
The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

A woman from our world is reborn as a Fallen Angel Gamer in a Marvel/Crossover AU. Will she grind her way to the top, or get a game over?

StarWaves · 映画
283 Chs

Chapter: 12

Chapter 12:

"This stupid compass doesn't work!" I shouted out angrily as I was on the verge of smashing the damn thing. I had been walking up and down the streets of London for hours! The entire time, the compass's needle has been randomly spinning in circles.

[Gamer's don't quit when the going gets tough, host. They buckle down and grind harder!]

'I'm pretty sure a lot of gamers give up when the going gets tough. Half of the people who started Dark Souls never finished it after all.' I sniped back at the system.

[That is not the same. You're in an immortal body that doesn't get tired or hungry. So keep looking!]

"Fine!" I whined out loud as I turned down a street I'm pretty sure I'd already checked. I slowly walked down it once again while never taking my eyes off the compass.

"Mommy, what's that pretty lady doing? Is she playing pirates? I want to play!" A little boy nearby was tugging on his mothers sleeve and pointing at me.

I felt the heat go to my cheeks. I probably looked so weird to everybody right now.

"You'll have to ask her nicely if you can play too." I heard the mother say.

Excuse me! Don't just sick your child on me lady! I'm not playing a game… What does she think I'm doing out here!?

[You are playing a game though. Your whole life is a game…]

'Shut up system!' I shouted in my head.

"Excuse me, pretty lady." I let out a sigh as the little boy walked up to me. "That's a cool compass. Are you playing pirates?" He asked me.

I just facepalmed. "I'm not playing pirates. I'm playing… find the bad ninjas. This compass is supposed to point to them, but for some reason it just keeps spinning and doesn't work for me." I said with another sigh.

"That sounds cool! Can I try?" He looked at me with big hopeful eyes. He looked to be 5 or 6 at most and I guess I didn't want to be mean to a child.

"Sure kid. Give it a shot." I handed him the compass. He took it from my hands and started waving it up and down excitedly.

"Alright, compass. Point to the bad ninjas!" He shouted out and started running up and down the sidewalk. His mother nearby walked over and approached me.

"Thank you for humoring my son. Can I ask why you're walking around staring at a compass? Are you method acting and preparing for a roll? My sister works for the local theater and she does that sometimes." The woman said to me.

"It's a long story. Definitely not interesting enough to explain." I lied. She seemed to accept it easily enough. I hadn't really gotten a good look at her before but now that I did, I would say that she was quite charming. She looked to be a typical homemaker and she was giving off a motherly charm that I found myself being drawn to. I wouldn't call her beautiful by any stretch, but I definitely would like to get her alone later and maybe–Woah! 'What the fuck are these thoughts!?'

[You have the Sin of Lust as a permanent drawback. This was the first attractive person you have met so far surprisingly.]

At least my Sin only seemed to act up around people I found attractive already. 'Is there any way I can properly manage my Lust?' I asked the system.

[Get a girlfriend?]


'Great advice system! 10/10!' I thought sarcastically…

[You'll probably need multiple partners to be honest. The more powerful you get as a Fallen… the stronger your urges will get unless they are routinely taken care of. I bet your regretting not picking human as a starting race right about now ;) ]

'Fuck off system…' I pouted in my head. Multiple partners!? How the hell was I going to manage that? I'm the most sheltered angel of all time! Even Gabriel, the Angel of Innocence, had more social interactions than I did!


"Are you alright?" The woman asked. I just realized I had probably looked like I was spacing out in front of her. She was looking at me in concern.

I gave her a wry smile. "I'm sorry I just got lost in your eyes momentarily."

The woman had a look of shock that I had just said that. I was shocked I had just said that!

"Oh…" Her face turned red and she actually blushed. "It's been a while since someone has come onto me…" She admitted to me. "Especially someone who looks like you do!" She said as she looked me up and down. She was not subtle.

"Come on now. That can't be true. A woman as beautiful as you must have suitors lined up around the corner." The words flowed out of my mouth once again surprising the both of us. The housewives blush deepened as she started fidgeting in place a bit.

"Well…my husband won't be back for another hour. And my little Henry could use a nap. Maybe you'd like to come over for a cuppa?" She said to me with a longing look. That moved very quickly! Since when has picking up women been that easy…

[It was 100% your looks. The world's greatest supermodels pale in comparison to the looks of most supernatural beings.]

'Are you accusing this poor lonely housewife of being shallow, system?'


Fair enough. So what if she was? The compass hadn't been working and I supposed I could use a break~. I gave the woman a sultry smile that promised–

"Hey lady your compass is pointing to something, look!"

And the break was ruined! The kid ran back up to me and showed me the compass. Sure enough, it was pointing in a single direction for the first time since I've had it. It had found a trace of demonic energy nearby!

With a pained expression, I glanced between the compass in the kids hand and the thirsty housewife. Sometimes life really throws painful decisions at you… I apologized to the woman and told her that I had to go. I took the compass back and started speed walking through the city, following the needle. My disappointment was immeasurable…



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