
Seven library hall!

Rosaria just woke up, she has been awake all night and didn't have a proper sleep, and now as the only worker in this house, she has to deal with one more work.

"Good morning, rose!" he said while rubbing the back of his head

"Young master, it's clearly not very good for me! What have you been doing this early in the morning by the way? And what is all this?" she said with a tired face

"you don't have to worry I will fix all this, also I have great news for you"

"Al-alright, I don't see you smiling this often, so I too am kind of interested"

"I can cultivate prana now." he said with a big smile on his face

Rosaria had tears in her eyes

"you-you can cultivate now? Re-really? Isn't that great news.." she said while crying

"he-he don't cry, lets see who has the guts to cross us now, they might have to pay with their lives!."Aarav said while patting her.

"and you don't have to worry about the backyard I was just practicing some Arcane arts, I will get things straight here, alright"

"well, you are a big man now, I will leave this to you then" and she left.

"I see appraisal in my skills, how do I use it? can you explain?"

"[System: concentrate prana in your eyeballs and let it flow slowly through the iris, as you do it while looking at the target it would help the system to scan and provide the required and unlocked information to the host]"

"Alright, here goes nothing!".

The appraisal was an additional skill he received from the Book, so it wasn't very hard to learn.

*screen appears*

"[Name: Rosaria Dracaster]"

"[age: 15]"

"[Constitution: Supreme Essence of immortal avatar]"

"[Cultivation: None]"

"[Title: None]"

"[skills: None]"

"hey, she had a family surname? Dracaster? Not so very familiar, and wait doesn't her constitution sounds too overpowered? Yo! can you explain about her constitution a little, please don't say I am not eligible please."

"[System: Supreme Essence of immortal avatar is one of the mythical avatar body, the owner of the avatar can absorb almost every kind of energy without any backlash and Convert it into their native energy also their absorption rate, comprehension and supremacy ability is very high, which makes them very powerful even compared to cultivators in higher, this constitution is also known as 'Golden-Essence avatar', it is advised to not let others know about this constitution to avoid dangers]"

"ho-ho, you giving the warning is not very common, so I will take this seriously, but if she had such powerful constitution doesn't that mean she can also cultivate?".

"[System: Host of Immortal avatars cannot cultivate using just any kind of method, they require very special methods to even start, then they need to comprehend their own Avatar's to alter the previous cultivation method so that it suits their body]"

"so, we need to find a method which she can use to start and after that, she has to figure it out herself, alright then! Do you have any which she can use?"

"[System: Law has everything but they can only be used by the host]"

"che-e, aren't you just being petty! So how do we help her then? Do you have any idea?".

"[System: Host need to find a suitable method; Law can then help the host to make changes in the method which can then be used by the owners of immortal avatar's]"

"Thanks a lot, man - I think we can find some methods in the Frost Family Seven-Library halls, and I guess it's time to visit their as well as once you reach 3rd stage sprit realm anyone from family can choose to learn one Low-grade Soul arcane arts, though they are all shitty to me with you here."

"Rosaria, I have some work to do I might get late don't wait for me, ok!" he shouted and ran towards the Seven-library hall.

"let's use flash-ghost steps and check how much have I improved".

Using flash ghost steps Aarav can now move 60 steps every second, it took him around 10 minutes to cover the distance of 17 miles.

Seven-library hall belongs to the frost family and most of their cultivation method, arcane arts, and many other important stuffs are stored there under very heavy protection. Seven library hall is 45 feet tall pagoda with a total of 7 floors out of which only the first 3-floors are accessible to family members and students, while other 4th and 5th floor can be used by family Elders, the 6th floor can be used by Grand-elders and at last the 7th floor is only accessible to the patriarch. There's been a rumor that on the 7th floor there is some hidden treasure.

Aarav walks inside the Library towards the front desk where sits an elder of the hall, he is sitting on a chair with a book on his face, most probably sleeping.

"Um-m, H-Hello are you awake?" he said softly

"I am boy, what are you here for?" elder in a deep voice

The elder of the library hall is an old man, who has been serving the frost family for a very long time, and the aura that he emits does tell that he a master in a higher realm.

"well, I recently reached the 3rd stage of spirit realm so I am thinking to get one arcane art for myself".

"hmm, alright you are the 3rd stage, you can go inside - remember you cannot take anything out of the library also don't go beyond the red line on 1st floor as you are only eligible to learn low-Grade Soul Arcane, you have 6 hours and it starts now."

