
Killing all the seven Four Shackles Realm experts

Souta already killed four out of seven experts from the Wingless Crow.

"Slicing their bodies is harder than I expected... Well, there's nothing that I could do, they are Four Shackles Realm."

Souta muttered as he slowly turned his body. He glanced at the remaining three and found that they had already destroyed the black hole and other skills that were restricting them.

"There's only three left so finishing this should be easier."

He stepped forward and he vanished from the vision of the three experts.


The three experts didn't see his movements at all. They heard a voice coming from their back.

"Hey, I'm traveling through the shadows so I can reappear in any area in this place. Unless you have the power to overcome the shadows in a large area, none of you will be able to follow me."

They quickly turned their heads but Souta was already gone.