
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


The title White Fang once belonged to Kakashi's father.

The man who gave up his mission to save his teammates during the war, leading to Konoha's defeat in the war, and finally committed suicide under the pressure of public opinion.

Natsuhiko knew exactly what this title meant to Kakashi.

He also knew very well why Kakashi came to ANBU.

Kakashi was transferred to the ANBU after the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato came to power.

The reason is that after he faced Obito's death with his own eyes, he killed another teammate of his with his own hands.

Others might not be able to endure such a blow, let alone the more sensitive Kakashi.

This guy is now lifeless, with almost no breath of life. The word "walking zombie" is probably the most appropriate way to describe him.

Namikaze Minato didn't want his disciple to fall, nor did he want him to be trapped in the sad memories of the past, so he simply asked Kakashi to come to ANBU.

The Anbu's mission was very heavy, and there was not much time for Kakashi to grieve over the past.

At the same time, Anbu's missions killed a lot of people, so Kakashi got used to such killings so that he could get used to everything that had happened.

"But why was this guy assigned to my team? Is it because we were classmates?"

Natsuhiko thought about it silently while accepting the task.

As an ANBU, their mission cannot be interrupted just because of a small incident.

His mission was also very simple. This time he was to hunt down an enemy spy who had been investigated and was lurking in Konoha.

Once that's done, his body needs to be brought back.

The spy had disguised himself as a Konoha ninja and was now on a mission outside the village—not so much carrying out a mission as delivering information.

This kind of task is the simplest. Natsuhiko has performed it at least fifty times in the past five years. He can be said to be familiar with it.

But this time, he has another mission, which is to take Kakashi to perform it. This time, there are only two people on the mission.

Because there are four people in Natsuhiko's team, and Kakashi comes in, he naturally has to move the others away.

Similarly, Kakashi also needs to know the ANBU's mission process.

"Forget it, you're here now, just stay here with me."

Natsuhiko and Kakashi are actually not as familiar as they thought. Although they are classmates, Kakashi left school very early.

Natsuhiko, on the other hand, escaped the first wave of 'cannon fodder selection' and then entered the Anbu when the second wave was about to come.

It can be said that except for the short period of less than a year, there was almost no contact between them.

But that guy Obito, they used to have a lot of contacts.

This guy is basically a replica of Naruto, with a good personality in every aspect.

Of course, I don't rule out contacting him, and I have some thoughts on leaving a way out for myself.

After getting the mission, the two of them set off directly towards the mission location without stopping at all.

Kakashi behaved very silently and followed Natsuhiko silently, as if he didn't care at all about the mission he received.

It's just that this situation makes Natsuhiko feel a little uncomfortable. He knows that this is the most difficult thing for Kakashi now. He is basically a living dead.

But considering that he wanted to live in Konoha in the future, he had to have a good relationship with Kakashi. After all, he was the savior's teacher.

"Kakashi, it's been a long time since we last met." After thinking for a moment, Natsuhiko said in the gentlest voice.

Although he was wearing a mask, Natsuhiko felt that he was smiling very well now.

But Kakashi didn't speak or even look at him, which made Xia Yan feel a little embarrassed.

However, no one could see it with the mask on. Natsuhiko continued: "Maybe you don't know me, but I know you. We were the same students before, but you graduated very early, and I entered the Anbu when I was eight years old."

"Are we a students from the same period?" Kakashi had a slight reaction at this moment. He turned his head slightly and looked at Natsuhiko.

"Well, yes." Natsuhiko nodded slightly, his voice still gentle: "I still remember our classmates, such as Guy, such as Kureai, and guys like Asuma, oh yes, and Obito , and Lin..."

Having said this, Natsuhiko stopped, looked at Kakashi, and then spoke word by word.

"It's a pity for them, but they are all heroes. If I have time, I would like to go to their graves and lay a bouquet of flowers to them."

At this point, Natsuhiko stopped, and Kakashi turned to look at Natsuhiko.

After a long while, he nodded slightly: "Thank you, captain."

"Call me Natsuhiko." Xia Yan's voice became softer: "I don't know if you still remember me."

Natsuhiko really didn't know if Kakashi knew about him. He was quite low-key when he was in the ninja school.

Although he is not an Uchiha and there is no need to worry about being targeted if he is too high-profile, Senju's current situation is not good either.

As for being too low-key, forming a duo with Obito?

Come on, he doesn't think he is as lucky as Obito.

He is obviously the most marginalized figure in Uchiha, but he can start to select "qualified ninjas" from the school when Konoha is in the most difficult time, and then "graduate" to the battlefield, Wait until graduation before going to the battlefield.

Turning around, there was an incredibly good teacher who led the team, and he somehow became a disciple of the Hokage.

Obito is the template for the protagonist, but his IQ is slightly lower and he has Uchiha-specific symptoms, so he turns dark.

If Natsuhiko had performed so poorly, he might not have survived the first round of 'cannon fodder selection'.

Therefore, Natsuhiko's performance in school is basically above average. He is an inconspicuous character who is pretty good but not top-notch.

"Natsuhiko?" Kakashi seemed to be lost in thought, and soon he remembered something: "Sorry, maybe I didn't pay attention when I was at school, but I heard Guy and the others talking about you."

"Really?" Natsuhiko smiled nonchalantly: "Then I also want to thank Guy."

The relationship between Guy and Natsuhiko is not bad, or in other words, the relationship between him and the future backbone of Konoha is not bad.

After all, they were students at the same time. After all, Natsuhiko still wanted to hang out in Konoha. After all, he also had to consider what would happen if he ran away.

Once he runs away, they may be the ones to capture him.

With such a relationship, maybe they can be a little more lenient when the time comes.

With such a beginning, Kakashi seemed a little more natural.

Although the cold aura on his body is still very strong, he can speak, which is a good improvement.

The two of them were very fast, chatting as they hurried on.

Natsuhiko guessed that maybe now with Kakashi, his favorability should be constantly at '+0.01'.

After all, this guy's heart is like ice now, and it's not easy to break it...