
The Femboy Queen (+18)

This is just a story for my fantasy, it's just for +18 content

Alex_Asphalt · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Pact

The God And Demong God Promised "We assure you we won't hurt them as long as you accompany us"

Aeros then said looking at his sister "Very well, let's depart after I speak to my family"

Both gods nodded in agreement

After going around for sometime Aeros and Erica finally found their parents

"Mother, Father, I have made a pact with god's and will be out for 20 days per month please don't say anything, I have to go, I will return at 21st day "

Parents looked at each other thinking what to say "if you have made a pact and would want to go we can't do anything but wait, be safe"

Then he went back to the God

"Let's depart I have but my farewell for the month"

The God carries Aeros in bridal style and wings start to flapping as the reach somewhere different from their town

After putting Aeros in a room the God said "You will live in my chamber with me to avoid unnecessary things"

Aeros was hesitant "I.. understand"

God then said "let me test your skills "

Aeros was surprised but he knew he couldn't do anything about it

Warning bells rang in Aeros's head.

Letting her know whose incarnation he

was, would be an extremely, extremely bad

thing right now. If she knew, it was

basically game over for him and his

freedom. Everyone who played the game

knew of the God's fascinated

obsession with the Maiden and her

incarnations - not to mention how

seductively domineering she was. There

had been a choice in the game to reject her

when she attempted to take Aeros's

virginity after stealing him from the

Dragon Lord's castle, and it really. . .didn't

end well. She was the last person he could

give his virginity and therefore, his soul to.

Aeros saw her form disappear into smoke

before his eyes. He looked around alarmed

but before he could even turn his head, she

was already behind him, pulling him into a

hug in her large bosom. He tried to

struggle which only made the God chuckle, playing with his hair and kissing it.

"Submit! "

Suddenly, Aeros felt his fear return to him

and finally felt the killing intent from her. It

felt like a mountain had been dropped onto

his head with how strong the pressure was.

It was telling - no - daring him to so much

as move a muscle before his head would fly

off his shoulders. She was strong. Beyond


It was then that Aeros's curse as a virgin

Maiden activated. His body didn't care of

her origins and just that the strongest

contender for his virginity had arrived. Just

like before with Erica, his body started to

feel hot and heavy with arousal, sending

out pheromones to the Alpha being behind

him almost teasingly, asking her to take

him right then and there, telling her to

claim her prize. He heard her sniffing his

neck from behind but could do nothing.

Fear, Pride, thoughts of escaping. None of

that mattered right now as his body was on

auto-pilot so as to mate with her - his wide

hips already moving to grind against the

rapidly hardening cock in her dress.

"My love. " Tears fell from her blindfold.

"I've finally found you."

Aeros couldn't even hear that, only

whining at the loss of touch from her lips

on his neck. He was essentially a bitch in

heat right now. With that, he turned

around and hopped onto her, wrapping his

arms across her neck as he looked into her

eyes with a horny look on his beautiful

face, practically humping his hips down

onto her monster cock, before whispering, "Fuck me."

In an instant, all of his powerful

pheromones came crashing down on the God, enough to make her step back

for a moment. Her mind was filled with the

familiar dominating thoughts of ravishing

her. . .ravishing him and could pull no

defense against it but she didn't mind it.

After all, only her love had the ability to

cause her, the God's mind to sway

like so. She dug her face into his neck,

breathing in a whole barrel worth of his

pheromones. Titillating.

She gave his neck a little suckle. He came

into her arms, his little body shaking into

his orgasm, causing him to freeze and

simply bite on his lips due to how good his

orgasm felt. The God felt the

wetness in his pants that contrasted

against the blazing warmth of his skin.

Placing a hand over it, she could tell he was

indeed making a mess in his pants - feeling

his little boyhood spurt out it's seed into

his underwear. She got even harder.

"Oh you never change," The God

whispered into his ears. One of the few

pleasure spots of the love of her lives was

her neck, and after capitalising on it, now

the God was sure that this boy was

the most recent incarnation of her. Well, if

she needed more proof, she could always

check out the Emblem Of The Maiden

beaming on his right hand.

Oh, how long had it been since she had a

reunion like this with her, no - with him? It

was a shock that a man - no matter how

feminine - had been allowed and chosen as

the incarnation of the Maiden but it was a

good change of pace at the very least.

Besides, it shouldn't make that much of a

difference, looking at his beautiful face and

body - a perk that every incarnation of the

Maiden had.

She felt a tug on her war-dress and skin.

Looking down, she saw the wanting look on

her love's face, so awashed with lust - he

had changed from the prideful little lamb

to a wanton whore. A sniff of his powerful

pheromones again and she felt her mind

swim in lust as well. at least his first time for this incarnation, but his scent had aroused her too much to focus even for any of her spells, much less her [Authority].

With swift fingers, Aeros took advantage

of the God's distraction and parted her thighs just enough for her raging demonic cock that was as white as her skin to slap him on the face. A peculiar thing he noticed was that the crown of her cock had been encased in a black color - the she-cock he had seen many times while playing the game. Now that it was right in his face however, he could tell how truly large it was as his eyes crossed just to meet it's upright gaze.

His boy-pussy dripped at the powerful

musk of a strong futanari. Willow's mouth

drooled with sweet nectar. He took a long

lick from the base to the head and

climaxed from the taste.

"Aaaaahhhh," The God groaned in pleasure but when she didn't feel his Tongue anymore, she glanced down to see that her love would be unable to give her oral pleasure for the moment. She decided

to take the matter into her own hands. Literally.