
The ending of All

When trapped between a situation of life and death, would you follow your original fate's design or would you take the offer of the Gentleman who claims to be the ending of everything? [occasional dual POV included!] Villains are the ones whose point of views are never shown! Jihha is a flourishing and thriving businesswoman who is upfront about what she wants and what she DOES NOT want. With everything she would ever want, nothing can go wrong right? Until, all of her fears are released and she finds herself wishing for everything to end. But is there someone out there who can help her? Someone who can actually bring ending to all? That is where the angel of obliteration enters her life. Like literally! With lethal appearance and even more lethal desires, he really does not appeal as someone trustworthy in Jihha's eye. And yet he claims that he would DIE to complete her wish. So with all of her sorrow, she closes a deal with him. With twists and turns, the real sinful plans of Angel of obliteration (Luka) are laid out in front of her by the help of Wang. By the help Jihha receives from Wang, the being that only desire peace and fulfillment of fate, she came to know the reality and the whole truth, the deal she made is really what she wanted or was that a mere weakness of the moment? {TRIGGER WARNING!!! This is not something for kids to read because some topics may go sensitive!!!}

arfah_ata · ファンタジー
23 Chs

21. Greeting the 'great' Wang.



1/2 of an hour, 2 minutes and 36 seconds. The amount of time I have spent sitting here at my chair, listening to the monthly report of our sales and electronic responses and approach, via emails, Instagram, etc. while my eyes shifted between the main screen and my wrist watch. On the other hand, the day was very bright and sunny. Additionally, every single person around me seemed cheery and happy. The autumn breeze continued to wrap everything within her while the grace of sunlight kept everyone warm and comfortable. The sales were doing well and the stocks were in our favor. Everything was perfect as it should be!

When the presentation ended, all of us began to clap and congratulate each other. I stood up, with a satisfactory grin on my face and addressed everyone, "You guys did amazing this season! The results are now in front of our eyes and because of so, the company picnic and workshops will continue to happen as usual on the basis of my promise to everyone. It is everyone's fate!"

My words lingered in air while the meeting hall erupted from a strong spell of claps and cheerful greetings. I smiled before moving outside the door and to go over the next affairs that requires my attention. Everything was joyous and just...extraordinary. I have everything I ever wanted, I just wish that my aunt was here to see me...to see THIS!!! But her time came early and-

Wait....she died...but then-

I paused my steps as my gut feelings carried my thoughts....my aunt died?


did she really-

"Jihha!" my thoughts came back to the reality and I saw Daelen, running towards me. I have never seen HIM acting carefree like this before. It is cute, almost like...almost like- Almost like who? "I mean um, Ma'am...I just-", Daelen caught his breath while grinning like a child in between his breath. The area around his eyes wrinkled in a way I have never seen before. His hair was always slicked back perfectly but today, some strands went astray and rested on his forehead. He was almost my height if I was wearing heels like I usually do but still was just a tad bit taller even then. His skin was a little more tanned and he was just a tiny bit smaller in height in comparison to-

In comparison to...to...

Comparison to who? Someone with this dark aura but-

"Can we...talk?" Daelen inquired, interrupting my thoughts and I just nodded slightly. I could have made a thousands of excuses, knowing damn well that I am ACTUALLY busy but it was just something that did not let me do what I actually wanted. It was something similar to what a marionette may feel while being attached to a number of strings, forced to do what they are told. But then again....I pushed that aside and moved towards my office. I am Jihha Lusik, not any marionette and therefore all of this is just MY delusions. I walked inside my office and heard someone closing the door behind me; and I knew it was Daelen. I opened the documents attached to the binder clip that was neatly placed on my desk and spoke while addressing him, "So, is everything alright? Is there any problem with the staff or-"

"I wanted to talk about me...and..."


"With due respect, me and you!"

I felt it...I was able to feel my mouth slightly apart and the shock that must have been on my face. "about us...I mean...well, respectfully, I....we...I have known you for more than 2 years and you are just....extraordinary. Day by day I began to draw towards you and I had no idea why. Maybe it was your beauty, or maybe it was your intellect and intelligence or maybe it was...both?"

