
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Faced with the sudden attacks of two Konoha Anbu, Kakuzu was extremely calm.

Perhaps he had expected this situation, because Konoha would not negotiate with a bounty hunter for this kind of thing.

What's more, even if Konoha is willing to talk, he is still not willing!

Kakuzu originally thought that he had just killed a Konoha ninja with a lot of bounty, but after doing so, he discovered that this was actually a Sunagakure.

The most important thing is that this guy also has a good price on the bounty list.

He didn't think much about it at first, like why this guy was wearing Konoha clothes and pretending to be a Konoha ninja.

Perhaps he did this because he was in the Land of Fire and wanted to avoid trouble from Konoha.

But now Kakuzu knows that this guy was basically lurking in Konoha as a spy, and then he was exposed and was chased by ANBU, but by chance he met him.

"This guy may have some information about Konoha. As long as he says it is important information, he can sell it at a high price. Why should he sell it to Konoha alone?"

Kakuzu is very realistic. He only cares about money and doesn't care about the five major villages. Otherwise, he wouldn't join the Akatsuki organization!

Putting his hands together, the chakra in Kakuzu's body suddenly surged, and the next moment the hot breath began to spread!

"Fire Style: Searing Migraine!"

The powerful fire style ninjutsu directly melted the flying kunai, and also blocked the path forward for Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

Faced with this situation, Natsuhiko could only quickly form the seal: "Water Style·Water Formation Wall!"

A thick water curtain was quickly released by Xia Yan, and then directly blocked Kakuzu's fire escape.

However, Natsuhiko's water formation wall was unable to stop Kakuzu's fire escape.

In an instant, the huge water vapor spread, and then covered the entire area!

Upon seeing this, Natsuhiko immediately jumped up and then ran to the side to contrast the flames while approaching Kakuzu.

He naturally knows that Kakuzu is very strong. After all, for a person who has lived for so long, he is terrifying in terms of chakra quantity, chakra quality, and combat experience.

Natsuhiko didn't think that he and Kakashi could defeat this guy at all, and the reason why he took action was just to make a reasonable excuse to retreat.

After all, he is an ANBU ninja of Konoha, and Natsuhiko still needs to consider his future development, so naturally he cannot do anything embarrassing.

"Try to retrieve the body first. If it doesn't work, just run away."

Natsuhiko thought clearly, but Kakashi didn't know what he was thinking.

Under the protection of Water style jutsu, he naturally avoided the fierce flames, and when he noticed the water mist rising, he immediately accelerated and rushed to the side. Invisibly, he and Natsuhiko were diagonally opposite to each other, forming a cheese sandwich between two sides.

During a quick sprint, the ninja sword hanging on his back was also unsheathed, and then he slashed hard at Kakuzu!


A harsh metal collision sounded in the mist-filled forest.

Kakashi looked at Kakuzu in surprise, because this guy actually blocked his ninja sword with just one hand. How strong is this guy's body?

However, he didn't have time to think about it. Kakuzu pushed slightly, and the next moment Kakashi noticed a huge force coming, and his body flew out almost uncontrollably.

But after all, he is a ninja who has survived on the battlefield for so long, and he is quite experienced.

Faced with this situation, he forced his body to maintain balance in mid-air, and then jumped back, intending to land on a big tree.

Watching Kakashi retreat, Kakuzu was not going to let him go.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw from the corner of his eye that another guy was already close to his trophy.


Kakuzu snorted and let Kakashi go for the time being.

Then he turned his head towards Natsuhiko, separated his wrist with a fist with black silk thread, and smashed towards Natsuhiko with terrifying force!

When Natsuhikosaw this scene, he reacted quickly enough.

Even if he didn't have Sharingan, he couldn't clearly see the direction and location of this fist attack.

But after so many years of 'planting trees' in his body, especially when he planted fruits with basic attributes, his reaction speed became extraordinary.

He reacted in just an instant. He deflected his body slightly and smashed his fist into the ground with a terrifying sound of breaking wind!

The gravel splashed everywhere at this moment, and Xia Yan also took the opportunity to jump to the side. At the same time, the ninja sword in his hand was like lightning, directly cutting through the black threads.

Under Natsuhiko's cover, Kakashi finally landed firmly on the treetop. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the ninja sword he was holding had a small piece missing from the edge, and the crack even extended to the handle. .

"Is this guy's body... an earth release?" Kakashi frowned: "So that's it, he is good in both earth release and fire release. Earth release is used as a defense, and Fire release is used as an offense."

Kakashi is indeed a genius, and he has already figured out some information about Kakuzu in just a short encounter.

Since Earth Release is used as a defense, Kakashi has the confidence to break this defence!

His hands quickly formed seals, and blue arcs of electricity condensed on his hands. At the same time, the chirping of a startled bird began to bloom.

Lightning Release restrains Earth Release, Kakashi possesses the highly penetrating Lightning Release Ninjutsu, so he won't have to worry at all that he can't break the defense.

Natsuhiko naturally discovered this situation, even if he didn't need to use his perception ability to know it, because the sound of the Chidori was really too loud.

"The assassination ninjutsu was promised. Are you afraid that others won't hear it by making such a loud noise?"

Natsuhiko shook his head casually, Kakashi's sneak attack on Kakuzu in the future was completely silent, and Kakuzu only heard the sound of the Chidori after he was hit.

This can only show that Kakashi in the future has continuously modified his technique, but he has not done so now.

However, given the power of Chidori, Natsuhiko also planned to cooperate with Kakashi.

After all, Kakashi has Obito's Sharingan, so there will definitely be no problem with his insight.

Locking on the moving Kakuzu can be said to be a piece of cake, it only requires Kakuzu's energy to be restrained.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko immediately stopped retreating, then took a step forward and stuck to him.

He is only at the Jonin level, and is really far behind compared to the veteran Kage level like Kakuzu.

Fortunately, Kakuzu didn't fight with all his strength, which gave Natsuhiko and the others a good chance.

If they can make this guy suffer a little loss, they will make a lot of money!


Kakuzu naturally heard the chirping of the Chidori, and he immediately thought of something. He suddenly felt as if he had made a profit.

That jutsu is a Chidori, and the person who uses this jutsu is naturally Kakashi Hatake, who has a bounty of more than ten million taels!

But just when he was about to find Kakashi, another white-haired kid approached him again, which made Kakuzu a little unhappy. It was obvious that this kid was planning to cooperate with Kakashi.

But, how could this kid break through his Earth release defense?

However, after a moment, his expression changed slightly.

I saw this kid suddenly leaping high, and at the same time, the ninja sword in his hand suddenly appeared spinning, and at the same time, the water escape chakra was compressed to the extreme!

"Water Style·Water Blade Slash!"