
The ending of All

When trapped between a situation of life and death, would you follow your original fate's design or would you take the offer of the Gentleman who claims to be the ending of everything? [occasional dual POV included!] Villains are the ones whose point of views are never shown! Jihha is a flourishing and thriving businesswoman who is upfront about what she wants and what she DOES NOT want. With everything she would ever want, nothing can go wrong right? Until, all of her fears are released and she finds herself wishing for everything to end. But is there someone out there who can help her? Someone who can actually bring ending to all? That is where the angel of obliteration enters her life. Like literally! With lethal appearance and even more lethal desires, he really does not appeal as someone trustworthy in Jihha's eye. And yet he claims that he would DIE to complete her wish. So with all of her sorrow, she closes a deal with him. With twists and turns, the real sinful plans of Angel of obliteration (Luka) are laid out in front of her by the help of Wang. By the help Jihha receives from Wang, the being that only desire peace and fulfillment of fate, she came to know the reality and the whole truth, the deal she made is really what she wanted or was that a mere weakness of the moment? {TRIGGER WARNING!!! This is not something for kids to read because some topics may go sensitive!!!}

arfah_ata · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

20. Revenge for you.

Luka (obliteration)


Will it be weird to say that it was fun, up to some degree to call Jihha a LITERAL idiot in another language which she failed to comprehend? Given her ethnicity as per her appearance, I thought she will catch onto Urdu but oh well, she didn't! I will continue to do so what I did earlier. It was funny and her lost face was cute but, what just happened is nothing less than an alarm, telling me repeatedly that I should stay away from the girl as much as possible. Even during the closing of our deal, I felt something....additional. There was this feel of something indescribable during the binding that should not have been there in the presence of any human, and that was also a siren! I may or may not have kissed her once by pure mistake and I was under the grasp of my 'emotions', but not anymore! I would never think of doing anything like that! I would rather die than to do anything for her! I would-

"SIR! I found him!" Solve announced from outside the halls before barging in the main hall from the door. Rae ran behind him in an attempt to calm him down, "solvo! For the sakes of whatever elysian euphoria you are going through, CALM DOWN!!!". Did it work? Momentarily! Rae shot me a look of 'I did what was possible now handle it on your own!', before she was about to turn to take her leave. I gestured her to leave as soon as possible because Solvo was on the verge of exploding. "found who solvo?"

"WALINE! The one you-"

"YOU DID?!", screw whatever I was thinking first, a couple moments ago, I am going to maintain my distance from my little human while continuing to look out for her. She also deserves to be.....cared for! "Yes I did! Waline Tereberg is a lawyer that defended Jihh- I mean ma'am Jihha's relative as per the records. But, funfact, that 'relative' is actually someone close to her but I did not fish around her privacy-"

"good job.." I sighed so he may get to the real point

"and get this, around her elementary years, there-"

"Get to the point solvo!" I threw my head back in annoyance while directing him to tell me what I actually WANTED to hear. "Oh well- I was getting there, Waline Tereberg somehow got in contact with Jihha and- he did some things, some not so morality concerning things that-". I straightened up immediately with rage moving down my spine and I broke in, "Solvo, bring him to me and leave!"

"Sir, I will but-"

"Bring. Him. To. Me." I tried to remain calm so I won't grit my teeth into powder but alas, I was not succeeding. This mere insect did something highly UNACCEPTABLE to my human and there is no way I will let him live past that. "y-yes sir..." there was fear in his voice and with each passing minute, I felt something cold pressed against my frame, my surroundings began to get a thin sheet of ice and frost when Solve returned with an old-ish man. He was scarred and scared as well. The scars looked fresh and was probably Solvo's doings and I was proud of the lad for once. Solvo pushed him towards the floor and that insect fell by face first. Solvo took a step back and looked at me for further commands and I gestured him to take his leave. Upon seeing this, the man cried out, "no..nononono, NO! Do not leave me here! I-" he looked at back me while fear lingered in his eyes. I took a whole check of the man in front of me.

Fair skin, which was now pale white, small eyes, square face, grey hair, ashy lips and beer stained teeth. This man is a stain for the whole humanity...just like everybody else except my human. His trembling was my amusement while his pleadings were music. I chuckled when he said that he would do anything to get my mercy. "And how do you know that this is not a dream?" I asked before pulling myself up from my seat and striding towards that insect. With each step I took, he crawled back while shivering with fear. The ice streak kept increasing but it was freezing yet ignited on fire. "p-please... I am i-ino-innocent!"

"Shh! I did not ask whether you are innocent or not, I asked that how do YOU know that all of this," I gestured around while opening my arms, ", is real?". Waline gulped down his saliva before speaking, "this does not feel like a dream....this feels like eternal-"

"Torment?" I asked while I was holding myself back from burning him. He nodded and with a trembling bottom lip he again spoke, "w-why are y-you s-smirking???". I chuckled lowly before waving my hand and sat on the floor in front of him. He yelped as I was bending down. This man had no idea about what was coming next for him! "Toss that aside! Waline, my friend, Waline Tereberg! We are friends okay? I will personally tell Solvo to apologize to you for all of this before he takes you to the big boss and-"

"There is another b-big boss?!" Waline spoke in a state of fright. How dare he cut in my sentence?! "Yes! I hate him though! He over reacts a little too much." I said, putting emphasis and tone to my 'yes' while holding back my fury and continued, "basically I help the humans to plead and receive mercy! But YOU must tell me the bare truth of your wrong doings!". I hated that sentence that left my mouth. I would rather die than to help any human! Well...except my human because I will help her and it is due to the fact that she is tolerable.

