
The fireworks are beautiful

She loved him before she knew the meaning of self love, self respect whatever she did was for him but for him she might not be worthy for him. For him the purpose of living is revenge, to revenge the people who harmed his family but he might not have understand his own heart

Amira_R · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 2

It has already been a year and a half but there has been no news about Ryana, everybody has just given up the hope that Ryana could be alive.

Andrew is walking on the seashore where the police has found the shoe of Ryana, he has also brought the white lilies which was his and Ryana's favourite. Walking on the shore, he just stops at one place and looks continuously at the setting sun as if he had many questions in his heart but he couldn't bring them up to this throat.

The lilies in his hand drops unconsciously, his eyebrows deeply furrows as he looks at the orange Sea, this hollownes within him eats him from inside, he had never have this feeling before even when his father and mother died he had never felt this loneliness as because he was still a child and had thought that his parents will return but this the slight glimmer of hope which he was protecting from dying from the one year, is just slowly dying inside him.He thought to himself he should overcome from this feeling but he couldn't forget her for even a second.

"Sir, Miss Amelia called me she said she is waiting for you" Andrew's assistant came who has been there with him.

Andrew turns his head and nodes his head.

When Andrew reached home, the lights were turned off, so he clicked on the lights a person holding got surprised as she didn't expect that he would turn on the lights despite that she still smiled and came towards Andrew.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Andrew".. Amelia sang as she came toward Andrew and gestured him to blow out the candles.

Andrew closed his eyes and blew out the candles, Adelia smiled to him, "Happy birthday" she whispered to him, "Thank you" he smiled back at her.

Andrew take offs his coat and sits on the sofa."How was your day?" Adelia asks as she snuggles into her arms.

"Fine",Andrew just replies with one word as if he is annoyed. Adelia doesn't know how to respond to his answer, so she just grabs his one hand with her both hands.

After sometime she gets up and looks at him," Let's cut the cake" Andrew nodes and starts to cut the cake both of them feed each other cake.

At the dinner table Adelia has made rice, egg roast and chicken curry, looking at the dishes on table Andrew suddenly looks at Adelia.

"Do you like it? I bought this from a restaurant near your school, she said both of you used to eat there."

Andrew pulls out the chair and also signals Adelia to sit. Andrew presses his lip before saying," Yes, I like it very much" after that he starts to eat the food. Although it had almost been 2 years since she lived with him, she had never seen him eating food so heartly , whatever given to him he would eat everything on his plate without leaving any leftovers but since Ryana's car accident his appetite has decreased very much that sometimes he just eats only one or two bites.Seeing him like this makes her heart with guilt but she cannot do anything.

After having dinner both of them went upstairs, although they lived together they had never shared the same room. Adelia's bedroom is on the left side and Andrew's is on the right side so they parted their ways on the stairs, when Andrew was about to open his bedroom's door, Adelia called him, "Andrew, I have some work, so I would be going to city X tomorrow for some day, would you drop me to the airport?" Adelia asks.

"Okay, in the morning? " Andrew asks.

"Yes, at 6 a.m" Adelia says.

"Okay" Andrew turns and opens the door. "Goodnight" Adelia says. "Goodnight" Andrew smiles at Adelia.

Next morning, Andrew dropped Adelia at 6 a.m when he was taking his car out of the parking he saw a familiar silhouette of a person, he didn't blink an eye as he stare at the rearview mirror of his car that he could be mistaken but looking at that silhouette getting farther and farther away he couldn't control his heart and came out of the car and started running towards that girl.

He saw that the girl entered the Airport, so he also went into the airport but since he didn't have any boarding pass so he remained at the entrance and couldn't went inside the airport.