

Meet Lillian, a warewolf without a wolf. Being bullied by the pack was a normal thing for her, she was quite used to it. However, Lillian's pack was destroyed by a group of armed men with a specific goal in mind. After the whole ordeal, she was forcefully taken by the armed men and was forced to become a mercenary. Training to become one of the best and to attain the highest rank in the group, Lillian faced numerous challenges but she was troubled by the unknown mystery of the laboratory. There were several laboratories in each faction of the group, but none of them were allowed to enter. Why? What were they hiding? Other warewolf packs were cleared and Lilian feels like it's linked to that laboratory. Just who is the master mind behind the clearing of packs and what is their motive? Why were they killing the Alpha, the Luna and even their offsprings? Why did they clear the entire pack? She believes it's linked to the laboratory but in which way? What does the laboratory has to do with the clearing of warewolf packs? Disturbed by the recurring dreams, Lilian decided to uncover the purpose of the laboratory. Maybe the moon goddess was trying to tell her something. Maybe she could find the mystery behind her parents mysterious death. Then, this journey is worth it.

Inkwhisperer001 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Leaving the dungeon alive

I winced with each step, my wounded body protesting against my movement as the guards pulled me along the dimly lit corridor. The cool touch of the Stony floor sent shivers down my spine. Amidst the pain, a realization dawned upon me. The mercenary group operated in levels. Each level a step deeper into their dark world, with secrets and dangers lurking around every corner.

As I walked, people's gazes never left my body. They stared at me intently their eyes boring holes in my flesh.

Why? Perhaps I left the dungeon alive?

I shivered slightly as I was pushed into the infirmary, the doors slamming shut behind me.

I raised my head up and locked gazes with a beautiful blonde lady, staring at me with a smile. She reminded me of the nurse in my town. I wonder if she had survived the war.

"Come here" I heard her say as she signaled to me. Her voice so soft and tender, I wanted to keep hearing it. Her smile brightened up my mood a bit as I saw that someone wasn't out to kill me.

As I approached her, her brows knitted in confusion, she had a strange look on her face, "You're a warewolf but you're finding it hard to heal?" She asked.

My eyes widned in surprise, stunned by her revelation. "How..how did you know?"

She glanced at me with a rare smile on her lips, "it's a gift."

Waving that aside, "Let's treat your wound. You're seriously injured" she stated.

I glanced up at the ceiling with tears in my eyes, "My body is injured but my heart bleeds the most"

I laid down gently on the bed to get treated. The softness of the bed brought comfort to my soul, but I knew it wasn't going to last. Soon, I was going to face whatever awaited me after treatment.

"You would have died if you were not brought here" she said as she gazed at the wound in my leg. It was a small cut but the poison was lethal.

She was steady and caring. Carefully cleaning and closing up my wounds.

She hesitated a bit and glanced at me gritting my teeth in pain, I couldn't quite tell if she felt pity, but there was a strange look in her eyes that I couldn't quite explain.

"What's your name?" Her voice was soft and soothing, like a mother's lullaby.

"Lilian, my name is Lilian" I gasped through gritted teeth, pain shooting through my body.

After a while, her voice rang out, "They don't usually take captives from war. I'm shocked they brought you here "

"There, you'll be fine in no time," she reassured me with a gentle smile.

I winced in pain as I attempted to stand, but she quickly guided me back to the bed. "You wouldn't want to go back there in this state. Rest a bit," she whispered softly, as if afraid of being overheard.

Why was she showing such kindness to me? I couldn't help but wonder.

"What awaits me out there? What am I supposed to do in this place? Just slaughter people like animals?" I asked, my brows furrowing in concern. I needed to understand my fate. This place was nothing but a huge building filled with merciless killers and laboratories. What purpose could those laboratories possibly serve?

"I do not know. I'm afraid I can't answer that question," she replied, avoiding my gaze.

Was she feeling sorry for me? Did she harbor some sense of guilt?

Frustrated and restless, I pushed myself up from the bed. I couldn't bear to stay hidden here any longer, nursing my wounds like a coward. Despite the pain shooting through my leg, I resolved to walk towards the door, refusing to look back.

As I took a few steps forward, I paused. "What's your name?" I asked softly, turning to face her.

"Marrissa. Call me Marissa," she replied with a gentle smile.

In an unknown place...

"What's her condition now?" a smart-looking man asked as he walked into the lab.

"She's still unconscious. We still have to run a few tests on her to make sure she doesn't remember anything," a young man replied.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open as she screamed, "Let me go, you monsters!"

She frantically pulled the wires off her body.

"Quick, grab her. Don't let her escape," he growled, hurrying out in search of something.

The other guy tried to hold her down, but she resisted fiercely. Her heart was pounding, and her eyes were so red it seemed they might pop out of their sockets at any moment.

"Let me go this instant!" she growled, her voice shaking the entire place. However, she felt lightheaded as soon as he stabbed her with an injection.

"That should keep her down for a while."

"But why is she resisting so much?"

"She shouldn't remember anything at all by now," a man mumbled as he glanced at the monstrous being. Though she had appeared monstrous before, she now slept peacefully like a baby, her breathing gentle and her face slightly pale. Her long dark hair reached her knees, and she seemed to belong to an era different from our own. She appeared extremely weak, but when she's awake? No one wants to know what she could do.