"I have never done anything wrong! Not even a single thing!" he formed the perfect sentence to assert with a prideful face. And yet, his fingers were fidgeting. I nodded before scooting over, closer to where he was, "That is good then! But what have you to done to this...some Jihha?" I dragged the question in the most friendliest tone possible and confusion was laced on Waline's face. He kept his expression confused like he did not remember any Jihha. I mean, she may be annoying but my human is unforgettable!

The next thing that came out of my mouth was the most biggest and fattest lie I have ever thought of, I hate lying to people I care about and luckily this insect is the one I officially hate the most, "well if you forgot about any Jihha Lusik then that is COOL! I hate that bitch! I mean she is a human but sometimes I just want to-"

"She is annoying...but she is good!", he broke in my sentence again but this time he had a satisfactory grin plastered on his face and it was the most annoying thing I have ever witnessed. For a moment I was confused on the part of 'she is good!'. "Like in good in what? Business? Trade? Negotiation? Morals? partnership? Presentation? What do you- "

"Taking d*ck!" the man said while laughing and shaking his head as if he was proud. "Well....At least she was good at that when she was 12. Ah! I still remember that wh*re's pleadings and how she-"










Waline's blood dripped from the knuckles of my fist and sprayed all across the floor. The man trembled in pain while being horrified due to his blood spraying out. I felt my body shaking in pure white rage while I stepped over that man's body. "What. Did. You. Do?"

"You said we were friends a-" a sharp kick to his limbs and he rolled back with a loud groan. "I said that WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HUMAN?!!". That man began to scream for help and the door barged open, revealing an amused Solvo and a shocked Rae. "Boss! I will handle the rest! This human will-"

"Solvo....maybe we should just go...." Rae suggested before grabbing his hand. I could feel her gesturing Solvo to pay attention to the surroundings or my rage. In less than a split second, me and this stain of humanity were again left alone. "Should I repeat myself?!?!" I asked as my voice echoed through the hall.

That man immediately went on his knees and began to bow while rubbing his hands together, "p-please! I would face the b-big boss and whatever h-his punishment may be b-but-". Another blow of my fist but this time, I made my hand extra searing. That man's screams were full of pain and fright as his skin continued to burn and bleed. "I AM the BOSS here!"

"then-" another blow like before and, "Answer. Me!"

"FINE! that g-girl was 11 or 12 when she came to the p-police station when I first saw her!" another kick but this time I grabbed him by his hair and pulled the bastard upwards so he was on his knees. "continue!"

"She was s-scared , w-weak and abused. Police called her a-aunt to give her the kid. I t-took the opportunity and-". Next thing I heard was how he screamed when his torso and lower half were lit on fire. His cries were loud and inconvenient towards my peace but he messed with the wrong being's little human!

With a flick of my hand, the fire ceased to ignite and completely extinguished. Waline's skin was disgustingly burned and all red. His whimpering did not stop but loud screams began again as his untouched skin 'moved' to cover the burned areas, "Oh look! you are healing!"


He stopped....he stopped when his eyes went towards his hands that were bare, completely bare, deprived of any skin or skin tissue. He screamed in fear before I whistled to get his attention back and showed him a mirror. His face was stripped of skin and he continued to bleed, and scream in fear and pain. "What-"

"you skin is repairing itself....by pulling your untouched skin towards the damaged areas!"

"I-It hurts! Please....H-have mercy!"

I laughed at the man's humor. "Pathetic! Did you take any mercy on that 12 year old?"

"please....I...I will apologize to her! I will atone for my sins in any way she-"

"No...nonono!" I cooed as I walked back to my throne. I wiped away the blood from my hands and adjusted the crown before crossing my legs and leaning back on the seat while that insect continued to screech at an annoyingly loud voice. I scoffed before gesturing him to zip up his mouth and he finally fell silent! But his mouth was sealed completely and blood continued to drip as his mouth was finally sewed. "This IS your atonement! You see, my little human is way too divine to have her gaze laid on you, a human junk, so whatever is happening to you is YOUR atonement! Congratulations!"

That man silently screamed in fear....I mean his mouth was sewed in with metal threads so...Before I could have said anything, someone again barged in my throne room...this time, it was an acquaintance rather than a worker, it was Seine. "Obli, I hope your torture is done!"

"Oh no....I was just getting started!". And the loud whimpering of the man began again. That was so entertaining to my ears. But everything must come to an end, Siene gestured Solvo to take Waline somewhere else. When It was done, she did not even gave me a chance before speaking, "IN WHAT MIND WERE YOU IN WHEN YOU STRUCK A DEAL WITH A CELESTIAL???"

"What? What celestial?" I asked before standing up. "I did not-"

"The queen of obliterating realm!"

"There is no queen!"

"There is! That Jihha! You know that it is a sure doom to close a deal with a celestial and you did close one with her! She-"

"She is not the queen anymore! I took it back and made that null!" I chuckled before moving away and Siene spoke again...















"She still is and the crown demands her! After what you have done; without the crown, she will die and with the crown, you will!"

So, how are we feeling? Was this fun? Luka really would not forgive anyone that messes with Jihha! What are your thoughts? Tell me in comments and please do vote!!! And If you like it then make sure to add this in your library!

arfah_atacreators' thoughts