
Gambling room

Zane blinked, Stone of Bile. Why does that sound familiar? Wait…wait, the stone of bile, like the real one. Zane felt like he could not believe his ears.

He turned to look at Jasper who nodded, "When I brought it here, I could feel like another piece was here but it was hiding. The third time's the charm. I tend to have a little luck."

A little? Was that understatement, a little too understating?


"So how does this work?" Zane looked at Jasper to explain.

"You pay for a turn. The amount of tags you can shoot in five seconds, you would get the corresponding amount of boxes." Jasper suddenly smiled, "Brother you are a sniper, aren't you? Shooting with arrows should not be difficult?'

"Do they sound like the same class to you? Snipers and Archers have entirely different skill sets." He wanted to say more when he saw the expression in Jasper's eyes. He knew that his younger brother was just manipulating him but he could not help but cave.