
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Need to add more money!

Natsuhiko really never dreamed that he would meet Kakuzu on a mission!

It is common for missions to encounter accidents. He once encountered a lot of troubles when leading a team to perform missions.

But this was his first time encountering such a troublesome guy.

Natsuhiko is no stranger to this guy Kakuzu.

Although it had been almost fourteen years since he traveled back in time, he had taken some notes early on to strengthen his memory in order to prevent himself from forgetting things.

Of course, he would not throw the notes away casually. He would always carry the seal with him in the scroll.

When he has time, he will take it out and look at it to strengthen his memory.

As a member of the Akatsuki organization, Natsuhiko keeps all his experiences and information about Kakuzu in his mind. This guy was originally an elite member of Takigakure Village, but later rebelled and became missing-nin.

It is said that he once sneak-attacked the First Hokage and survived. As for how he sneak-attacked, Natsuhiko didn't know. Maybe he lost a kunai a thousand meters away.

Although this is sounds somewha reaching, his abilities are real.

He can capture the heart to keep himself alive forever, and he can also use the heart's chakra properties to use corresponding ninjutsu.

In addition, his physical skills are not weak at all!

"Oh? Are you being followed?" Kakuzu glanced back and chuckled: "I'm a little curious, who actually followed me? Did you come out on your own, or did I catch you?"

As he spoke, Kakuzu had casually thrown the body on his shoulder to the ground, and at the same time, the chakra on his body began to brew.

Kakashi frowned when he saw this. This guy looked too weird, and his captain could feel it even if he was wearing a mask. He seemed a little nervous.

"Captain, do you know this guy?" Kakashi asked Natsuhiko softly while asking Parker to go back.

"I know, this guy's name is Kakuzu." Natsuhiko nodded, and at the same time his hand was already on his saber: "He is a bounty hunter who has been in the black market all year round. His mission success rate is 100%. He is a difficult guy."

This is all Natsuhiko can say. This is considered public information and can be easily checked by ANBU members.

As for more, he didn't dare to say anything more. For example, the clothes Kakuzu was wearing now were the clothes of the Akatsuki Organization, the largest terrorist organization in the ninja world.

For example, he has multiple hearts, and they must be cleared one by one before he can truly die. For example, he may be able to perform escape techniques of all attributes!

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded slightly when he heard this, and then he said: "Captain, if he takes action, I will deal with him, and you snatch the body."

"Okay." Xia Yan said with great satisfaction upon hearing this. Is there such a good thing?

This guy Kakashi was the one who killed Kakuzu himself in the future.

Although there is no comparison between him now and more than ten years later, whether it is experience, physical fitness, chakra or the use of Sharingan.

But the one who stole Naruto's head was a real Kakuzu Terminator. With this level of BUFF, there wouldn't be any problems.

But now is not the time to think about it. The chakra in Kakuzu's body is getting stronger and stronger, and he is obviously on the verge of taking action.

He didn't want to fight a dangerous terrorist like Kakuzu at will, so negotiation was inevitable.

Jumping up, Natsuhiko jumped down from the treetop with Kakashi, then slowly walked to a place about five meters away from Kakuzu and stopped.

"Oh, Anbu?" Kakuzu raised his eyebrows, his green eyes full of coldness: "Looking at your clothes, you are from Konoha. Do you want this guy?"

With that said, Kakuzu pointed at Kashiwa Mikawa, who had fallen to the ground and was already dead, but now this guy had a different face.


Mr. Kakuzu. "Natsuhiko said in a kind and gentle voice: "We really want this guy. I wonder if Mr. Kakuzu can help. "

"Help?" Kakuzu chuckled disdainfully: "I'm not a philanthropist. Do you know how hard it took me to kill him? Besides, he's not a ninja from Konoha, right?"

"We are willing to offer some..."

"But he's our target."

Before Natsuhiko could finish speaking, Kakashi said coldly: "We are going to take him back, whether alive or dead."

As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, Natsuhiko's face turned a little dark.

Whether the attitude is strong or not is secondary. The most important thing is that Kakashi directly reveals an imperative momentum.

Normally, this would be fine.

But if you put it here, it would be very bad.

There are many situations in which ANBU hunt targets, but the most common ones are to hunt down traitors and the other is assassination missions.

There is another one that seems a bit complicated, which is to eliminate spies.

"Oh?" Sure enough, Kakuzu's eyes lit up slightly when he heard this, but then his eyes became a little dangerous: "Do you want to do something, kid?"

"Mr. Kakuzu, don't be angry." Natsuhiko immediately pulled Kakashi behind him and said quickly: "Of course you are not a philanthropist, so we will buy his head at market price. What do you think?"

"Market price?" Kakuzu looked very disdainful.

"You think I'm a fool?

I know why you are looking for him, and I also want to thank the kid next to you.

Is this guy a spy, and does he have information about your Konoha?

I think as long as I reveal this news, I don't know how many people are willing to increase the price to buy his head. Do you think the market price you give me is appropriate? "

"What do you want, Mr. Kakuzu?" Natsuhiko glared at Kakashi calmly, and then asked still gently.


After saying this, Kakuzu's expression suddenly became serious, and then he spoke word by word.

"You have to pay more."


Natsuhiko was stunned, looking at Kakuzu with a serious face, and for a moment he wondered if this guy had also traveled through time.

But Natsuhiko is still very calm. If he thinks about it carefully, it is really not surprising that this guy Kakuzu said this.

This guy originally lived too long and had little interest in other things.

Only the desire for money can make him feel that he is still alive. Only money is left in his eyes!

Taking a deep breath, Natsuhiko quietly put his hands behind his back and made a tactical gesture to Kakashi.

At the same time, he still maintained a gentle voice and said: "Mr. Kakuzu, Konoha rarely makes such negotiations."

"Then we are going to take action?" Kakuzu's voice immediately became cold, and his eyes became dangerous: "Although ANBU ninjas are troublesome, they may still have some bounties."

"That depends on whether Mr. Kakuzu has this ability." Natsuhiko is still so calm, but the chakra in him has begun to brew.

Suddenly, Kakashi behind him rushed out quickly and threw a few kunai towards Kakuzu.

And Natsuhiko also moved at this moment, he was heading towards the corpse...