
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


The sun shines through the dense branches and leaves of the towering trees, casting mottled shadows on the ground.

Between the big tree and its shadow, there were two figures and a dog galloping past on the branches of the big tree, dragging up the afterimages.

Natsuhiko and Kakashi have already set out for a day, and they are constantly getting closer to the mission target.

However, for convenience, Natsuhiko asked Kakashi to summon a ninja dog to lead them in tracking.

The person they want to arrest is named Kashiwa Mikawa. The information shows that he is a Konoha ninja who has participated in the war and has a complete resume.

However, this is just a superficial identity. His true identity shows that this guy is actually a Sunagakure ninja.

The war resulted in the death of many people, and also gave the local intelligence system a loophole to exploit.

On the battlefield, when a person dies, you may not be able to recover the body, so you don't know whether he is dead or not.

Just look at Obito. This guy has become the 'Sharingan Hero' in Konoha, but in fact he is still alive and well, and is being fooled around by Uchiha Madara.

This Kashiwa Mikawa probably died during the war, or was captured and tortured to reveal a lot of identity information, and then was impersonated.

It is not difficult for a ninja to disguise himself, especially the puppet masters like Sunagakure, all of them are good at disguise.

At this moment, Parker suddenly stopped and Natsuhiko immediately made a tactical gesture.

Kakashi behind him stopped quickly, and at the same time took out a kunai and started to stay alert.

"The smell of blood is so strong, and it's the target you want to track." Parker sniffed carefully, and then whispered: "But that guy seems to be dead, and there are other human scents over there."

"Is there anyone else?" Xia Yan couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. He didn't remember that this task was received multiple times.

Anbu's tasks are usually given one-on-one, and the person who takes the task is either an individual or a team.

Now that this task has fallen into their hands, they will never hand it over to others under normal circumstances. Even if it is to be handed over, they will be informed in advance.

"Where is the breath of the person we want to track now?"

Natsuhiko already realized that something was not right, but he still kept a gentle voice.

"He went north." Parker answered quickly. After a day of contact, he still had a good impression of Natsuhiko: "Obviously, not back to Konoha."


Natsuhiko turned and looked at Kakashi. Both of them realized that the problem seemed to be serious.

They set off towards the River Country, which is to the west of Konoha. If they wanted to return to Konoha, they should go east. The direction the breath was taking now was completely wrong, which could only mean one thing.

"Our mission has been interrupted." Natsuhiko sighed: "It seems that the situation is not good."

"Captain, do we want to give up the mission?" Kakashi asked in a low voice.

Although Natsuhiko told him that he could just call him by name, Kakashi believed that he could not change his words at will during the mission, so he still called him captain.

Abandon the mission?

Natsuhiko couldn't help but fall into thinking. To be honest, he really seemed to give up the mission. Who knows who they would encounter.

But he didn't dare, and he didn't dare to say the same thing. He was not Kakashi. There was a Fourth Hokage standing behind him.

Even if the Fourth Hokage is essentially a puppet, no one will do anything to Kakashi if he saves his face.

He is different. As a ninja without a backstage, his only way out is to carry out tasks honestly and be a good tool with peace of mind.

"Sometimes I suddenly feel that the Senju clan is lonely and not as good as the Uchiha."

Although Uchiha is almost dying of isolation now,

The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage's targeting nearly split them from Konoha.

The other big families were basically subdued by the Third Hokage, and the Uchiha were almost trapped without foreign aid.

And with the end of the war, the eyes of Konoha's top brass will inevitably look back.

And they are also divided into two forces internally, one is the doves who advocate peace, and the other is the hawks who advocate a coup.

But no matter what, as the largest and second largest family in Konoha, they still have the ability to cover a person.

Shaking his head, Natsuhiko said seriously: "Let's catch up and take a look. There are many secrets in that guy's body, including the secrets of Konoha."

"I understand." Kakashi nodded very simply, and then made a gesture to Parker.

Parker was very smart, and he immediately took Natsuhiko and Kakashi to continue tracking those auras.

In fact, Parker himself is afraid of death. In the original work, he ran away, but the difference is that as a ninja dog, he can return to the psychic world at any time to avoid danger.

While chasing, Natsuhiko was also thinking about who would be tasked with stopping him halfway.

Could it be that he is from Iwagakure?

From the perspective of leaving, there is no problem at all.

There are many countries that can enter.

For example, the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Grass, and the Kingdom of Taki, which were originally treated as battlefields and were beaten into darkness, were all in this direction!

Konoha and Iwagakure talked about the fact that now that the Fourth Hokage has come to power, there are really many ninja attacks on Konoha's border pretending to be Iwagakure or Kumogakure.

No one knows who these ninjas are. Perhaps they are attacks launched by small countries in retaliation.

Perhaps the arms dealers did not want the war to end, so they had no chance to continue to make money, so they hoped to continue the war in this way.

Regardless of those small countries, there is Kumogakure in the north of Konoha. This is a ninja village that has never signed a peace agreement with Konoha!

"Who could it be?"

Natshiko was thinking as he hurried on, but unfortunately this matter was too complicated and he had no clue at all.

But soon he stopped thinking about it because he had noticed the movement.

Not far away, a lone figure was walking slowly, with a body on his shoulders.

Focusing on perception, Xia Yan immediately discovered that the other party's body contained a large amount of chakra.

In terms of chakra content alone, it far exceeds the level of a chuunin, and is even more terrifying than a jounin!

The stranger was wrapped in a black cloak with red clouds, and even his face was covered with a cloth veil.

Soon, the man seemed to notice something and then looked back.

Those calm and indifferent green eyes immediately made Xia Yan feel like a wild animal watching its prey.

His face turned ugly in an instant, and he had already recognized who this guy was!

"Is this guy Kakuzu?"