"thanks a lot, elder!" he bowed and went inside the room

Aarav used appraisal on the elder before leaving.

"dam, that was scary he had one heavy aura, I thought he caught me there ha-ha, well let's see what he got." he sighed in relief.

*screen appears*

"[Name: Robion R. frost]"

"[Age: 74]"

"[Constitution: Colossal-Oak Avatar]"

"[Cultivation: Prana Void Realm 7th stage]"

"[Title: Elder of Seven library hall]"

"[skills: Hill Chaos Tornado, hundred-wind blades, Great Ox tackle] [More+]"

"[status: Internal injuries, Half-meridian rupture]"

"he is 7th stage void realm master, no wonder he had such heavy aura, ho-ho! this is a surprise, I never thought that he would be injured and he even had some raptured meridians, I wonder how did that happen! -But the bigger surprise is this one, he has got a Constitution, aren't they just too rare, I wonder if he himself knows about it? well whatever, time to find some cultivation methods, but we are not allowed to go beyond the red line, what do we do?"

"[System: Host need to concentrate prana inside the brain and balance it inside the cerebrum, and then let it flow outside to use 'Deific-Sense', then Law can completely scan the whole building.]"

"now that's what I call awesome, by the way, can you also record the content of methods, all those techniques and arcane arts present here? I might need them in the future."

"[System: Host has not yet formed a 'knowledge-ocean' to record and store anything]"

"what about you? Can't you just record it inside yourself?"

"[System: host need to go through contents visually for the law to record them, using Deific-Sense can only let law compare methods if they are useful or not]"

"Alright after this, I will look for some methods you can record".

After 5 minutes

"have you found anything useful?"

"[System: There is no suitable method present here]"

"ah dam- so poor! Can't even collect some useful methods, well let's just go and record some techniques for future preference, you can at least tell me which ones useful right?".

"[System: Indeed]"

"alright then , what are we waiting for!"

Law gave instructions as to which one to collect, while Aarav went through all of them one by one with full speed, he was at the last book while his cousin Carleton noticed him flipping through pages.

He laughed loudly and said

"hey, half brain punk!- he doesn't understand shit and Is just flipping the pages thinking he might catch some like this ha-ha, now- how did you get in here? this place is not for garbages like you, so you might wanna get out of here."

"Who are you again?" said Aarav in an un-concerned tone

People around them started giggling

"y-you! Ha, I don't care, you get out of here, only those who have reached 3rd stage of spirit realm can come here, and so ants like you should get the fuck out of here, who is so stupid to let you in?"

Aarav completely ignored him, Carleton felt great shame and Disrespect at that moment and got really angry and shouted.

"you ant, how dare you ignore me? Let me show you the difference between in us and our status."

Carleton rushed towards Aarav while using internal energy in his punch

"ha- you so predictable shit." said Aarav while easily avoiding and at the same time tripping Carleton.

Carleton fell on the floor while hurting himself with his own punch, Aarav speed was very fast for Carleton to even notice.

While panting Carleton shouted "you fucker, everyone surround and beat the shit out of him, I will pay 10 gold coin to whosoever get me his teeth! They are all 3rd and 4th stage, how will you save yourself ant?".

While each of them rushed towards Aarav, he avoided them all without any bit of effort and tripping them all as well, some even ended hurting their allies.

"you fucker- let me show you the true power."

Carleton took out a Mid-grade Soul artifact, 'Red-knuckles' which can injure or sometimes can even kill anyone below the 6th stage of spirit realm.

Before he could attack, Elder Robion appeared and caught Carleton's hands, he used soul pressure which suppressed them and they all went in a state of fear and it even became hard to breathe.

"[System: Soul pressure detected, removing Negative status]"

Law helped Aarav cope with the Soul pressure and elder Robion too observed that Aarav was unaffected, while others were panting heavily.

"How dare you use force in my Hall? Don't you know it's banned to do, also for all this I can even heavily punish you, and no one would stop me." He said in a deep voice

"I-It's w-wasn't me E-Elder, i-it was Aarav who broke inside the hall, I asked him to leave but he attacked me, so I was just protecting myself, i-it was all self-defense," Carleton said in a low tone.

"boy, he is already at 3rd stage of the spirit realm so he does have all the Qualifications to come here, and also you think I am not competent enough to stop intruders?