
The Femboy Queen (+18)

This is just a story for my fantasy, it's just for +18 content

Alex_Asphalt · ファンタジー
8 Chs

a bitch in heat

Her hands clasped to the sides of his

beautiful head and with a powerful grunt,

hilted herself completely inside his oral

cavern, shocking him enough to bring him

back. "Your lips feel as good as I

remember. ."

Aeros's eyes rolled to the back of his head.

At this moment, the only thing that

mattered to him was that he was fluffing

up the strongest and largest cock he would ever taste.

No thoughts of revenge for his fallen town,

no thoughts of his sister, no thoughts of his

parents who would surely be humiliated at

his pathetic sight or of how he would be so

fucked if he let her take anymore of him.

Quite literally, in fact.

He moaned around her scarlet length,

sending vibrations around it which caused

a moan to slip out of the God's lips.

Oh, she was so thick, so girthy and long

that he was worried she would split his

jaws but his constitution as the Maiden

quelled his worries. In his heat, his body

was already beginning to accept the God as the one to steal his virginity which was extremely bad for Aeros. . . .or would be if his mind wasn't ransacked with pleasure.

"My lovely boy," The God said, in the midst of thrusting her hips into his tight throat. He felt so perfect, so warm and velvety - just the right combination of wetness and tightness that begged her to soil his stomach with her seed. "Mine. Only mine."




Aeros may have only just been making

noises due to the sloppiness of the God's throatfucking but to the God, he sounded like he agreed to her words. A bubbliness of elation filled her chest which would be the first of this time. Oh, only he could let her feel something as inconceivable and mortal as emotions.

Her balls throbbed. Her seed wanted to be

let out now.

"Fuck!" The God slammed her hips Into his small face, gripping the back of his head and digging herself as far in as she could to the point that her pubes were tickling his nose. She thrusted her head back and roared. "Take my seed!"

Aeros breathed in and tasted the first,

dominating wave of godly cum

impregnating his throat, searching for an

egg to fertilize before going down his stomach. He noticed that her cum was black, a slimy charcoal-colored ooze that tasted like the strongest hit of alcohol, enough to make even an elder dwarf drunk. His cheeks blushed with passion, eyes drooping low - unable to meet the superior gaze of his seed-giver.

After a couple minutes, she was finished -

reluctantly pulling her hips back so that

her cock could plop free out of his restricting throat. The God turned to look at her art. He looked even more ravishing now with her black cum bubbling from his lips - sweat and spit tarnishing his face to make him look like a street whore. Some of her cum had even drizzled onto his chest, covering his perky pink nipples.

He was breathing hard and his eyes had

that well-fucked glaze she had seen on

many of her night partners. She whispered,

"[Gluttony]". Raven-black tentacles

appeared from the ground, carrying

Aeros's heaving body up so that their

heights were aligned enough for a kiss.

"My most beloved one," The God

whispered lovingly. She sniffed. His

pheromones had mostly quelled. Satisfied.

At least for now. She parted her lips, letting

her long, long reddish tongue out. First,

she licked his cheeks, tasting some of her

own cum before seductively slurping up his

closed, puckered lips. Tasty. Separating

them, she then moved on to let her thick,

long tongue inside his damp mouth that

she had so brutally fucked just before.

"Mmffn!" Aeros felt the thick tongue

intruding into his mouth but didn't resist

and simply let her do whatever she wanted.

He relaxed, feeling her unsatisfied long

tongue move even further in to conquer his

mouth, slipping down into his throat which

would have made him choke. . .if he even

had a gag-reflex in the first place. God,

how long was her tongue?

Luckily, her tongue stopped at the

near-ends of his oesophagus. With a hand

cupping one of his fat arse-cheeks, and

another holding his waist, she didn't move

for a while, simply content in absolutely

conquering the front of his lips to the ends

of his throat. A side thought for Aeros was

that her saliva tastes like fresh berries.

After she was satisfied, she took out her

tongue, reeling it in back to her mouth

before the last few inches of it lashed out

of Aeros's mouth. It felt good enough to make him have a mini-orgasm as his body

fell into her embrace.

After sometime as Aeros was nearly councious again he tried to do [Purify] just to get himself back but to his dismay nothing happened

"You tried to hurt me?" The God said, unbelievingly. A snarl worked up her

throat. "You - my beloved - dares try to

hurt me?!"


It all happened in an instant. For an instant

there, Aeros felt as if he had seen death in

the eyes, with the God's form flickering like a flame of darkness before a gate appeared instead of her body. Through the gate, he could see then, the body of a sinful god, and the domain of such a being known as the God. There was so much he saw - so many sinners screaming, the tongue of false

prophets being torn by the kings that fell to

their words, the wings of fallen angels

being plucked until they looked like a

skinless chicken. And through all blood and

suffering, through all the torture and evil

that was humanly - conceptually possible

to imagine, he was in a sphere of eternal

darkness. He felt fear, cold and just so, so

lonely in this timeless prison.

Willow remembered the lore behind the God, and the relationship between the Maiden and her but he had forgotten about the punishments the God bestowed upon the Maiden in her jealous fits whenever the Maiden spared more than a second on anyone other than her.

This was one such punishment - the

[Chamber Of Mother Space], or otherwise

known as the true bedroom of Lynx, the

Creator of Gods.

To experience it all in the flesh, Aeros's

mind nearly broke there as he sobbed,

repenting and begging for forgiveness from

the God. It only took the first "I'm sorry" for him to feel the warm embrace of another being, of Lynx as she tightly hugged

him in her arms.

"Do you understand now?" The God spoke into his ears. Aeros couldn't stop crying tears of gratitude as he had been forgiven. "Only I Love you. Only I can love you."

"You belong to me," She whispered and her

voice sounded like the best thing his ears

had ever listened to, far better than that

cold, dark prison. "Only to me.."

Aero nodded into her embrace, as for the

second time, he felt himself grow sleepy in

her warm embrace but he was hesitant to

fall asleep, fearing he would find himself in

that lonely prison again. The God knew of her beloved's fears and thus, calmed him down with a low hum rasping from her throat, singing him a lullaby so that he may finally fall asleep in her arms. "So for that, sleep my beloved."

She got into bed and put him in her embrace as to not wanting to ever seperate again

After so, so very long, she finally had him.

So that, she may never, ever lose him again.

She hugged him ever so close, drank in his

scent and as always, even if her beloved

may be in a different body through the

wheel of reincarnation, the smell of her

beloved's soul - of the sweetest roses and

the gentlest sunflowers, always carrying

over, no matter the amount of
