

Meet Lillian, a warewolf without a wolf. Being bullied by the pack was a normal thing for her, she was quite used to it. However, Lillian's pack was destroyed by a group of armed men with a specific goal in mind. After the whole ordeal, she was forcefully taken by the armed men and was forced to become a mercenary. Training to become one of the best and to attain the highest rank in the group, Lillian faced numerous challenges but she was troubled by the unknown mystery of the laboratory. There were several laboratories in each faction of the group, but none of them were allowed to enter. Why? What were they hiding? Other warewolf packs were cleared and Lilian feels like it's linked to that laboratory. Just who is the master mind behind the clearing of packs and what is their motive? Why were they killing the Alpha, the Luna and even their offsprings? Why did they clear the entire pack? She believes it's linked to the laboratory but in which way? What does the laboratory has to do with the clearing of warewolf packs? Disturbed by the recurring dreams, Lilian decided to uncover the purpose of the laboratory. Maybe the moon goddess was trying to tell her something. Maybe she could find the mystery behind her parents mysterious death. Then, this journey is worth it.

Inkwhisperer001 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Looking back at my pack, I only felt misery and pain. How could a pack be cleared by just a group of humans? They're definitely not working alone.

"Beauty, do you know where we're taking you?" an ugly man asked as he grabbed my chin roughly. Glaring at him, I gritted my teeth in anger. "Leave me alone!"

"She's feisty and I like it," I heard him say as he laughed with his companions.

Even as I put on a strong face, I was still disturbed by his statement. What if they were planning to kill me?

Upon reaching the destination, I was pushed roughly out of the car. They didn't care about my well-being at all. I gazed at my surroundings and swallowed nervously. It was a very huge building with people trooping in and out. I wasn't the only one they captured. I saw how other girls were dragged and beaten.

"This is where my misery begins," I thought.

Interrupting my train of thoughts, one of the men I came with was talking over the phone.

"The deed is done," I heard him say as a creepy smile curled up his lips.

"And did you take any captives?" I heard the man on the other side ask, his voice smooth and sweet to hear. However, I was stunned by his question.

Hesitant, "No, I killed them all," he responded, glancing towards me as he walked away.

Moments later, a man approached me and dragged me into the building. Ladies were dressed in black uniforms, holding knives and swords. They had this faceless expression on their faces as if it were a sin to smile.

"Those are your colleagues; you'll train with them."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. What did he mean by my colleagues? What was I supposed to do with them? Just train?

However, these words remained in my mind. I was frightened by how scary he looked, so I avoided asking him any questions.

"You're an assassin now. You don't train, you die!" He said, noticing the confusion on my face. "Now, you train!" He yelled as he pushed me towards a group of people fighting intensely.

I gulped nervously at the sight.

"Who's she?"

"She's quite pretty."

"Where did she come from?"

I heard people's voices in my ear, clear as day as I moved towards them. Just coming from a war, I was tired and broken. Watching my Alpha and Beta killed in front of me, my heart felt numb from the pain. And now this? They wanted me to become a merciless killer?


"I'm not doing this!"

"I'm not going to become a killer!" I yelled, stunning everyone present. My clothes were torn, and I was covered in dirt. I looked miserable.

Shaking slightly from the cold, I staggered as I glanced at everyone warily. There was no one I could trust. Everyone looked strange, and it was eating me up.

"Please, just let me go!" I pleaded as I broke down in tears. I was tired, tired of everything.

Then a man walked towards me, sinking his nails into my scalp. He dragged my hair forward and slammed me hard against the wall.

"Agh," I groaned in agony as I felt my bones breaking. My breathing became ragged as I suddenly felt lightheaded. Is this death?

He had a devious smile on his face as he walked towards me, grabbing me by my neck. I saw my life flash right in front of me. My legs were dangling as he raised me a bit higher, his eyes boring holes into my body.

"Please... please, let me go," I managed to say as my eyes stung with tears.

He flung me away like a ragged doll as he walked towards me again. I hadn't even recovered from the last one. I gritted my teeth in pain as I tried not to scream from the burning pain that was taking over my body.

"Please... please, spare me!" I cried out, afraid of what he was going to do again. Moving back in fear, my body was in pain as there were wounds everywhere.

"You don't train, you die!" He said as he approached me again, a cold glint flashing in his eyes. Why were they all repeating the same words?