I was...shocked. What is happening and why is it happening? The man in front me had a look of relief, admiration. excitement and fear. Fear of rejection, I think. I was not able to form a single word to convey the message of 'please go away!' without sounding rude, but I was about to try when he took some steps towards me and grabbed my hand while saying, "I really like you...more than coworkers, more than just boss and employee, more than friends! I really like you and I-"

"...I also like you so much!" that came out of me, my mouth and I did not even realized that I said THAT. What is happening? I never intended to say THAT! What I wanted to say was completely opposite and I was feeling like as If I am being controlled....like a marionette. But, Daelen's face immediately lit up and he pulled me closer in his embrace.

This was not something that I was doing on my own accord! I felt powerless-


I stepped inside my penthouse with every single thing I had in my hands. Most of the things that happened today were...heavenly and yet questionable and appalling. Home is a place where I can just be myself! And yet everything seems weird and off, but I guess it is just me… it must be because- Because I have no other explanations...

Setting every single concerns of mine aside, I went to take a shower and then went to my couch with my tea, that my mom sent me from her vacation, life is going alright, it is just work mostly. I sat down and began to look through my emails on the phone. When I was done, I stood up and was about to go to sleep when my gaze went upon the portrait of my aunt….her death was painful but I am stable now, I miss her a lot but I will do well in life so that her soul can be in peace and her death- wait…..my aunt's death?

Something is wrong…..my aunt can not die yet…I made sure of it somehow….! Also, mom? Trecia would never- I stumbled back while confusion took over me…I, then realized that all this time I had a diadem laying on the table in front of me….where did this came from? Should I throw this...I looked up to wall clock…it's almost midnight…..

"Where is he? He did not pop up during the day and now-." What did I just said…..he? Why did that slip? Who is he........A name came to my head. Obliteration...realm king....Luka…..deal...the CROWN….something is not right. This is not the actual REALITY at all. My aunt never died, not yet, and….I picked up the crown while the chains of it hung free from my grip and with shaking hands I placed the crown on my head like it was calling for me, drawing me in more and more. As soon as the crown was placed, its other embellishments began to adjust to me and I heard a glass shattering noise…




And here I stood….in this blue hallway, no sound except the sound of the heels of someone walking towards me. I can see a figure coming towards me; when it became clear I saw a tall, young and pale man with a smirk on his face. His eyes were somewhat green and he had brunette hair while his appearance seems like a model but he was not something normal. There was motive in his demeanor.

"What you seek was what you saw mostly." He said and his gaze landed on me…. "Of course to get something you have to lose something as well and in this case it was your aunt, my obliteration queen"...it took me some time to process what I saw today and what I was hearing…..but indeed my day today was undoubtedly questionable AND it was pleasant but it was not satisfactory, the major pieces of the puzzle were missing.

"I...I don't want that if my aunt is the dead! Also I admit it was a pleasant experience but it was not even the half of what I wanted….I don't know what was it but the major pieces of a satisfactory life, at least MY life, that I desire for were missing. "

"I understand but here is the thing….some things that were shown is your desires….your sub-consciousness's desires to be exact. The only way you can be happy is if you let go both your aunt and the obliteration, and follow the design of your fate that indeed this nature has prepared for you. The world you saw is the world that was filled with your original fate and perhaps some illusions. Now I guess you are smart to know what fate was and…" he said and looked away…

"…..and what illusion was. Who even are you?" I said as his expression became satisfied. "Either way, why am I here? What is this place?"

"You guessed it right…it's not reality but it is not fake…..it's something I want and something you want. As for as my introduction that you slightly bothered to ask, I am Wang, the lieutenant of fate! Now, tell me, was that NOT pleasant. You had your choices impact on yourself and you were not bound to anything or anyone, all that for just a small sacrifice….don't you want that? A peaceful life without disturbing the order of the world?"

"NO! Is that all what matters for YOU? MY AUNT IS NOT THE SACRIFICE I CAN MAKE JUST FOR MY WELL BEING or FATE'S... now I think it is time for you to finish this illusion!" I exclaimed and he just…..smirked.

"When you will wake up, you will see something different… but you see if this deal of yours goes wrong…this Luka, that has become a little significant to you, can also perish forever! This deal although, has already gone wrong in many ways! I am sure that you know what I mean! Bye then!"

"Wait what do you mean?"

I again hear this glass shattering voice….

























"....Jihha wake up already…..please I am begging you"



Let's see what he brings! I hope you like this and also I hope that you know that your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Additionally, if you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know ^_^

arfah_atacreators' thoughts