will be fine, don't let her suffer!"

"Don't leave Rose suffering alone and go with her so she isn't alone while you wait for all these to happen."


The crowd of foxes was showing their support and trying to make us feel better so we could relax while we all find a solution to the problem.


I listen, to Kevin, my friend, calling for me and I turn to see that they have already prepared the analytic stone and are waiting for me and my wife.

I approach him with my wife and let her make our daughter touch the crystal-like stone so it can evaluate her.

What we saw next left all the foxes in the place without breath. It was just unexpected...


NAME: Alice (lvl:0)

RACE: 1-tailed fox

AGE: 0

TITLE: The three-colored fox

HP: 0.5

MP: 50(unawakened)

SP: 2

Vit: 0.3

Str: 0.1

Int: 0.5

Agt: 0.2


Active: Self-appraisal // Self-healing

Passive: Enhanced senses // Fox-exchange

Resistance: Curse

Tails: not awakened



She was supposed to have the title sealed, if not why was her connection severed? It all seems to be fine with her status. And what does this title means? 'Three colored fox'? But she is the same as us?

She seems a normal fox to me... She has the same colors as all the foxes... Well, all the foxes except demonic or golden foxes, those have different colors. The demonic foxes have a darker shade or are nearer to red or black color, meanwhile, the golden foxes have a lighter shade or have golden fur.

We decided to evaluate the title.

///-The three-colored fox: Title given to a fox that has the special ability of fox-exchange acquiring the power of its three variables. ???.///

That was unexpected, we couldn't see all the explanation of the title with this level of analytic stone. We waited a little bit more and prepared the stone for its maximum output, it is compared to a Grand appraisal so it should be able to evaluate all this time.

///-The three-colored fox: Title given to a fox that has the special ability of fox-exchange acquiring the power of its three variables. The title gives the user the capacity of using the special powers of every fox race without being in the required form but in a weakened state.///

The effects of the title were crazy! Every fox has special characteristics when it refers to magic and inborn resistance.

The foxes have curse resistance, the demonic foxes have all-demonic resistance which is a resistance that protects the user from all related to demonic energy. You can upgrade the power of magic with that energy and there are special magics and other things that need this energy. And the golden foxes have all-divine resistance, it does the same as the all-demonic but with all related to divinity.

Next, we tried to analyze the ability but we only could get a part of how the skill worked. Well, we couldn't see that part, we just could see some information about it, and it was very limited.

///Fox-exchange: A never seen ability and unique to its user, ???///

The strange was that in theory, she should have two more resistances but they don't appear in her status, nothing shows being sealed, it seems that it just doesn't run. Maybe it needs something to happen first?

We can't know that but we can only hope nothing is wrong with her.

"Loki, do you think she has a cover skill?" Rose asked

"I don't think so, if she had it we should be able to see through it without problem because it can't be higher than a basic cover without practicing in the use of it and learning how it works comprehending it more for it to be higher level."

"True, but it is strange... Well, she is our daughter and we will protect her."

"Yes, we will."

We couldn't understand what was happening, it wasn't possible for her to just be born with a cover high enough to block a grand appraisal and it isn't just that. How can it block any appraisal if it is not active? For it to run it needs the user has to select what to hide and how to do it.

Using cover is harder than it seems and it needs a certain level of understanding of what it can do depending on its level. It would be impossible for a baby to use it.

"Let's just hope that all goes well."



What they didn't know is that her cover was runing on its own and she couldn't acces it. Something unheard of. But that means she needs the understanding to use it, and till she doesn't achieve the level of understanding needed for her level of cover she would never be able to manage it and it will still be runned on its own with the instructions already given to it by the world.

I hope you like the chapter, I'm new to writing but I've rewritten it some times to try and make it more entertaining, maybe I will change some things in the future but for the moment I hope you can enjoy my work.

QID_creators' thoughts