"I'll train, I'll train!" I yelled as I cried profusely, hoping he would just stop the torture. To my greatest surprise, he actually stopped.


"Now, proceed," he said as he turned his back, leaving me with my so-called colleagues.

As I saw his retreating figure, I sighed in relief as my entire body began to ache. Taking small steps, I walked towards the fight scene and noticed them staring weirdly at me.

"Take your sword and knife. Your first training is to kill that girl," I heard a man say as he pointed at a girl. Following his gaze, I was shocked by the size of my opponent.

I couldn't be compared to her at all. She looked trained and strong, her eyes also dim, with no life in them. She was like a lifeless being. Just what have they done to them? I wondered.

I would have refused, but I knew I was going to get beaten again. I stared at everyone nervously and picked up a sword.

Summoning courage, I ran towards her like an insane person. This was me fighting desperately to survive.

However, she dodged my attack in one move and punched me so hard I could feel my intestines coming apart.

She then glared at me and laughed out loud, "You're a weakling! You can't even take a mere punch," she growled.

Feeling dizzy, I held my sword in front of me as it was my only hope. Swinging it in every direction to prevent her from coming close.

Instead, she slipped under my foot and stabbed my leg with a dagger. "Ahh," I screamed as my eyes widened in terror.

I glanced at my foot shakily as the wound stung horribly, eating me up with a burning sensation. I felt my eyes close immediately as I went unconscious.

"Poison," I whispered weakly as I fell down in defeat.

Damian glanced at Lilian and wondered, "If she's a werewolf, then why is she so weak?"

Pushing those thoughts aside, he moved towards the trainees, his eyes glowing coldly. "Once you accept defeat, what's the punishment?" He asked, his eyes glowing with malicious intent. "Take her to the dungeon!"

Upon waking up, I found myself in an unknown place. The room was really dark, and the pungent smell of blood wafted into my nostrils, making me feel uncomfortable.

There was no single opening, so I was unable to see the room properly. I tried to get up to survey the place, but my leg dragged me down. The intense pain from my leg didn't reduce at all; instead, it felt fresh every second.

Looking back at everything that happened today, an excruciating cry escaped my lips. All in one night, my life changed drastically.

Grabbing my hair in despair, I reached for my scalp, wanting to crush myself to death. Who knew how long I was going to be in this dark, smelly place without food or water.

"Mother, please give me strength," I whispered slowly, trying to comfort myself, for I knew this was just the beginning of my journey.


"The girl, how's she?" A young man with stricken features asked as he adjusted himself on his chair. He was dressed in a black suit, which made him look like the devil.

Damian was a hired mercenary, a merciless killer who had been trained for years to skillfully eliminate important figures in society. Merely looking at him, he appeared human, but being trained in the laboratory made him stronger, as he had undergone a series of experiments since he was a child.

"She's awake, my lord," a young man replied almost immediately, avoiding Damian's gaze, as his gaze alone could make him tremble. "She's been screaming and trying to kill herself," he added.

Damian smiled darkly at his response while stroking his chin. "Such a weakling," he scoffed. "It's just the first day, and she's driven to commit suicide?"

"Take me to her," he ordered as he got up from his chair.

On reaching the dungeon, I lay there weakly on the ground, breathing slowly as my leg bled.

When he saw me, his expression changed slightly, then he replaced it with a frown.

Hearing sudden footsteps, I raised my head up slightly. My hair was scattered, clothes torn, and my body seriously injured. I glared at them, my eyes tired. "Just kill me already!" I roared as I slammed my fists on the ground, startling Dave a bit. I was scared for my life, but then I wanted the pain to end quickly.

The poison was eating me up, and I was losing a lot of blood. I don't even know how I was able to live this long.

Damian glanced at me with an amused smile. "You're just like they say," he grinned. "Makes me want to keep you and see how long you'll last."

"No! No, please! I'm in so much pain," I whimpered, afraid of what was coming.

Judging his appearance, he looked human, but then he had this odd energy around him that made people shiver in fright.

He glared at me and laughed out loud. Damian seemed to be enjoying my misery.

I gritted my teeth in anger and moved away from him.

"I'll just stay here. This poison would kill me in less than an hour," I stated as I laid down to rest.

On the contrary, he didn't want me to die because I was his new toy. "Get her treated. We can't let my new toy die," he declared as he walked away from my sight.

I guess he still needs me after all.